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Ruby - 10/11/2023

Dear women and men veterans, thank you for all the hard work you do. you save the world and I'm thankful for that, if you weren't here i would have never seen how much you guys have done. Thank you <3

Auto Class Brampton - 10/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, we want to thank you for protecting us every single day. We are a Grade 9 Auto Class and we want to let you know we appreciate being able to come to school safely. We hope you continue to protect us all and return home to your families.

An English Class, Brampton ON - 10/11/2023

A Letter to the Troops: We hope that you are safe and hope you get back to your families. We love you! I hope your families are safe. I hope you will spend time with your families and protect the whole entire country. We never forget. Thank you for saving our country, Canada. I like your uniforms. Be safe!

Warren - 10/11/2023

Thank you for your services and making this country a great place.

Madison P.C Spence - 10/11/2023

Dear our brave troops, I would like to thank you for the bravery you give us every day, everywhere. Even when you are at home you are still are on call, for the unfortunate sate of the world and the sadness war is and makes. When you are at home you may be cooking for the for your family but when you go in you cook for your other family and I am so happy that you do so. If we did not have the cooks, the troops or the doctor we we would all have fallen all-time a go, so I thank you for keeping me and my family safe. The love I want to give you would never be enough. I wish I could do more but I can't do much because I am sadly only fifteen but when I ture old enough I will use all of my hear to support you and your love ones the best I can. So thank you again, Madison P.C Spence.

Cyrissa - 10/11/2023

Hello, We are a grade 9/10 Drama class from Brampton, Ontario and wanted to say thank you for serving our country and keeping us safe. We hope that you will get to see your families soon. In addition, we are honoured to have you serve for our country and are thankful for your courage and for supporting all people around the world. We hope that you stay safe in all that you do. Sincerely, Our Drama class.

TrisL05 - 10/11/2023

We honor you for the sacrifices you have made.You have fought valiantly for Canada.You have saved many lives because of what you did and continue to do. You made many people happy because of what you did. You selflessly fought so that children and their families can live here safely. You served the government wisely and well. You made Canada so much safer. You are all very brave, smart heroes! We appreciate you! We hope that those of you who are defending our country will all come home safely. Good luck. Stay safe, Come home to your families. Thank you for your service. Thank you for making Canada a safer place. Sincerely, TrisL05

Owen - 10/11/2023

My name is Owen, I'm 14 years old in grade 9. I'm only here today to write this message to you because of all of your sacrifices throughout history. As such, beyond any borders or ideology, you all have my support, for your bravery and dedication to keeping me and my fellow countrypeople safe.

Warren J. - 10/11/2023

Thank you for your services and the sacrafices you did and do for our country.

Room 107 at JNSS - 10/11/2023

Thank you for everything you do for the country and for us!

Sarla Hegde - 09/11/2023

Thank you so much for your sacrificial service to keep our country safe and free and for the work that you do around the world to meet the needs of others. It is very much appreciated. Praying for your ongoing safety and for your families.

Kaidin - 09/11/2023

Hello, I am happy to be able to write to you, I have not been able to show my gratitude before. You have done a great service for your country and we all commemerate you for it. I must have been hard and scary to always be away from home and your life always in danger, I myself never thought of going into the military so i have no right to call myself brave or strong because that belongs to people like you, people who fought for their freedom and their beliefs. Thank you agian!

Jasneet - 09/11/2023

My name is Jasneet. I am thirteen years old and attend Chief Dan Middle School. The intent of this message is to express my gratitude to all the soldiers that have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our country. I would like to express my empathy to your families because to lose someone is an extremely challenging thing to go through. The reason I can freely engage in these interests is because of the sacrifices you have made. I enjoy this freedom because you fought for our country’s freedom, some hobbies I have are figure skating, drawing, and painting. I am forever grateful and will always appreciate your integrity and patriotism. I thank you for how willing you were to help this country and the people of Canada. I cannot even start to imagine how horrifying the war would have been and the harm that it caused. That is why we honour you on Remembrance Day. The idea of Remembrance Day to me means honouring what the people of this country had to go through for our freedom. The two minutes means to spend a little time to remember them, the sacrifices they make, and to honour those sacrifices. I know this job is far from easy, so I admire your desire to help this country. You are very brave and have for sure inspired many other people to help Canada’s military. Since the work you do is so important, I hope that you stay safe while you work towards keeping us safe. As I conclude this message with respect, I would like to say thank you!

shaylynn - 09/11/2023

dear soldier I hope you are safe from : shaylynn in grad 4 bey bey

Grade 4/5 students - 09/11/2023

Dear Veterans, Thank you for serving in the war. We appreciate how much you have all done for our country. We thank you for everything and giving us peace. Lest we forget.

