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Chloe - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, we are all so grateful for what you guys are doing for us. Today, being Remembrance Day, everyone of us had a thought for you guys. Each and everyone of you is doing a great job and even with all the challenges you have to face, you keep your head up and continue serving us. We know that it's difficult and not always fun and easy, thank you for keeping us safe and helping us. You guys deserve the world, we wish you the best.

Frédérique - 11/11/2022

Thanks for putting the other before you, for defending our country and helping each other. You face danger and challenge… and, I think this requires a lot of courage to do this. Thanks to all the veterans, the soldiers and their families.

Mila - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I am so thankful for what you did for our country. My appreciation and respect for you is too big to express. What you did takes courage and bravery and if you didn't do what you did I certainly would not be the person I am today. I would like to ask about your experiences. What countries have you visited during your service? Have you made lots of friends? Have you made friends from other countries? I am so glad that you made it home safely. If you ever go back to serve I hope you come home as safely as possible. You deserve to come back home because of what you did for our freedom. Thanks for your service.

Nuha - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Hi my name is Nuha, thank you for serving in World War 2. It is so nice,great and brave of you! I couldn't imagine staying in the trenches, I would be scared. I couldn't imagine leaving my family to serve in World War. Thank you for sacrificing yourself in World War

Éliane - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, thank you for making our country a safer and better place to live. I feel really grateful that you are devoted to Canada and that you protect us. You people are brave, your actions and sacrifices will never be forgotten. Thank you for your services.

Tiffany - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers. My name is Tiffany,thank you for doing what you did to make this land peaceful.I hope you all made it back to your family's.We respect the ones in the sky and the ones on land.Thank you for all being heros.

shabeeh - 11/11/2022

Dear soldier, Thank you for your help and you help our whole country. You saved everybody, but some of you never came back. We respect you and we remember you. We will never forget what happened to you. Thank you.

Mélia - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I really wanted you to know how thankful we are that you are all keeping our country safe every day. Right now, you are probably dealing with a lot of challenges but you all have our support.

Charysse - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers, Thank you for keeping our country safe and protected I hope you are safe and well with your family we will remember everything you did for our country and for us to have peace and freedom in Canada.

yousuf - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldier Thank you for fighting for us even the people you don't know. If i was you i would be way scared but you guys are super brave. Thank you for everything you guys did i really appreciate what you did. From Yousuf to Canadian soldiers.

Olivia - 11/11/2022

Dear solider, thank you for the risk to help everyone that live here now. Thank you for making this a free and peaceful place for everyone here. I will remember the risk and the people that died in world war 1 and 2. Remembrance day and I have my red poppy. I hop you have a good day sensationally Olivia

Erica - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, my name is Erica, I am nine years old. I just wanted to say thank u for keeping our country safe and Participating in World War 2. I am so grateful for what you have done for us. Now our country is peaceful because of how you helped. We will always remember you. Sincerely, Erica

Noémy - 11/11/2022

Hello! I just wanted to say that I’m really thankful for all of the things you guys do to help the country like it should be really hard for you to endure this everyday. We are proud of what you are doing or what you have done to help the country . Thank you!

Joanne L. - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the risks & sacrifices you take to fight for peace, freedom and security. You should be proud and successful. We now have a day to remember you. I have a question. What is war like? I hope you have a happy healthy rest of your life. Take Care, Joanne L.

liza enora - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I thank you for all you have done to keep this country safe and secure. I acknowledge the fact that some of you have faced PTSD after your service and need help to recover from it.i hope that you find a way to help it. I will also thank all the soldiers that passed away during their service.they all helped equally to the security of this country.

Chance - 11/11/2022

Nov. 10th 2022 Dear Canadian solider's Thank you for taking risks and helping us from the war! We really appreciate it. We respect it. This message is for the people who died. Good try taking risks and participating in the war. Sincerely Chance

Dhairya & Mihir - 11/11/2022

Hello, thank you very much for making this country a better place! I really appreciate all of the hard work that you have done to fix everything. Because of your sacrifice, we don't have to suffer anymore.

Louis - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your service, I could never do or live through what you have. Everything I can and will do with my free will is thanks to you. On this day, we celebrate our victories and we accept the loss of the others who deserve just as much recognition as you do. The friends and comrades you have lost did not die in vain and I am grateful to you. I salute to you.

Senan - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Veterans, I like the big accomplishment when you survived world war one and world war two. I really like how beautiful Canada is. I want it to stay like this forever. I want Canada with kindness and respect. Sincerly, Senan

Louis - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your service, I could never do or live through what you have. Everything I can and will do with my free will is thanks to you. On this day, we celebrate our victories and we accept the loss of the others who deserve just as much recognition as you do. The friends and comrades you have lost did not die in vain and I am grateful to you. I salute to you.

Brenda - 11/11/2022

As a child, I remember my father being away on peace keeping. In my youth, I remember being an altar server at a base funeral service. At those times, I was too young to fully understand the sacrifices being made by those who served. As an adult, I want to say that I remember those who have served, and I thank both them and you, the members who are currently serving, for your service and your sacrifice.

Mira - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers. my name is Mira i'm 8 years old thank you for taking the risks we all appreciate everything you have done. Thank you so much for saving the land, and for those of you who died thank you for being heros.

Ayden - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Veterans,thank for your service for battling in world war two and keeping us safe from the enemy's,I am very sad that you had to see people die infront of your eyes,and your family must have been very worried about you and when they saw you came back they must have been extremely happy and proud,of you for fightig in a horrible and dangerous war. Before I sent this,I stood in silence to remember your lost teammates and those who did not make it in the war. You will alway's be remembered for particeipating in that sad,frusrating,dangerous war. You will never me forgotten because you served the army to protect us. From Ayden

Natalia - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldier thank you for making Canada a safeand overall amazing country! you and other soldiers fought for us in both the world wars,for all kids, parents and elderly in Canada. you should be grateful for who you are and what you have done in this country.You solders will bef forever in our hearts.By Natalia 9 years old.

Will - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian soldiers My name is will and I am in grade 4. I want to say thank you for serving in world war 2.

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