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Reid - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, My name is Reid and I’m here to write to you about how thankful I am for your guys’ sacrifices and years of service. I don’t know much about our Armed Forces, but I know you guys do challenging things for others, like me and my family, everyday. Not just in Canada, but around the world, like now in Ukraine. I want to encourage you guys to keep up what you’re doing because it’s only benefiting myself and others elsewhere in the world where you guys are deployed/stationed. You guys are away from your families, so that we can enjoy and be safe with ours, something that every Canadian should be thanking our Armed Forces for, and that’s what I’m writing this letter to do. I especially thank you for your guys’ sacrifices and service during COVID, when you guys helped vaccinate and provide aid to those in need. I have come to acknowledge the importance of professions such as those in the Canadian Armed Forces and want to learn more about you guys and what you do. Which is why I, again, encourage you guys to keep up what you’re doing so that I can see you guys in action on the news and on social media so that I can learn more about you and the hardworking people you are that make Canada a better and more prosperous place every single day. To conclude this text, I thank you guys so very much for all the work you’ve done for our country that makes it among the best in the world. Sincerely, Reid

Nico - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, Being a soldier must be hard so we thank you for your years of service and countless sacrifices. We thank you for keeping our country as well as many other countries safe. We recognize the effort you put into keeping our country safe, so we may live in peace and harmony. I am very grateful for your endeavors to make Canada a safe country, and so we can laugh, play, sing songs, and have good times with friends and family. We thank you for overcoming fears, facing challenges that you thought you could never accomplish, and sacrificing everything you had for our country. We thank you for helping Canadians all around the country, and people all around the world. We acknowledge that you are always fighting for us and for the freedom of our country and we are extremely thankful for that. We are thankful that you sacrifice your lives for ours and that you never fail us. I hope you have great success in your next operation and that you have no regrets. I hope you return to your family safe and sound, and your community welcomes you home with open arms. We are thankful for not only fighting for us on the battlefield, as well as helping in the community and anywhere where there are people in need. We thank you for all your hard work, sacrifices, and bravery. Finally we thank you for keeping our country safe and never giving up on your country, so we will never give up on you. Sincerely, Nico

keiara - 11/11/2022

I wanted to thank you for all the hard work that you put in for our country and many others. I am grateful for you making Canada a safe place and giving us our own rights. I and many others appreciate all the sacrifices you have made to help the ill when the COVID 19 outbreak first started and helping them recover properly and live a healthy life. You are very hard working and brave to risk your life helping others, and we are truly grateful for you doing that. I also wanted to thank you guys for helping everyone who lost their home due to the flooding in Manitoba. Without you guys coming to help with the flooding there would have been a lot more people without homes and a safe place to stay or live. In 2022 Canadian we now have a peaceful community and land, somewhere that we don't feel unsafe to walk outside or go to the park because you were brave enough to stand up for us and our country. I am grateful for my freedom and could not imagine what life would be without it. It is very thoughtful of you guys to be working with other countries of Ukraine for example to help them prepare and be able to give them their own freedom just like we have here in Canada. You take place in a big part of the Canadian history and you and all of the soldiers who unfortunately lost their lives won't be forgotten - Keiara

Isla C. - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I am writing to you in order to express my gratitude for everything you have done for our country. Because of your efforts and your sacrifices Canada is becoming a better and safer place. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for you, but I really admire your honorable choice of serving this country. Everything you have been doing to help this country is truly appreciated. One example that comes to mind right away is your performance throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. While the whole world was confused and disorganized you all stepped up and successfully helped and guided us in the right direction. From those working in long term care facilities, helping medical staff with infection control and prevention, to serving and supporting people located in very remote areas, every one of you had a huge impact on maintaining the wellbeing of our country and the health and safety of everybody who lives in it. Not only that, but each mission you go on, whether it is something small or something with a huge, or even global impact, is received with recognition and gratitude from us all. Every day you serve in our military makes Canada a better place. In conclusion, all of your hard work is accepted with so much gratitude from me and every other citizen of Canada. Your actions in the past, the present and the future are very much appreciated, and I can’t wait to see what you have planned next. Thank you for your service, I.C.

