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Kaixiang - 07/11/2023

Dear Canadian troop I am 9 and I am in grade 4 and I am in Ottawa I am writing this letter to because it is Remembrance day. I really appreciate your work without it Canada won't be like this thank you for your hard work.

Harry - 07/11/2023

Dear soldier, I am a grade 4 student of turnbull school. I am grateful for your service to our Country. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. From : Harry

Nadia - 07/11/2023

Dear soldier I am Nadia and I am in grade 4 I am so thankful for what you do you are a inspiration and I am so happy for what you do so thank you. From Nadia

Eric - 07/11/2023

Dear soldier, I'm from Ottawa, Ontario and i'm in grade four I want to thank you that you guys protected Canada without you guys, we will not be here now. I also want to thank you because thousands of soldiers sacrifice because of the war. Thank you very very much to protect Canada.

Henry - 07/11/2023

Dear Soldier Thank you so much I am so grateful for your life and I am so happy you are fighting for are peace I hope you are ok and you are happy and thank you so much. I am in Turnbull school Canada Ontario Grade 4 but still thank you so much Love Henry

Eric - 07/11/2023

Dear soldier, I'm from Ottawa, Ontario and i'm in grade four I want to thank you that you guys protected Canada without you guys, we will not be here now. I also want to thank you because thousands of soldiers sacrifice because of the war. Thank you very very much to protect Canada.

Jackson - 07/11/2023

thank you for peace in our country and fighting for peace we all are happy that you fight for peace and freedom i hope you guys do not die and have a better life.

Jackson - 07/11/2023

thank you for peace in our country and fighting for peace we all are happy that you fight for peace and freedom i hope you guys do not die and have a better life.

nathan - 07/11/2023

thank you for fighting for are country.I am theanfle forethe most fresh woter in the world and you lete me cip it.I hop yore boing betre.

Jackson - 07/11/2023

Thank you for fighting for are country so it is safe and free. My great great grandpa went in the war and survived and I am happy he did. I hope you have a grate day by.

Jennie - 07/11/2023

Dear soldier, Thank you for all you do to protect our country. We appreciate your work to keep our coun

Anna - 07/11/2023

Hi, thank you for fighting for freedom I thank you so much and I hope you live a long life in your future. If one of your family members are in the military like you I hope they do not die. I am so happy you survived the wars you have been in. I hope you have a good life and I wish you a good time in the military. By: Anna good bye I hope I see you in real life.

Eason Xie - 07/11/2023

Hello,I'm Eason.Thank you for always protecting us and our country

Jacob Wong and chunky - 07/11/2023

Hello Soldiers of the Canadian Army, We are both 11 years old and we go to John McCrae Public School, Markham, Ontario. We admire and look up to the soldiers that fought for Canada in the World Wars, who also saved many lives. We hope no other wars happen and our country lives in peace. Sincerely, Jacob Wong and Chunky

Ondrea - 07/11/2023

hi I'm Ondrea i am 11 years old and I was born in Hong Kong I moved to Canada two years ago and I heard than there are many brave soldiers that protect Canada . thank you :D

Cole and Clark - 07/11/2023

Dear soldiers of Canada, Thank you for sacrificing yourself for our freedom in all the wars. You knew that there was high risk, but you still tried as hard as you could to fight for our country. You didn't want a war but you still fought in it even if we win or lose. I wish we could have a peaceful world forever, but some people just stop that from happening. Thank you for all the service and hard work you put into your job. Thank you for fighting even though you were forced, and had to suffer living as a soldier with the food and the tight sleep schedule. I just want to say, thank you for all your hard work and sacrifices.

Zoey - 07/11/2023

HI I'm Zoey. I am 10 year old and now I am learning about Remembrance Day. Thank you for in fighting for peace for our country.

Mandy & Natalie - 07/11/2023

Hi, we are Mandy & Natalie. Thank you so much for serving our country, without your sacrifices we wouldn't have a peaceful life in Canada. You are really brave for joining the army and protecting this beautiful country. Your bravery is our hope, we will protect this awesome country too. Thank you for all your service, we hope you have an amazing day! ??

Kiara & Lucas - 07/11/2023

I am grateful for the people who sacrifice their lives for peace.

Sarah - 07/11/2023

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am 11 years old. I live in Markham, Canada. Today, I am learning about Remembrance Day in school. I learned about your courage and bravery in the First World War. Thank you for helping our country have peace. Without you, we might not have peace at all in our country. Everyone will be thankful for you forever.

Alex & Aiden - 07/11/2023

Thank you so much!!! We gladly appreciate you guys for all the stuff you have done for us. We are all hoping that you keep serving honouring the country for us. We are really grateful and thankful for everything you have done for this country. Sincerely, Alex & Aiden :D

Humza,Isabelle - 07/11/2023

Hi my name Is Isabelle and my partners name is Humza we are almost 12. We are very thankful for your service in the military, and we are very thankful for your sacrifice to keep us safe Thank You all for your sacrifice

Celine and Emma - 07/11/2023

Thank you for protecting us and serving our country. I really appreciate you and you deserve thanks every day for your service.

Devin Ye - 07/11/2023

thank you.

Sophie - 07/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, Hi. I am Sophie and I am 11 years old and today in school, we are learning about remembrance day. I want to thank you for your services and appreciate your hard work. Thank you for making the sacrifices that you did to keep the country safe. Sophie, Markham (GTA), Ontario

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