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Backgrounder: Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

For the first time, Canada's defence policy includes a strong commitment to diversity and gender equality.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is committed to demonstrating leadership in reflecting Canadian ideals of diversity, respect and inclusion, including striving for gender equality, and building a workforce that leverages the diversity and multicultural fabric of Canadian society.

One of the key tools Defence is implementing is Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+). Used to inform our decision-making process in support of developing successful programs, policies and operations, GBA+ enables us to respond to specific needs and circumstances of groups and populations that are affected by our activities.

First and foremost, Defence is committed to using GBA+ analysis in its full range of programs and services that support and care for Canadian Armed Forces personnel. This is critical to ensure that we can meet the requirements of a diverse and multicultural workforce across Canada. We will apply GBA+ when we make purchases of new equipment and materiel or build new infrastructure, to ensure all CAF members' needs are considered.

Critically, we are incorporating GBA+ into planning and execution of operations to improve operational effectiveness, ensuring we understand the social, cultural, or other differences of those who are disproportionately affected by conflict and crisis, anywhere in the world.

CAF gender advisors, both in Canada and on deployed operations, will inform and advise on gender considerations in operational planning and doctrine. CAF members and civilian personnel now undertake GBA+ training so that all military policies are examined through a GBA+ lens, and are shaped as needed to achieve best effects.

Thoroughly integrating GBA+ considerations into all aspects of Defence operations, planning, doctrine, policies, training, education, and program development will ensure Defence is more responsive and better able to address specific needs and circumstances. Working to implement and advance the Women, Peace and Security agenda laid out in the United Nations Security Council's landmark Resolution 1325 and subsequent related resolutions will also be an important aspect of Canada's international military engagement.

GBA+ was used as an integral component in Canada's Defence Policy Review which included the most comprehensive consultation process ever undertaken on defence issues. It included a GBA+ roundtable hosted by the Minister of Status of Women, and used a GBA+ perspective to assess related implications as they pertain to defence. That feedback was used in the development of Canada's defence policy.

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