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Ms. Connolly's Class - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for serving our country no matter what. Thank you for being brave. We will remember your courage. Thank you for fighting for our nation and defending human rights around the world. Thank you for risking your lives for us. We are wearing poppies to honour you and all veterans. Thank you for sacrificing your time with family and close friends far away. We are grateful that you help us and the world. We will keep you and your loved ones in our prayers. Sincerely, Ms. Connolly's Class St. Catherine School

Shayana - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers k would like to thank you for helping our country like protecting our country and people like family’s , animals especially our country i am really thankful for everything you done for Canada. You sacrificed ur own life for ur country thank you so much.

chloe - 11/11/2022

HI i am chloe thank you for saving our country,I am very thankful for it thank you. Happy Remembrance Day. from:chloe to:the veterians '

Grade 3 Miss Vlaming - 11/11/2022

We would like to say how thankful we are for all of the Canadian Armed Forces. Thank you for serving and bringing peace in our country. Thank you for your bravery. We are grateful for those who sacrificed their lives in service. We wish all those serving peace and hope and a good life. We pray for your safety.

Jamie Lynn Ryall - 11/11/2022

Dear soldier November ll 2022 I am so thankful for your service. I have been learning about the war this week, like every year. I am so interested in all the things that happen during the war. It also makes me so thankful for what I have and the freedom of our country because of you. I have so many questions. My first question is did you write letters to your family and friends? And if you did, how did they get to the person and how long did it take? When did you sleep? And where did you sleep? How would you describe war? I know I asked a lot of questions, but I'm just so curious. I’m so thankful you returned home safely and you are now with your family and friends. I hope all your friends and family that went to war returned safely. I am so truly thankful that I can live my life freely and safely because you sacrificed your life for a free country that all can live in. I just acn’t express how thankful I am for your service. I wouldn’t be able to express myself without you. Thank you a million times for taking your time to read this. I really appreciate it. Your respectfully Jamie Ryall

Violet - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you so much for your service, time, and life that you dedicated yourself to helping others and fighting for Canada. You putting your life on the line, will always be remembered. Not only have you spent time in the army but also out of it. What made you want to join the army? What was your training like, and did you enjoy it? Lastly, what part of the army were you in? I am incredibly happy that you returned home safely, and I hope you know how thankful I am for your service. Sincerely, Violet Weaver

Maxwell - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, thank you for everything you've done for us. Many of you sacrificed your live to bring peace back. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Maxwell Parsons, I'm 9 years old and I live in Canada. I'm so happy that you've brought peace and everything you've don for us. We really appreciate it. I hope most of you have retured safe at your houses. If I was in war I'd be terrified. So all I want to say to all of you is thank you for your commitment.

Alex - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I'm grateful for all of the work you’ve done and the work you continue everyday. Thanks to all of you soldiers for making this country safe. For the remembrance day I just want to thank you for being kind, courageous and brave. Again, thank you, Alex.

Nathan - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers thank you for your service to Canada i hope your having a fun time with your family you have brought peace to Canada because you fought in world war 2 i am sure that the war was tiring because you had to dig trenches and dig even dipper when it rained but i hope your having a good time

Élias - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, we are all thankful for what you've done for our country. Today is the remembrance day but i think that this one day can’t represant all the days you’ve passed and the saccrifices you’ve made to protect our flag and the population. You are the bravest in the society and we are grateful for that.

Thomas - 11/11/2022

In my opinion you are the bravest people in Canada. You put your life in danger to go and help those in danger and it’s for him that you are heroes. You do not care if it is dangerous or not and you will help them. Many people could never do this including me. Thanks to you, we know that we are protected and that we have nothing to fear. Thank you very much for all your work.

Beatrice - 11/11/2022

Thank you for protecting and helping the country so much.Your help has helped to keep our country safe and at peace.You are so important to the country and your actions will always be remembered.

Laurent - 11/11/2022

You saved our lifes. You literally saved our lifes. I thank you to rest strong and proud like you are, stay the man that you always have been. I don’t know how to say a big thank you like you deserve. You saved our lifes.

