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livia - 11/11/2022

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Livia-rose j’habite à Bonaventure en Gaspésie au canada. J’ai 12 suis reconnaissante de votre courage. Je vous trouve vraiment brave.merci beaucoup

Nolan - 11/11/2022

Dear Frank you are a brave man for fighting in the war and not many people nowadays would be as brave as you. you fought hard and protected our country. Thank you

Sophie - 11/11/2022

Thank you so much for everything you've done for us. It's very brave and courageous to do what you do and I'll always admire you for that. You're a hero to many and I hope you never forget that. Thank you again!

Sophia - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I am so grateful for the work you have put in to make Canada the amazing country it is today. Thank you so much for your work in other countries around the world, who's citizens are not as lucky as we are to live in a safe place. We cannot thank you enough for all of the sacrifices you have made to help other people in war. You never know how many people you are affecting with your kind and selfless actions, but know that you are making us all proud. Every day you make a difference, fighting for the freedom and security of people. It must be hard every single day to put someone else's life before your own, but know that we are truly grateful.

Maica - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for serving us, For putting your life on the line for people you don't even know, You have such an amazing heart for serving us. Thank you for leaving your whole life behind family and friends just to protect us. Just remember to keep doing what you're doing and to never give up because of your sacrifice. I and many other people get to live a safe life. Everyone is very proud of what you’re doing for us and representing us. I wish you all a safe return home and quick recovery. -Maica.

Keelin - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I hope you’re doing good wherever you are. In Ottawa the snow hasn’t hit yet so it’s this weird weather where it's warm then cold then warm. Where Calgary has snow already. I hope you like the weather where you are. It’s really great that you guys are protecting the country and the world the way that you do thank you. The dedication that you guys have to the country is amazing. During the Montreal ice storm in 1998 my dad was there and when he went out to go looking around he saw you all working and trying to help out everyone there and it had an impact. I hope that you’re feeling well and not too homesick, but at the same time I hope that you can get home to your loved ones soon enough too. You are doing really great out there in the face of war, peacekeeping or just training. It must be really hard leaving a place that feels like home but, you have helped so many people so far, and are protecting the country. I want to thank you for fighting for Canada and all the people in Canada. Thank you for your service. I hope you're having a good day. Take care, Keelin

Evelyn - 11/11/2022

Chère troupes canadiens, Merci pour votre service pour garder ce pays sûr et libre et aider les personnes dans les autres pays pour s'assurer qu’il peut vivre un vivre sûrement avec des droits qu’ils méritent. Votre travail acharné est important pour la garde du paix ou de travailler avec l’objectif d’avoir la paix. Cette occupation est un qui a besoin de beaucoup de courage et de compétences, et c’est très formidable, remarquable et essentiel. Tous ceux au Canada sont très reconnaissant pour votre travail et je pense qu’il y a beaucoup de personnes autour du monde qui sentent la même chose. Merci aussi pour votre travail dans notre pays, avec les feux de forêts et les inondations qui ont affecté notre pays. Durant la pandémie, les travaux pour garder les canadiens sains avec votre aide dans les hôpitaux et les maison de soins de longue durée. Je ne peux pas vous remercier suffisamment pour vos travaux et tout que vous a fait que donne moi, mes amis et ma famille la chance de vivre dans un pays libre et sur qui donne les droits à nous mêmes. J'espère que vous restez en bonne santé et sûr.

Londin - 11/11/2022

Thank you for everything you have done for our country, you guys are the reason we have freedom and its highly appreciatied!!

Zorra Gotfryd - 11/11/2022

We thank you for everything that you have done and for our peace and freedom

Jade - 11/11/2022

Thank you for everything that you have done for our country. You guys are the most awesome people. We will remember you today and everyday

Bob - 11/11/2022

Hi, my class has been learning about remembrance day. Thats all -Bob

Mira - 11/11/2022

Thank you for all you have done for us and our country. You all are very important and today we are remembering you all for all the sacrifices that were made for us. You all are very brave and heroes of our nation. We remember you today with all of our heart. Thank you.

tyson.L - 11/11/2022

thank u for being brave

ben - 11/11/2022

you guys are doing an amazeing job

Luke - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers thank you for your service and thank you for protecting our country and our world. I think you are very brave. Thanks to you we can live a good life. Finally, it must be so scary going into war and knowing you could get injured. So I hope you win the war soon so you can go back to your families and relax.

Daniel - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian soldiers, I want to thank you for all your days, weeks, months and years of service. Every day of your service heped keep us free. Thank you for keeping us safe and protecting us.

Tanner - 11/11/2022

Hi my name it Tanner and I want to say thank you for your service and protecting us and giving us freedom. your service means a lot to me so thanks.

Kylie - 11/11/2022

Salut ! Je voudrais juste te dire que même si tu trouves que c'est dur d'être dans l'armée, souviens-toi juste que tu n'es jamais seul et que tu as toute une vie pour faire ce qui est bon pour toi. Ne vous sentez pas obligé d'être d'une certaine manière parce que cela n'aide jamais. Je suis peut-être mineur, mais je sais que vous avez besoin et méritez tout le soutien fourni par les citoyens de ce merveilleux pays. Restez en sécurité, restez confiant/souriant et que Dieu bénisse le Canada !

678 Beryl Ford - 11/11/2022

Least we forget all veterans; white, black, Canadian, women, jewish, indian, Sikh, Japense and Chinese.

Luke - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers thank you for your service and thank you for protecting our country and our world. I think you are very brave. Thanks to you we can live a good life. Finally, it must be so scary going into war and knowing you could get injured. So I hope you win the war soon so you can go back to your families and relax.

Hailey - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you so much for your hard work, dedication, and bravery. We appreciate your selfless service and pray for your safe return. Thank you for working to help us all by saving all the people who have been affected by natural disasters and covid-19. We appreciate all the help you have given to people in need and the long years of sacrifice and service from veterans. Thank you for dedicating your life to consistently working to help others. I understand that it must be hard to leave family and friends behind and to devote your time to keeping not only Canadians but others safe. You are appreciated. -Hailey

Austin - 11/11/2022

Chers soldats Je vous écris cette lettre pour vous remercier pour sauver notre pays et pour nous protéger. Vous êtes vraiment brave, fort, gentil et vraiment courageux. Je vous remercie pour nous protéger de la guerre. Moi je porte un coquelicot tout le temps. Vous êtes fantastique. La guerre est triste. Ma question pour vous est ‘Où est-ce-que tu te caches pendent la guerre?’ Au revoir Austin

Jessica - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for your service and everything you have done for this country and to keep it safe. I’m grateful for your actions, courage and all that you’ve sacrificed to keep everyone safe. Thank you for the risks you’ve taken to keep our country the safe place it is today and to help out during natural disasters.

nolan - 11/11/2022

Dear Veteran, I just wanted to say, "Thank You" for your service and dedication to protect our freedom. I can live safely in Canada with my friends every day because of you and the other veterans. I hope that you will enjoy my letter of thanks especially on this Remembrance Day where we commemorate and remember the sacrifice of all the Canadian Armed Forces. Best wishes Nolan

Smith - 11/11/2022

We thank you for all you have done and all you do for us. You are so brave. You are not alone. We are thinking of you today. We support you. Stay safe. Keep your head up. Miss Smith's Grade 6 Class

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