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Patrick Wait - 16/12/2022

Hi to all our Canadian troops out there. We thank you for all your service and sacrifice on behalf of our great country. We wish a happy Christmas and a happy New Year. And we support the cause all the way! Patrick, Bathurst, New-Brunswick

Madison - 16/12/2022

Dear canadian peacekeeper, Happy holiday, My name is Madison,I have some questions, First ,what is it like to be a peacekeeper? Also my age is 9. Next question, what do you eat as a peacekeeper? Third question, do you have kids? Now here is my information, I don't have any sister's or brother's, I live in canada. I went to Jamaica, St.vincent and the U.S.A. Happy Holiday Sincerely Madison grade 4.

Ishaaq - 16/12/2022

Dear Canadian peacekeeper I would like to know a bit about canadian peacekeepers.My first question is what is a peacekeeper? My second question is how long have you been a peacekeeper and my last question is have you ever been scared.I am 9 years old and I have 1 cat and 4 kittens.My favourite color is purple and my sign is Gemini.Like to play frisbee.Have a great holiday and thank you for your service! sincerely, Ishaaq

Nolan - 16/12/2022

Thank you to all the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces for your dedicated service to our country. Your bravery and commitment to representing our country and protecting our citizens is truly appreciated. We are grateful for your hard work and dedication, and we appreciate your sacrifices and the sacrifices of your families. Your service is essential to the safety and security of Canada, and I am proud to call myself Canadian. Thank you for all that you do.

Destinee - 16/12/2022

Dear Canadian Peacekeeper I hope you are doing well? Thank you for helping to make the world a peaceful place to live in. Happy holiday season to you and your family. Destinee

chance - 16/12/2022

You I hope you do good things happened to you and to see your family I wish you have a great great better day I wish you good luck and kisses from a friend of yours if you do have a friend I will be friends because we could be friends forever and ever so why not just have a great day by the way what's your name my name is Jack so can you be do your best and have a great day from your best friend yeah okay and make sure you can see your family make your family proud

Jabrayah - 16/12/2022

Dear Canadian Peace Keeper, I am nine years old . Also my name is Jabrayah and it's nice to meet you. How has your experience been as an Canadian Peace Keeper? Also how has it felt getting this emails to people who want peace? Do you miss your family and friends? I hope you receive this email. Happy Holidays !! From, Jabrayah

Ryan - 16/12/2022

to Canadian peacekeepers subject happy holidays dear canadian peacekeeper I wish you a holiday with cheer and joy I am ryan my favourite colour is purple, my favourite food is cheese and I love turtles, I have a few questions. One, what is your favourite food? Two, do you have a favourite candy? Three do you have a favourite colour? Four, what province are you from? Five, do you like turtles? Happy holidays. Sincerely, Ryan.

Ryan - 16/12/2022

Dear soldier, thanks for fighting for freedom as well as for the good of the country, I thank you for your service.

Aurora - 16/12/2022

Dear Soldier, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have sacrificed to serve our country. I am grateful for you and all the troops. Stay safe this holiday season. Happy Holidays and a happy New Years!

Mackenzie - 16/12/2022

Merry Christmas Soldiers, Thank you for all you have done for our country and others! We are all so proud of you and appreciate your service. -Kenzie

leandro - 16/12/2022

my name is long have you been a peacekeeper? what is the usual diet of a peacekeeper Where are you working as a peacekeeper? my name is leandro. I am 9 years old and i live in you like being a peacekeeper? where did you work in canada? have a happy new year of 2023

Hailee - 16/12/2022

i would like to thank you for all your efforts and all your bravery that you put to protect me and my family and country from terror and fear. each year we celebrate your dedication and preservatives that you show our nations security.

tyra - 16/12/2022

Dear soldier, thank you for everything you do for our country. You have impacted many peoples lives and you help make our world a safer place. I do not know when you will receive this, but as i write we are about a week away from Christmas. I can only imagine how hard it is to be away from your loved ones during this time, but know that they are thinking of you. <3

Ethan - 16/12/2022

Hello, I am Ethan. I am writing to give my appreciation and thank you for your sacrifice to our country. Thank you for putting your life on the line to protect our lives, and our country.

colby - 16/12/2022

Dear Solider, I just wanted to say stay safe your family loves you thank u for fighting for our country and Merry Christmas.

Joshua - 16/12/2022

Good luck and hope you all make it home safely back to your families and friends.

Jayke - 16/12/2022

Dear Soldier, thank you for fighting for our lives, I hope you stay safe and have a merry christmas and a happy new year. Love - Canada

Zander - 16/12/2022

Dear Soldier, Thank you for your efforts in both defending your own country and other countries, even if it can be rough I hope you know that your efforts have made countless feel safe.

Sumaya - 16/12/2022

Dear Soldier, we thank you for your service to our country. To say we are proud of you would be and understatement. Merry Christmas!

Ray - 16/12/2022

Thank you to all the soldiers who are serving our country through the Christmas holidays. It would be really hard to be away from your family at such a time and i couldn’t imagine. Thank you for giving your life to keep our country safe and to help other countries too. You are amazing, Canada thanks you!

Nyssa - 16/12/2022

Hi, I’m a student at Winston Knoll and I wanted to say thank you for everything you do. I couldn’t imagine being deployed, especially during the holidays. Thank you for your sacrifice and I wish you the best! Happy holidays!

Muhammad - 16/12/2022

Please keep up the good work, we remember you!

Tammie - 16/12/2022

Merry Christmas service members and veterans! Thank you for your courage, strength and love for us at home. I hope you are enjoying the holidays wherever you are, at least enough to keep smiling. Happy New Year too. Stay safe and blessed.

Gaby - 15/12/2022

Thank you for all that you do to keep our country safe and protecting us! I wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new years!

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