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Joseph - 20/12/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Thank you for serving this wonderful country known as Canada. Thank you for keeping the peace overseas, and protecting children in those countries that experience so much fighting. I'm guessing it is really hard work to keep this country and others safe and we appreciate all that you do. On behalf of my school, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas because you are away from your family and it must be hard spending the holidays without your family. What is your favorite Christmas song? And what is your favorite tradition? Mine is our family Quad ride. The family quad is my favorite tradition because we do a lot of off-roading and mudding that is my favorite because I like getting muddy and that is why the family quad ride is my favorite tradition. Merry Christmas. I want you to know that Canada is safe with you in the military and I hope that you are safe thank you for keeping Canada safe and sound so thank you for all the other countries that you kept safe and all the life that you have saved. Do you want to know a joke “how do you help someone find their Christmas spirit… nurse them back to elf. Thank you for all that you do I hope you can return for next Christmas, so I hope you the best and merry Christmas and a happy new year. From: Joseph.

Jacob - 20/12/2022

Dear Brave Soldier, My name is Jacob. I am very thankful for you. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I am able to play hockey because of what you do. I am in my classroom writing a letter to you because of your job. I appreciate all that you do for our country. I am very thankful that I can do a lot of things. This Christmas I have to go to four relative’s houses. How many relative houses does you familygo to? I hope your Christmas goes well. Do you like sports I like hockey and baseball. Have you ever been to a hockey game? I hope your Christmas is great What is your favorite subject in school? Mine is math. I hope you get to see your family on Christmas. You are very thoughtful for what you do for us. Thank you for your job to keep our country safe. I want to thank you again for everything that you do and everything you for other soldiers have done. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas this year! Thank you for all that you have ever done for us and will do in the future. Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Jacob

Madison - 20/12/2022

Dear Brave Soldier, My name is Madison. with friends and family. Merry Christmas and I hope you have a good day even though you can’t be home with your family and friends. There is just something else I would like to say to you thank you for risking your life to keep me safe in Canada. I hope you know that because you are in a battle you are helping children in other countries not just in one place. I also think that if I was as old as you I would not be as brave because you are 100% braver than me. It is amazing that you had the help of other people to go out and risk your life and fight so I hope that then you can see your family again. I have some quick questions for you one, Do you like to have hot chocolate? What are your favorite Christmas traditions? One of my favorite traditions is to open the stockings in my parent's room. I would just like to say again Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope you can see your family soon. From: Madison

LIla - 20/12/2022

Dear Canadian Soldier, I am wrighting this letter because you are the reason we have freedom for Christmas. I wanted to tell you to thank you. I am saying thank you for all the sacrifices that you make for our country. I appreciate that you are keeping Canada safe Thank you for keeping the peace and keeping the children in this country safe including me. Thank you so much. Since you keep the peace in other countries you are keeping all the children of the world safe. Families all over the world appreciate your work. I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. Especially because you are celebrating it away from home. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Sometimes it will be something you have done since you were a child. Sometimes it can be a new one that you just started doing recently. My favorite tradition is probably the little chocolate advent calendars we get on December 1st. I look forward to opening one of those little chocolates every day. Sometimes I save them up and open all of them on Christmas Eve as an early Christmas present. Be safe and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Lila

Carmen Algire - 20/12/2022

Dear Canadian Military, Thank you so much for everything you do for us. Knowing that you have my back always puts me at ease when I hear about some of the messed up stuff that's been happening. Part of me fells guilty because it might not be faire that you are risking your life so that I don't have to, you are protecting me when I'm not even protecting myself. I can't thank you enough for volunteering to suffer this injustice. I'm writing not because I think that typing makes things even, or helps share in your suffering. I'm writing this to say I see you. I may not know exactly what you're going through, but the fact that you're going through something is acknowledged. Thank you, I see you, Carmen Algire

Farheen - 20/12/2022

Dear Candian Peacekeerper: I hope you are doing well ? Thank you for helping make the world a peaceful place to live in. Happy hoilday season to you and your family. What is your favorite sport? Do you have a special food that you eat ? Do you have any plans for the holiday? Do you have any children? I hope you get an opportunity to see your family and friends over the holiday. Sincerely, Farheen

Adnan - 20/12/2022

Dear Canadian peacekeeper Hi my name is Adnan,I hope you are having a great holiday time. I would like to know about you. My first question is how do you stay safe? My second question is what is your favourite colour ? My third question is how old were you when you got the job? I am nine years old. i have a brother,sister and mom and a dad. My favourite colour is red.I wish you the best of 2023.

Fernanda - 20/12/2022

Dear Peacekeeper How are you doing? I'm nine years old and I'm half Canadian and half Latina. Where are you from? What is your favorite food? Have you worked in a different country? If so, what country did you work in? Good holidays Sincerely Fernanda

Hanzala - 20/12/2022

Dear Canadian Peacekeeper: I hope you're having a good time and a happy holiday season. Let me tell you some things about me. My name is Hanzala. My favourite sport is basketball. My favourite subject at school is math. Now I have some questions for you. Where are you stationed right now? What is your favourite food? What is your job duty? These were all my questions Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and looking at them.