Marquise - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I want to start by thanking you for your years of service and your sacrifices. I hope the best for your operations. I recognize the challenges you may face and acknowledge that you are fighting for us to be safe. I appreciate that you help to keep Canada safe. I’m grateful for the freedoms that come with your sacrifice and how we wouldn’t be able to do it without your service. You guys continue to keep us in a safe environment and I salute you all for it. I encourage you guys to stay positive through the good and bad and honor your hard work. I thank you guys for anything you've helped with, whether it's out on the frontline or helping individuals. I encourage you guys to stay strong and in a positive head space so that you guys may stay focused. I hope you guys have no trouble with getting the necessary supplies and staying healthy on the field. I wish you guys the best of luck in your duties as a soldier and can't thank you guys enough for your dedication as a soldier. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I sincerely thank you all. I will finish this letter off with a quote to show my appreciation. “Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.“ -George Washington Sincerely, Marquise

Jiye - 11/11/2022

Thank you for always working hard to make everyone stay safe.

Daniella N. - 11/11/2022

Just know that all of Canada appreciates what u have done for this country, we are insprired by your work.

Finn - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I want to express my gratitude for your many years of military service in Canada. It helps more than you could ever imagine when you assist those in need, whether it's assisting someone up after they fall outside or defending our nation from foreign enemies. People can now go to work, school, or even see their families thanks to the work you perform; if it weren't for you, they wouldn't be able to do any of that. Because of what you're doing, people can only live their normal lives free from sporadic interruptions from people they don't even know. This makes what you do far more important than just your job. You act as a barrier between us and everything, including nature when you go and save people you don't know out of the blue. This exemplifies the best form of human for us. You demonstrate the simple things we can do for others when you shield us from harm. We may provide assistance to our neighbors, help animals that are unable to care for themselves, and give to those in need, even those who live in unsafe nations. Even while these actions pale in comparison to what you do, hopefully, they will still assist others the way they helped us. The best thing you can do for a people without our advantages is to put yourself before others in order to find peace.

Clara - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for all your sacrifices that you have made to make Canada a better and safer place. We appreciate and acknowledge your dedication and strength that you have shown us through helping and protecting Canada and more countries. Your strength and devotion to helping others and our country is incredibly appreciated. Thanking you for not only making our country a better place, but helping other countries and making an impact on others lives as well. We acknowledge all the sacrifices you guys have made for us, to make sure we have a good and safe life. I'm grateful for everything I get to have, and acknowledge that you played a big part in that. You have helped us through many big challenges, and even small ones that have played big parts in Canada and helped many people. Everything you have given us and done for us has been very impactful, and I'm very thankful for the freedoms I have because of you. Clara

Avyukta - 11/11/2022

Dear Fighters of Peace, It is I Avyukta in 6th grade from Sir William Gage Middle School here to thank you once again for the unremarkable peace and freedom you’ve brought upon us. I understand that some of you are no longer here but I send my thanks to the skies, R.I.P. -Avyukta

Amirah - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops I would like to thank you for what you have done for our country, you have sacrificed so much to keep all of us safe, you are risking your life to make our lives better, you are leaving your own home, family and friends so we can be safe with them and I could not be more grateful for your service. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you in your current situation but you are doing great and always remember that you have so many people around the world that love you and wish you the best. We appreciate the small and big things you have done for us like help our community, the sick, and vulnerable. You are an inspiration to many due to your bravery, strength and selflessness. Thank you so much for the freedom you have given us, words can only explain my gratitude towards all of you. I wish you the best and never forget that you are loved by many.

Jana - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I would like to start off this letter by saying how grateful I and all of Canada is for your service. I hope you know that all the effort and time all of you have spent fighting for Canada and our freedom is deeply appreciated. Without you, Canada would not be the same. From fighting in world wars, to simply just helping out around our community, we are grateful. You all keep Canada safe in every way possible and someday I aspire to have your courage, and selflessness. I know you have also helped immensely with wars and conflicts all over the world, not just in Canada. This shows and demonstrates your kindness and compassion not just for Canada, but for anyone in need. In addition to helping out all around the world, I recognize that you have all helped us stay safe with COVID-19. We are eternally grateful for the all demanding situations you have been put into with even more difficult circumstances. We notice and appreciate the risks you take everyday and the sacrifices you have made to make our country safe and secure. There are not many people that could be part of the Canadian troops and do what you do everyday. That is why we thank and appreciate everything you have done for Canada and everything you will do for Canada. Sincerely, JD

Olivia Vincent - 11/11/2022

Thank you for everything you've done to make my life the way it is.

Jamie - 11/11/2022

Hello today is Remembrance Day and I just want to say keep up the amazing work and thank you for everything you have to protect our country, you are really brave and just remember we will always respect you, I believe in you, I know there might be some tough times but just try to keep your head up and fight through it.

