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Tanner - 22/11/2022

Dear Troops, Thank you for fight a battle far away from your home your doing great thank you for being here, you are a true hero. And thank you for your service. Sincerely, Tanner

Cole - 22/11/2022

Dear soldier, Thank you for keeping us safe and going through traumatizing wars just to protect our country and the people who live in it, if anything you are a brave soul.

Ryan - 22/11/2022

Dear troops, Thank you for your service to the army. You are risking your life fighting for your country going through violent things for OUR protection. You are brave, selfless people.

Aiden - 22/11/2022

dear troops, thank you so much for your service. thank you for all the sacrifices you had to make to keep our country safe. There is no amount of words for how thankful i am for our army. i speak me and my class mates to say we all are so thankful for our countrys soldiers.

freya - 22/11/2022

Dear soldiers of Canada, thank you for bringing the world some peace. Your sacrifice has made Canada a safer place. I hope you have a merry Christmas.

Katherine - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your sacrifice and services. Your passion and your devotion to saving other peoples lives is highly admirable. I speak for everyone when I say that your actions do not go unnoticed. I will be forever grateful for the sacrifices all of the veterans and soldiers made.

Kyla - 22/11/2022

Dear troops, thank you for everything. You guys stay safe out there! Thank you again.

Cora - 22/11/2022

Thank you for risking your life for us to live a safe life and having to expereance such atrocities of war

radek - 22/11/2022

thank you for serving our country am very grateful and happy that you have chosen to surve our country's it wouldn't be the same without you. without you i would not be here right now and we would have no freedoms so thank you we needed you

Tunmishe - 22/11/2022

I want to say thanks to all the soldiers who went out there and lost their lives for our sake they had families who loved them yet they still went out to fight for us, they will forever be loved in our hearts they went out to war fought for there country and served it well. They had good lives before with a loving family and that they love just as much, it's so sad that they had that life taken away from them because of war they deserve more than that they don't deserve such bad things to happen the world is a bad place and needs to improve or good people like this will keep on dying, I genuinely feel like there are some people who don't appreciate the soldiers sacrifice just so we can live our lives I hope they died knowing that they fulfilled there duty instead of dying with regret.

kennedy - 22/11/2022

Thank you for fighting for our country, sacrificing your self just to keep us safe. Without you we wouldn't feel safe in our own homes. Thank you.

Addie - 22/11/2022

Dear soldiers, thank you so much for everything you have done to fight and protect Canada. You are all so brave to risk your lives to protect Canada. You guys bring peace to this world everyday. Thank you for keeping us safe day in and day out. Thank you so much soldiers for everything you do to protect Canada.

Rei - 22/11/2022

hello, i hope you all are training well and i hope you all stay safe....

Rylan - 22/11/2022

Thank you for all your served in this country that we call home and that you pray your safe wherever you are. I hope that you going to be home for the holiday with your family. - Rylan

Jett Norgard - 22/11/2022

Hi im 13 years old, Im in grade 8 in jr.high school. I wanted to say thank you to all the soldiers fighting for our country. god bless.

Naia - 22/11/2022

Hello... Thank you for your service. Words truly aren't enough to describe the gratitute we feel. But thank you. Thank you for doing what millions aren't brave enough to do, for standing strong with our country and fighting. I could write on and on but unfortunately there's a character limit. Heheh- Thank you. I don't know how you can do it. It's amazing, honestly (and needless to say). Live on. I hope you have a very long life and can fill it with happiness throughout your service. Good day. :) <3 -Naia

Kayleigh - 22/11/2022

Thank you for protecting our country. We really appreciate everything that you do for us, please stay safe!

George - 22/11/2022

Thank you troops for fighting, keeping peace and risking your lives for our protection. Without you, I don't know where I would be right now.

kaiya - 22/11/2022

thank you very much for your service i am very grateful for your bravery.

Mikey - 22/11/2022

Thank you for protecting us and keeping us safe i am very grateful for your service.

Kennedy - 22/11/2022

Dear Canadian Veterans, Thank you for your service. Remembrance Day has passed, but know that we continue to appreciate what you have done. Your bravery and courage to keep Canada safe has not been overlooked. Whatever holidays you may celebrate in the next few months, I wish that they are filled with love and shared with those you cherish. Being away from family and friends during this time is difficult, however, hopefully this letter brings a smile to your face and a little joy to your day. Thank you for all that you have done.

andrew - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your service we hope you are doing well and are always safe. We are very grateful for your service

Jackson - 22/11/2022

To all of the troops that have protected our country for decades I sincerely thank you for all of the things you do

Allyson - 22/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I want to say thank you for your service to protect our freedom. Thank you for your dedication, sacrafice, hardwork and long hours. We appreciate your self-less service! I am grateful to live in a free country, all because of you amazing veterans! Thank you sincerely.

Kody - 22/11/2022

Thank you for protecting our amazing country. your work is trully amazing, and people should respect it. it is no easy job and i thank you and everyone brave enough to step up. I am inspired by your work, thank you.

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