Ayanna - 20/12/2022

Dear: Canadian Peacekeeper Hi, how is your day going I have a question for you today: What do you eat? Do you eat nice and hot food? Where do you sleep -in a hotel or somewhere else? Sorry I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Ayanna. What is your name? Do you visit your parents and do you go there all the time? When do you take time to call your family? What is your favourite song? Have a great and happy day. Sincerely, Grade 4 student Silverthorn Community School

Safa - 20/12/2022

Dear Canadian Peacekeeper: Good afternoon! My name is Safa, and I have some questions for you! But first, I'll give you some info about me! I am left handed, my TDSB email is in this email, please email me back if possible! My birthday is August 21st. I'm muslim! I am also in grade 4. Here's my questions. - When did you start being a peacekeeper? - Where have you traveled as a peacekeeper? - Who do you miss the most from your family? - Do you enjoy being a peacekeeper? And lastly, why did you choose to be a peacekeeper? Thank you for your time. Happy Holidays and have a great 2023! :) Sincerely, Safa.

Alex - 20/12/2022

To Canadian peacekeeper Hi. My name is Alex and I'm in grade four and i'm nine years old. I want to ask you some questions. As a peacekeeper what do you like about it? And where do you sleep at night? I would like to know. The school I go to is very fun, Just what do you do when you are a peacekeeper? So when do you get to play and have a break and when you talk with your friends? Happy Holidays and a have a good day.

Sarah - 19/12/2022

Bonjour, j’espère que vous allez bien. Je fais parti des cadets de terre et mes officiers mon donner l’idée d’écrire un message à un militaire en mission. Je sais que parfois il y a des moments qui peuvent être plus difficile que d’autres mais surtout ne lâchez pas vous faite un travail extraordinaire et vous nous protéger. Merci mille fois

Rachelle - 19/12/2022

I am taking a moment to write to all of you who are representing, protecting and bettering life in Canada and abroad. Your sacrifices are truly appreciated - thank you! Wishing you and your families a happy and safe Holiday season. Sending hugs, positive thoughts and prayers.

Maalim - 19/12/2022

I feel and I understand what you going through when you are away from home and love once.But keep in mind you serving our country. Protecting our values and interests. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Thanks for your service

Angeline Ansell - 18/12/2022

To the wonderful men, women, ladies & gentlemem serving in the Canadian Forces over the holiday season. You are so greatly appreciated & your sacrifice is not unrecognized. May you be kept safe & healthy till you return home to your loved ones. Thank-you for your service & Merry Christmas from me & my family.

Krista - 18/12/2022

Thank you to all the members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Your dedication to serving our country is admirable and honorable. Merry Christmas with hopes and best wishes for your safety and peace.

Mike - 18/12/2022

Merry Christmas Guys & Gals. I appreciate the luxury I have to goof off and occasionally neglect appropriate expressions of gratitude. Thanks in no small part to your efforts and dedication, I enjoy freedoms and a pride when I see our red maple leaf flying. I obviously can't speak for all Canadians but it is my strong belief that the vast majority of us hold you folks in the highest regard. Sometimes we just need a swat in the head to get in touch with it. I hope you have a peaceful Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa or whatever your personal spirit enjoys basking in a camaraderie so few can understand. A lot more of this grateful nation are thinking about you than you may know. Thank you so much for your service. Mike

Steve - 18/12/2022

I'm a former QL6a Medic with what they would now call advanced field medic training ... nursing and physician assistant skills for on base med duties ... i have been away from home and family more times than i can recall ... seen and lived through many years of duty ... i have and live with PTSD ... my hope on this season that you and all my brothers and sisters remain safe ... remain strong of body and mind ... that all your efforts are appreciated by all your superiors ... Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year ... Steve QL6a Medic, Cpl IC Med Transport L1 Accident Investigator

Jenny Matthew Grace - 17/12/2022

Dear Heroes, Thank you for the work that you that keeps CAnada safe in so many ways. We pray that you will also be kept safe. The work you do is so appreciated and your sacrifices are so well recognized. We had family members who also served so you all have a special spot in our hearts. Thank you. Sincerely, Jennifer and Family

Oliver - 17/12/2022

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you to know that my family and I are grateful for all of your service and that you are in our thoughts and prayers this holiday season. We hope that you will be able to celebrate christmas no matter where you are stationed across the world.

Pam - 17/12/2022

You have no idea how much your service to Canada is appreciated by so many of us. You keep us safe from attack, help others in faraway countries, and allow me and my loved ones to enjoy a Christmas without fear. I hope you are able to talk to your family if you can't be with them. You and they are loved for being the unselfish person who serves and loves others. Thank you, and a blessed and safe holiday to you.

Candace Milburn - 16/12/2022

To our soldiers merry Christmas happy holidays and thank you so much for serving this wonderful country may god keep you safe Candace Milburn proud Canadian best wishes in the holiday season and to your loved ones

Tiffany - 16/12/2022

Merry Christmas! I pray you have a safe and peaceful Christmas! Thank you for all you do! May 2023 be your best year yet!

Nick - 16/12/2022

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our troops! Thank you for your dedication to Canada.

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