Evelyn - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you so much for working to keep Canada safe and nice to live in. We really appreciate the way you've impacted our lives. We are very grateful for your service because we can all live safely and happily. Without people like you fighting to keep Canada a happy place to live in, we would be living in a community much different and less enjoyable than it is now. Even with all the difficulties you must have to go through, the work you are doing makes a big difference for everyone. You are doing a great job in keeping Canada and so many other countries around the world safe. Thank you so much for trying your best to keep us all safe during wars, the COVID-19 pandemic and so much more. Thank you for being a role model for a lot of young people around the world and you are inspiring them to do good things for the world. When people see that there are so many people out there that care about them and hoping to make the world a happier place, they will feel inspired to do the same. Thank you so much for helping out so much in the Ukraine war and helping so many in need. You have saved so many people's lives and everyone around Canada really appreciates it. So, thank you so much for risking your lives to make the world a better place and we would not be able to live the way we do now without you. Sincerely, ED

Rohan - 11/11/2022

I appreciate that you serve our country. I can not believe you left your home to serve our country in the military. I can not imagine how difficult it would leave your family to serve our country you guys are amazing thank you so much

Brooklyn - 11/11/2022

Hello troops today I am thanking you for everything you did for this country. You have seen a lot of disturbing things that I'm not going to name. And you were very brave. And I understand that you are not the same as you were when you went to the army. I am wearing a poppy to support you and everyone who was in the army! My class and I are going to an assembly this afternoon to remember everyone who died . Also we made a reef full of poppies and we will show it at the assembly. Goodbye!

Natalia - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, Thank you so very much for impacting our lives so positively over the years. You’ve devoted your lives for us and we are all so very grateful. It’s so inspiring to see people who are selfless working incredibly hard every single day to help others. Without the troops our world would be a disaster so it’s very nice to have people like you to aid us in times of need. You all are doing such a great job and we all believe in you! Safety is so important to help people to feel comfortable and that’s what you give us. You give us liberties to be able to feel at home in Canada. During Covid-19 you helped people in need and made the world seem okay even in times of darkness. Even in all the natural disasters you helped to get residenice out of dangerous situations to keep them safe. You risk yourself to save us and to keep us out of bad situations. So many people look up to you all and see you as role models. I find it amazing that you don’t just help your own country but you really do help everyone in need. For example in Ukraine you went to help people who were struggling. Another example is wars that have taken place a couple years ago in Africa. You kept them safe and gave them a much better life where they are nourished and at peace. I appreciate everything so much. Thank you very much for your duty and positive impact on the world. Sincerely,

Emir - 11/11/2022

Today's Remembrance Day, so Thank you for risking your life for us. I really appreciate that you are sacrificing for us, and serving our country. You are really brave. Also making peace in our country too. You guys really helped us to make a better country for our future. I am very proud of you guys for doing this. You are fighting for Canada. I really appreciate that. I probably can’t even do that.

Katia - 11/11/2022

Good morning,you guys are so amazing and help our country a lot and you are the reason why we are safe and happy here so thank you very much.

Hao - 11/11/2022

whoever is getting this message, I am a student and I want to say thank you for risking your life just to keep people safe.

Alaa - 11/11/2022

Dear Veteran, This remembrance day I wish to honour and remember the brave sacrifices you made for our country. I feel privileged to live in a safe country like Canada. Thank you for fighting for what you believe in to keep Canada safe. This November 11th I will wear a poppy in order to remember you and other veterans who sacrificed so much for our country. Thank you

Mohamad H. - 11/11/2022

I am grateful to live a peaceful free life. I am grateful to be able to school safely. I am grateful to have a future in front of me in canada. I am grateful to be able to have freedom

Claire - 11/11/2022

Hi! Thank you so much for everything.These are only a sliver of the thing I am thankful for that you have done for me and my committee.You protected me and my family and made us feel safe.Today me and my class are going to assembly.While the assembly I’ll remember how many times you sacrificed your life for mine.To you I’m just a random person but you still fought for me and I’m extremely grateful for that.I know you have most likely got loads of these kinds of messages but I hope that this one made you smile! So I hope that you have an amazing Remembrance Day and thank you again for protecting and making a difference in my life.

Lou - 11/11/2022

Thank you, for everything you did to make this world safer. Thank you, for giving us opportunities to be whatever we want to be. Thank you, for making sacrifices so that other generations could live freely. Thank you, for your service.

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