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Projects by Defence Capability Investment Area

Specialized Services (CBRNE, HAZMAT, diving)

6 projects were found under "Specialized Services (CBRNE, HAZMAT, diving)". (Select another Defence Capability Investment Area).

Project Funding Ranges Definition Approval Implementation Approval Initial Delivery Final Delivery Project Sponsor
Armoured Combat Support Vehicle (ACSV) $1 billion to $4.99 billion Completed In Progress Completed 2024/2025 Canadian Army
Canadian Surface Combatant Greater than $5 billion In Progress 2023/2024 Early 2030s 2040s Royal Canadian Navy
Chemical Agent Sensor $50 million to $99 million Completed Completed 2023/2024 2024/2025 Canadian Army
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Enhancement $50 million to $99 million Completed Completed Completed 2024/2025 Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
Joint Support Ship $1 billion to $4.99 billion Completed In Progress 2025/2026 2026/2027 Royal Canadian Navy
StrongBow $100 million to $249 million Completed Completed 2023/2024 2027/2028 Royal Canadian Navy

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