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kohki - 08/11/2023

Thank you for protecting CANADA!

mehrad - 08/11/2023

Thank you for Saving us

Dan - 08/11/2023

Thank you for protecting Canada

Olivia - 08/11/2023

I am in a gr 10 Canadian history course and I've learned a lot about WW1 so far. I learned that there were very hard living conditions and the trenches were filled with rats and illnesses that would overrun soldiers. I know Canada played a big role in WW1 and the troops had to be brave and strong in order to overcome both the physical and mental battles they faced. I'm continuing to learn about the roles Canada played in war and I would like to thank all of the soldiers, whether they died protecting our country or made it back home. Thank you!

Bayside Middle School- Saint John, NB - G8 Cleal - 08/11/2023

Hello, We hope you are having a good day! We hope you are safe. We appreciate what you are doing, thank you for your service. We are proud to have our freedoms because of your service. Thanks for helping other countries as well as protecting ours. Canada is proud of you. We hope you get to be with your family and or friends soon. Peace and love, Grade 8 Bayside Middle School - Saint John, NB.

Evan, Maelle, Andrew - 08/11/2023

Dear Service Member, We just want to say thank you for the work you've done protecting our country. We hope you stay safe. Sincerely, Evan, 13, Andrew, 13, Maelle, 13

Brooklynnne, Megan and Grace - 08/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, At our school, we are taking a day to remember and thank you for all that you have done to keep us safe! You are very brave and humble to be serving our country to help us keep our families and friends safe! Once again, we thank you for your kind and safekeeping service! From Megan, Brooklynne, and Grace

Joshua - 08/11/2023

Dear CAF member, I thank you greatly for your services and all that you do for our country. In school, we are in the process of reading a book called "The Hiding Place" By Corrie TenBoom. We also had a tour of the 2nd World War just yesterday. I understand how difficult it can be to fight for your country. Thank you. - Joshua

Eva, Ava, Deborah - 08/11/2023

Dear Service member, We are immensely grateful for all the dangerous work you have done to keep us safe. You help pave the way to a bright future. We pray that you will stay safe and stay hopeful that there are better things ahead. From Eva, Ava, and Deborah Gr.8 students at Providence Christian School

Sequoia, Joanna, and Cassidy - 08/11/2023

Dear Servicemember, Hi, our names are Sequoia, Joanna, and Cassidy. Our school would like to thank you so much for your service to our country. We are so lucky to have people willing to sacrifice for us. We hope you will be able to make a safe return home and that you will be able to spend time with your family. Thank you for spending your valuable time to read this. Sequoia, Cassidy, Joanna

Nathan,Travis and Ulises - 08/11/2023

Dear servicemember we are so thankful for your service to this country. Thank you for doing the hard work for us.

Willa, Meaghan, Keira - 08/11/2023

Dear Canadian soldier, We are three girls from Providence Christian School who wanted to tell you how much we appreciate what you do to keep us safe and to keep our country safe. Our families sleep peacefully at night because of the work that you and your team are doing. It's not always easy but we thank you for your services and courage. From Willa, Meaghan, and Keira

Casey, Lily, Sophia - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, Thank you so much for the work that you do to help our country. We appreciate your bravery and loyalty. Our school is so grateful for all the hard work you go through to help us. We wish you safety.

James Birchall - 08/11/2023

Canadian Armed Forces, Lest We Forget James B.

Kate - 08/11/2023

Bonjour chers combattants, je suis personnellement très heureuse de pouvoir vous remercier pour vos actions et mérites, je vous envoie toute ma gratitude ainsi que mes 2 fils. Soyez forts et soyez fier de vos accomplissements. Votre toute dévouée, Kate

Bayside -Saint John, NB Grade 7 Class - 08/11/2023

Hello, We want to say hello and thank you for your service. We appreciate what you are doing for us. Thank you for protecting our country. Just keep moving for us, we hope you are safe and home soon with your friends and or family. We have had family members of our class serve for our country and we know how difficult and dangerous it is. We are always thinking about you, especially this time of year. Peace and love, Grade 7 Bayside Middle School - Mr. Long's class.

Julie - 07/11/2023

Merci de prendre soin de notre pays. Votre persévérance est exemplaire. Fière de nos Canadiens.

Auriel - 07/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, I would like to thank you for being protectors of our country, keeping us safe and being amazing human beings. Thank you very much.

Liam - 07/11/2023

Thank you for risking your lives for us

Breanna - 07/11/2023

Thank you for giving us this beautiful life. We love you

Aleyah - 07/11/2023

We are sad that you are in the war

Noah - 07/11/2023

Thank you for fighting for all of us

Noah - 07/11/2023

I am sorry for all the fighting. I love you

Mordecai - 07/11/2023

Thank you for being as brave as you can and for sacrificng so much

Maddox - 07/11/2023

I’m sad because you are fighting. I am thinking about you

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