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Brigit - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for all of your hard work that you do for Canada to keep it safe. Thank you for helping us when we were in COVID times and when everything was closed down. Thank you for fighting for my freedom to vote, and the freedom to go to school. Thank you for helping the Ukranians because they are not safe in their home.

Rosey - 11/11/2022

Dear Veterans, Hi my name is Rosey and i wanted to tell you how thankful I am for all you have done for us. You sacrificed your lives for our peace and safety, and I want to repay you by telling you how thankful i am and much respect i have for you.Thank you for all you have done.

Carlos - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian military I want to thank you all for leaving your families to protect our country I respect all of hard work during World Wars and practice. Thank you so much From Canadian Carlos.

Class 121 - 11/11/2022

Friday, November 11th, 2022 Dear Soldiers, We are a class at Parkinson Centennial P.S. We want to thank you for keeping our country safe. What is your favourite part about being a soldier? From, Class 121

Abigail - 11/11/2022

Dear troops of Canada hi my name is Abigail I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for our country! thank you for being our hero and for being very grateful, and thank you for protecting us. Thank you troops of Canada from your dear Canadian Abigail.

Christhian - 11/11/2022

Hello I dont know who you are but I do know that you are a part of the army. I know you’ve trained hard to be there and continue to do so as a soldier and that is an admirable quality about you and the other troops. You have my respect because of what you do and have done. I encourage you to keep going and accomplish great things since you are capable of doing so. I hope everything goes well for you and other troops too and come back home to your families and whatnot. Goodluck.

ben r - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers Thank you for saving cananda Please come to our shool. Bye.

Isabella - 11/11/2022

Wednesday November 9th 2022 Dear Soldiers, My name is Isabella and I'm 11. I like the plague row bar and hanging out with my friends. I have a dog. Her name is Molly and she's a chocolate lab. Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for helping our world .Thank you for keeping us safe. I hope you stay safe. How do you drive the tanks? Hope you stay safe, Isabella

hannah s - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers you must be very strong . We will never froget you.

matthew c - 11/11/2022

Thank you soldiers for making our land peaceful. Thank you soldiers for protecting our land.

Juwon.A - 11/11/2022

Dear, soldiers my name is Juwon, I wanted to say thank you. You risked your life for our country. You did so much for us I can't repay you back. Thank you soldiers.??

Emma - 11/11/2022

thank your for caring for us we appreciate you give peace in our world and thanks for your harmony and your bravery

Ryan c - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers thank you for keeping us safe. Can you come to our school? We will think of all of those who fought in the wars.

Autumn - 11/11/2022

Hi my is name Autumn my Grandpa was in the army thank you for serving our country. You guys are Heroes my grandpa tells me lots of stories

Andrzei G - 11/11/2022

Dear soldier Thank you for saving our planet from evil and I will never forget you. I hope you go to heaven soldier.

Kathryn - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Hello My name is Kathryn and I am a grade 5 student Thank you for caring for our freedom. We really appreciate your sacrifice to fight for us. Thank you for your bravery, Dedication, Contribution, Participation peace for Canada. I don't know you but you are probably a very good soldier. All over Canada on November 11 Remember all the soldiers who fought for us.

Sam - 11/11/2022

Hello, Thank you for you're service. I'm so grateful to grow up in a safe country like Canada. I hope you are well and safe.

Elliana - 11/11/2022

Hi veteran thank you so so for pretecting us and keeping all of us safe. I really apresheate what you did for all of us so I just want to tell you thank you so much for sacrificing your lives just so we can keep our country and for us to be safe.I all ways wear a popie on every rememberence day so I can all ways remember you guys who fought for are country and us all.Thank you bye hope you have a good day!!!!

mark andrei - 11/11/2022

I am so sorry for the people that were in word world 2 I am thankful for the people that survive in word world 2 and the people that were in word world 2 they deserve to be free and peaceful with their family and harmony.

Maxwell - 11/11/2022

The soldiers who fight in the Canadian Military and keep us safe are extremely brave, I respect them with all my heart.

Nevaeh W - 11/11/2022

Dear troops, thank you, for risking your lives for us. We will never forget you. You did every thing to save stayed away from your family for us sincerely Nevaeh W

Zayde - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers Think you for keeping us safe . Can you came to my school?

Xavier - 11/11/2022

Hello, I just wanted to thank all the troupes for their honour and sacrifice for this country. Also, I am grateful that you are making Canada and the world a better place. I am so thankful for your honour.

GABRIEL - 11/11/2022


Cristiana - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I am a Grade 5 student and I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you! I really honour and respect all that you do, you are really appreciated throughout all of Canada and I am so grateful that you don't even know. Your dedication, bravery and contribution is a big reason why our country is full of peace and harmony. Again, you are really appreciated throughout all of Canada and I am so grateful for all you do.

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