Tanis - 09/11/2023

Hi! We are a loving and grateful grade 3 class from Cochrane, Alberta. We want to thank you for your service in keeping us safe and supporting our country’s needs. We take this time of year to learn, remember, and honour both past and present soldiers who have served for our country. Thank you for making personal sacrifices for us, for the good of our communities, and for our country. We feel very proud to be Canadians, and we support the hard work that you do for us. We will celebrate you every day, not just on Remembrance Day and at this time of year. We hope that you feel very proud of the work you are doing for us. We give you thoughts of courage and peace at this time, and always. Love from, Our Grade 3 Class

Gavin - 09/11/2023

Hello troops, My name is Gavin. I go to CDG middle school. I am trying to make the basketball team, but I think am not going to make the team because There are people that are better than me.I am in a wrestling club. I like to go on bike rides and hanging out with Family and friends. I Really want to say thank you for serving for our country.

jeremy - 09/11/2023

Dear solders I Salute you guys today me and my school salute all of you me and everyone salute the solders that served the war and fought in the war everyone salute you RIP the ones that fought in the war thank you for fighting for us. Thank you to all that fought in WW1 and WW2 RIP Thank you too All Solders

Michael - 09/11/2023

Hello, my name is Michael and I'm going to be thanking you for all your hard work to protect and sacrifice for our country and I wanna share a little about myself for making us feel safe. The first thing is that I go to school and do great on my schoolwork, and I am very shy but I'm trying to face my fear and I’m having some progress of having to get out of my comfort zone. I feel good about it, it makes me feel like I'm passing through a tunnel of my nightmares and fears. I know how it feels to protect the country with your hard work, it must’ve been tough and great helping the citizens of Canada and you feel proud as a peacock. Hope you accomplish your job and hope that you find what you're looking for.

Ashley - 09/11/2023

Dear Veteran, Thank you so much for your time and sacrifice. I can’t imagine what being in your position would’ve been, which makes me even more grateful. Thank to you we now live in a free country, YOU participated and helped the citizens live in an independent country with universal suffrage. I admire your sacrifice and work, thanks to you I’m even more grateful for the freedom I enjoy. Happy Veterans day and remember to be proud of yourself! Sincerely, Ashley

shanshika - 09/11/2023

To Canadian Armed Forces, I am 13 years old in grade 8. Thank you for keeping our country safe and for protecting everyone. I hope you all have a long and happy life. From Shanshika.

Bhavreet - 09/11/2023

Hello, my name is Bhavreet and I wanted to write you a letter to show my appreciation for your services to the wars that happened. It must not have been easy when war broke out, I can imagine the adrenaline pumping though your body and that first strike of the bullet and you zoning in everything else fading away. All the lives that were lost may be your friends and those close to you. Mabe you were also injured. I admire you and your services to bring me and Canada peace and that I rest assured that I am safe here.

Sanay - 09/11/2023

Dear Troops, I sanay am 12 years old and 13 in December, and I go to middle school, and I live in British Columbia. I want to say thank you for protecting our country. I play badminton and watch Brooklyn 99 and S.W.A.T on Netflix. I want to say thank you for protecting our country and thank you for peace and thanks for allowing me to do that.

harsimrat - 09/11/2023

Hi, my name is Harsimrat. I am an 8th grade student and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for all you do and for all you have done because of the armed forces I have many Oppurtunites for example I go to cadets and at cadets we talk about what happened to the soldiers at war and what you folks sacrificed to give people like this freedom we also talk about what you guys have been through we actually had a solider come to our building and talk about what it's like working at the Canadian armed forces and because of all the Oppurtunites. I have a better understanding and for that I want to say thank you.

Funto - 09/11/2023

Hello, I am a 13 year-old student living in British Colombia. I came to Canada in 2019. Because of your efforts I get to live in a safe country, where I don’t have to worry about war. Thank you for your services.

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