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Aayan - 08/11/2023

Thank you to our troops for putting on their uniform everyday and fighting for our country. Thank you for your bravery and sacrifices to our country. I hope that you come back to your family and friends safe and sound and you get recognition for your efforts. THANK YOU!

Ella - 08/11/2023

Thank you veteran for sacrificing your life for our country

Vienna - 08/11/2023

Dear Veterans, We as a country are appreciative today and everyday for your sacrifices. Thank you for all that you do.

Livia - 08/11/2023

Your service to this country is much appreciated. Thank you for fighting for peace, Canada will be forever grateful for your contribution.

Tyson - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran thank you

jay ngan - 08/11/2023

Dear, Veterans I wish you the best in your journey of life and I hope that luck and fortune will be on your side. -Jay Ngan

Mason - 08/11/2023

Dear veterans thanks for serving our country right. You have impacted a lot of lives and our community is very grateful. We will remember you acts of service. Thank you

Vienna - 08/11/2023

Dear Veterans, We as a country are appreciative today and everyday for your sacrifices. Thank you for all that you do.

Ben - 08/11/2023

I want to thank you for your service on the battlefield. Without you we would not have the freedom we have today. Because of you I am able to go to school and hang out with all my friends.Your bravery inspires me and many others. Thank you.

Faith - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran, thank you for serving our country. Canada is and has been at peace because of the brave soldiers who fought. We honour and thank you for your sacrifices, and we send our condolences to those who have lost a loved one in the line of duty. Thank you.

Kirra - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran, Thank you so much for your dedication and bravery towards country, your effort never goes un-noticed. You have taught us what it means to fight for freedom, and have brought us to where we are today. We thank you for honoring our country with your arrive.

Jacob - 08/11/2023

Hey troops my name is Jacob and I’m here to write a message for you. I don really know what you guys are doing right now wherever you are, but I just wanted to say whatever you are doing keep doing :) hope you people stay strong and push through whatever comes your way.

Avery - 08/11/2023

Dear soldier, I would like to say that I am so so grateful for all that you have done, risking your life and having to go through the horrors of war. Thank you for all that you have done to keep our country safe.

Sonali - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service, all of Canada will be grateful for your service. I hope that people will forever respect you for all the sacrifices you’ve made for the country. Thank you for brining peace and freedom towards this country. I hope this country thrives thanks to everything you’ve done for the future generations.

Erin - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your honourable commitment to the fight for peace.Your bravery and sacrifices are seen and valued.

keldon - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service.

zachary - 08/11/2023

Hi would like you to enjoy the message. You did a great job serving are home land and protecting ever one here today from experiencing war at the front door of this century. From Zachary

Ellen - 08/11/2023

Dear veterans, you are so brave for serving our country, thank you for risking your life for the future of our country.

Riel Paling - 08/11/2023

Dear, Veterans What you’ve done for the country is honestly inspiring. I’m a little (lot) lazy and recently I’ve been losing motivation for many things, but remembering that you’ve done so much for our country that your problems aren’t something I even have a natural thought about is amazing. I’m glad I’m not living in the conditions of war, and I’m glad that there are you veterans who came back alive. Thank you.

Kyle L. - 08/11/2023

Lest we forget We will never be able to thank the troops more for what they did and how brave they where to fight for our freedom, we will always remember the people who had the courage to fight for our country

Daeven P. - 08/11/2023

Dear, Veterans Thank you for serving our country and thank you for sacrificing everything so we can live our lives freely. Thanks, Daeven

Kaden T. - 08/11/2023

i am so honnored to have verterans like you to serve our county and give to our people,protect our rights and freedoms. never stop beliving in yourself or your country. your dedi cation and hard work has made a future generration alittle brighter and safer . yoour giving back to our generation with

Dani - 08/11/2023

Dear soldiers, thank you so much for everything you do. I appreciate all the sacrifices you’ve made to keep our country safe and a better place. I really admire all of your resilience and leadership through difficult times. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Thank you.

Sophie - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your bravery, dedication, and sacrifice. Your service is truly appreciated.

Vlad - 08/11/2023

Your unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and courage inspire us all. Your service to our country is invaluable, and we are deeply grateful for your selflessness. Your strength and commitment make the world a safer place. Thank you for everything you do. Stay safe and know that you are appreciated.

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