Sabrina - 11/11/2022

Hi dear Soldiers! I just wanna thank you for all the sacrifices you made to help our country. For me, you are like heroes and your powers are love, kindness and strength. Sometimes, I just look up in the sky and wonder why am I here in this world, but now the only answer I can give to myself is that I am there in part because of you. You saved a lot of lives and keep doing it for some of you. I hope you are really proud of you because,us, we all are. I feel happy and comforted to know that you can put your life in danger before ours. I know that you have to face a lot of challenges like surviving or maintaining a good mental health, but I hope that you’ll succeed and face all these challenges. Thank you again????xxx

Éliane - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, thank you for all the sacrifices that you did for us. It must not be easy to go to war and go through a lot of emotions like sadness, stress, alertness, etc. I’m also really thankful for all the challenges you have been through like mental health, injuries, deaths, etc. Thank you for keeping us safe.

Laura - 11/11/2022

Dear veteran, I am really thankful for every effort and energy you put in fighting for our country. Because of you now we have a beautiful peaceful country full of happiness. I know that sometimes it was surely harder than others but we all appreciate a lot what you did and I can assure you that you did not do this for nothing, it really makes a difference for sure. Thanks for everything!

Roxanne - 11/11/2022

Dear Veteran, thank you for all you did for this country, you did a really good and brave job for a lot of people. The Canada is a better place now and I hope you’re going well . I will remember you actions and I’m grateful that because of you I’m safe here. You overcame a lot of challenges that seems impossible but you did it and I’m thankful that you did these sacrifices for our country. You are a hero for a lot of person continue your great job. Have a great day and thank you a lot.

Clara - 11/11/2022

Dear veterans, with your bravery, your sacrifice and your kindness, you made the country positively different. I am so thankful you are there to help so many people. You help bring peace in the world and for me, peace means a lot. I hope you are safe and we are all thinking of you. Thank you again for your wonderful work and the country is proud of you.

Elsa - 11/11/2022

Thank you for being so strong and brave. Thank you for fighting for others and offering your kindness. Thank you for the sacrifices you made for the people in need. In short, thanks for everything.

Amé - 11/11/2022

I will start by thanking all the veterans for having made enormous sacrifices in the past to make our country a safe and better place. Thanks to the current soldiers, for continuing to help the countries and the individuals in the world who need your help. You are all making the world a better place with your courage. I hope nobody is going to get any bad damages from a mission. You don’t deserve to suffer, because you tried to help people. Thank you for all you have done.

Naomi .T - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers, Thank you for going out and fighting for peace. Thank you for the sacrifices you made and the risks you took. Because personally I wouldn't do that. As much as you had a hard time, you should be proud about what you have done. Now we have a day to remember you. Some questions that I have for you is that how is it like being at war?How old where you when you went to war? How was it like to lose a lot of Canadians? Anyway have a happy healthy life. Take care, Naomi

Audrey-Ann - 11/11/2022

Dear veterans, we could never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for Canada. We will always remember what you did and never forget all of those actions. I am really grateful to live in a country where I know I will be safe no matter what because of all of you. I really hope everyone’s doing okay. Everything will be fine and I hope you can go over those challenges.

alicia - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I wanted to thank you for keeping us safe. I hope you’re okay and that you are happy today! I wanted to thank you for being brave, you saved many lives and made them better than they were! You are selfless and devoted which is beautiful! I’m compassionate of what you have lived or what you’ll live. Have a good day and take care!

alicia - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I wanted to thank you for keeping us safe. I hope you’re okay and that you are happy today! I wanted to thank you for being brave, you saved many lives and made them better than they were! You are selfless and devoted which is beautiful! I’m compassionate of what you have lived or what you’ll live. Have a good day and take care!

Raphaelle - 11/11/2022

Thank you for serving our country, even if it is a hard task. I know you have to deal with a lot of challenges but your serving is really important and Canada is a safe place because of you. Thank you for being brave and protecting Canada and other countries.

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