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Leo - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, I would like thank you for your service and everything you have done for me and our country. Thank you for bringing peace to our country, thank you.

Alina - 11/11/2022

Thank you for serving Canada. We love and respect you. You will be thought of and remembered today, remembrance day, for all that you do. Stay safe!

Margret Ave Public School 4th floor Core - 11/11/2022


Olivia - 11/11/2022

Dear member of the Canadian Armed Forces, I am very thankful for what you have done for the country or area you have fought for. My name is Olivia I am in gr.7 my father was in the military witch makes me understand what you have been through a bit more. Without you there would have been many more casualties you should be proud of what you have done cause you are braver than most. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to go through the training and to fight in some place I don't think I would have been brave enough. Which makes me so thankful that we have people like you.

Liam - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Hello! My name is Liam, I am 14.5 years old and enjoy drawing, good music, good comics strips, and learning about various sciences such as astronomy. I'm writing this for schoolwork and to let you know that I am most grateful for your hard work keeping us people safe! I hope that all is well and all will be well when you come back to Canada. Sincerely, Liam

Leah - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you so much for all that you've done for our country. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is for you to wake up every day and know that people you knew or people your friends knew are gone. Thank you so much for putting your life before others and fighting for peace. I hope you know that today, millions of people are wearing poppies and remembering everyone that served for our country and are not with us and everyone who continue to serve for us today. From, a 7th grader who cares.

Jordyn - 11/11/2022

I want to say thank you for shaping our country and for risking your life so that we have a peaceful life here in Canada. I am so sad for the soldiers that did not come home to see their families. I just want to say you are incredible people and thank you for serving our country. You will be respected and remembered and you will be a person that helped keep the peace.

Hadi Abdul - 11/11/2022

Merci pour votre service. Je vous apprécie vraiment de protéger notre pays chaque jour. Votre bravoure et votre service resteront dans les mémoires pour toujours.

Ali - 11/11/2022

J'apprécie votre service pour notre pays. Votre bravoure, votre sacrifice et votre force ne passent pas inaperçus, et nous, les Canadiens, vous serons toujours redevables, à vous et à votre famille, pour tout ce que vous avez donné à notre pays. Je tiens à vous remercier beaucoup pour votre service! Merci pour votre temps, votre bravoure et vos sacrifices pour ce pays. "Les vivants doivent à ceux qui ne peuvent plus parler de leur raconter leur histoire."

bw - 11/11/2022

Merci pour tout ce que vous faites. J'apprécie vraiment le travail acharné que vous faites.Je suis reconnaissante pour votre service et votre sacrifice. Merci pour votre service! Je suis également reconnaissante pour votre temps et votre bravoure.

Christopher - 11/11/2022

Thank you for all that you’re doing for us. Today we are wearing a poppy for each one of you. Thank you for risking your lives for our peace.

shahid - 11/11/2022

Merci beaucoup pour votre service. Votre travail acharné est très apprécié.

Haala - 11/11/2022

Bonjour à tous les braves soldats! Nous vous remercions d'être allé à la guerre et de laisser vos proches nous protéger. Nous apprécions chaque sueur et chaque goutte de sang que vous avez sacrifiées pour ce pays. Merci pour votre bravoure. Vos sacrifices ne seront pas ignorés !

Emma - 11/11/2022

Merci beaucoup pour votre service. J'apprecie votre travaille forts. J'admire ton courage.

Wasima Koya - 11/11/2022

Bonjour combattants, merci pour ton service pour notre pays. Merci de nous proteger et nous defendre. Vous avez aidé notre pays avec votre service. Nous honorons tes sacrifices et vous avez aidé notre pays avec votre service. Vous etes courages et braves. J'apprecie pour vous et votre protection. Merci encore.

zac - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, i just want to thank you for all you did. now I can live in peace and go to school. all us Canadians can live in peace, have good jobs and education. from the bottom of my hart i just want to say thank you.

Riley - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member I would like to thank you for making our world better and safe.You risked your life to make our world safe.Thank you for your service.

Emily - 11/11/2022

Dear canadian troops, i just wanted to thank you for everything you did. if u did not fight for our world it would not be as good as this. if you are in there and fighting our word i hope that u are okay. you saved our country from the war because now our word is beautiful i hope you are okay.

Luciano - 11/11/2022

Dear, soldiers I hope you guys are all okay. I am very thankful that you guys are keeping our country safe in every way possible. If you guys are at war right now I hope you guys are okay but if you are not I really hope you guys are prepared for anything. A lot of people are inspired by you guys and they are all very happy that you guys fight for us for our country to have peace and freedom. Thank you for everything. -Luciano

Ali - 11/11/2022

J'apprécie votre service pour notre pays. Votre bravoure, votre sacrifice et votre force ne passent pas inaperçus, et nous, les Canadiens, vous serons toujours redevables, à vous et à votre famille, pour tout ce que vous avez donné à notre pays. Je tiens à vous remercier beaucoup pour votre service! Merci pour votre temps, votre bravoure et vos sacrifices pour ce pays. "Les vivants doivent à ceux qui ne peuvent plus parler de leur raconter leur histoire."

Samaya - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Thank you to you and the other soldiers that fought in the war to keep us safe and make peace. Canada is a better place because of you. We won't forget the sacrifice you made.

Valerie - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member(s), Thank you for keeping Canada safe! You are very courageous, and I am grateful for all of your sacrifices. We are living in peace because of all your hard work, and I will be forever grateful for your service.

Lina - 11/11/2022

Dear Troops, Thank you for sacrificing for our country and for making Canada a peacefull and safe country where people live with no fear of war. I am very thankful to live in a safe and peaceful country. You really made a difference and you made a miracle. Thank you for your service -Lina

Sharlotte - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, I am thankful for everything that you have done for your country. Your bravery means peace for the world. Thank you SO, SO, SO much for everything

Murtaza - 11/11/2022

Hello veterans I just wanna say how happy that you guys went out your way to sacrifice yourself for the freedom of canada, just again I am very happy you guys did this!

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