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Nathan Burnett - 09/02/2023

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the sacrifices you are all making for me to have a safe bright future. Stay strong and just know your hard work isn’t going unnoticed!

Vivian - 04/02/2023

To all the men and women in the military. I am a free in Canada,living this life because of our forefathers and your sacrifices .Our country is great because of you,your protection is appreciated and remembered,always.On behalf of myself,my children,my siblings..we just want to say that without you all that we have would not exist.A huge thankyou to your families also as I am certain this is hard of them! From the bottom of my heart.. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! God bless you and keep you safe,always!

James William Birchall - 03/02/2023

Canadian Army, Good luck with the training in Latvia. James

Emma - 02/02/2023

I would just like to say thank you, for everything you are doing!

Aayush Trivedi - 02/02/2023

Hello Sir or Mam I hope you are doing well, I would like to thank you for your service and protecting our country from threats. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and again thank you for serving our country

cris menoza - 01/02/2023

A Big Salute to all of you brave soldiers, you give us your Life, and us your fellowman we appreciate and love all of you. I always include you in my prayers and all the others soldiers all around the world with golden hearts. Keep Safe, may Lord God Guide you always, Cris Menoza Dubai, UAE

Wanda Winsor - 24/01/2023

I want to thank you all for the job that you do. The personal and professional sacrifice that you make everyday to protect our country and citizens of other countries is a job that is frankly beyond being able to be compared to most jobs. You are not forgotten or taken for granted, even though you may think that on special occasions or when you are just feeling homesick. We are here for you and because of you. Bless you all!

Randy - 24/01/2023

This Thank-You goes out to all the men & women who serve in the Canadian Armed Forces. Never has your service and dedication been more important than now (certainly in my lifetime). Leadership can come from anywhere and from anyone. Each and every one of you INSPIRE others with your service. Thank-You for continuing to lead by example.

Lucas - 21/01/2023

Thank you for everything you do. We can never fully understand the extent of your efforts but please know that you are greatly appreciated. I am praying for you, even when days are hard remember that you are loved. Have a great day!

Kelvin Robertson - 20/01/2023

We are very proud of the work you do for us. Thank you.

Kim Marshall - 18/01/2023


Rowan Dwyer - 18/01/2023

thank you to all our troop from any war Its a really big chance to send a message to all of you Have a wonderful 2023

Bassil G - 18/01/2023

To all Canadian Armed Forces service men and women on peaceful missions, I wish you all a happy and safe New Year!

Paula - 13/01/2023

To all military members! Thank you for your service at home and abroad. I have family in the military and know the many sacrifices that military members and their families must do for the job of protecting our country. For those abroad or at home, may you all come home safe to your families. We appreciate the sacrifices made.

Laurie - 09/01/2023

I can't imagine how hard to be away from family and home. You might feel like out of sight out of mind. So I thought I would just remind whoever needs to hear it that someone thought of you today. Someone thought about the sacrifices and struggles you have had to go through to do your job and in case you didn't know we are thankful and hope all the best for you. Take care and be kind to yourself. Laurie

Angelina - 08/01/2023

Hey there! My name is Angelina but you can call me Angela or whatever is easiest. I hope you are well and healthy. I know how endless and difficult things seem to get in life but always remember that tomorrow will come and you’re doing great. If you ever need someone to talk to, reach out, I love chatting with people :). Alright, hope you have a good day and if you see the color blue, I’m thinking well of you.

Andy - 04/01/2023

Dear members of the Canadian Armed Forces, This holiday season where ever stationed no matter how far away from home, remember that we, the Canadian public will always stand beside the Forces. Upholding a tradition of fighting for right and freedom is no easy task, so rest assured that the work done is greatly appreciated by us at home. In my eyes, trade and status does not define a person. Infanteer, Armored Soldier, Combat Engineer it does not matter. The sacrifices from the Forces during service for King & Country will forever be embroiled upon Canadian History. Merry Christmas Soldier, Aviator, Sailor and may God bless you all as you continue to shield us from danger. Merry Christmas and a very happy new year. With regards, Andy

C. Jane Waters - 31/12/2022

As the New Year is only a few hours away, I reflect on another crazy year passed. I pray for you all, our protectors, as you have sacrificed so much for our country. I pray my heightened plea for peace, so you can return home to your loved ones. I pray you are all safe, and just know that we want you all home., May the Lord Bless You and Keep You Safe. Peace, Love and Hugs

Navrit Hothi - 31/12/2022

Thank you for all that you guys do! It must be so hard to be away from your families especially around the holidays, but I hope you all know that we are thinking of you:) Have a good one!

James William Birchall - 30/12/2022

Canadian Armed Forces, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let's hope 2023 is a better year! Take care, James

Céline - 29/12/2022

Je vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes malgré que vous ne soyez pas près de vos proches. Sachez que vous faites un travail exceptionnel et que vous méritez tout notre respect! Prenez soin de vous!

Pauletta Soublière - 28/12/2022

À tous les membres des Forces canadiennes nous voulons vous envoyez nos meilleurs voeux, toute notre admiration pour votre grand dévouement et votre service en nous protégeant. Nous disons MERCI MERCI et souhaitons votre retour parmi vos familles et amis très bientôt . Merci

Doris - 25/12/2022

Merry Christmas to you! It’s cold again here and lots of flights have been canceled. Thanks for your time in the forces and sacrificing your time with your own family and life back home. Thank you !

Kelvin Robertson - 24/12/2022

Wishing our troops the best of the season!

Marvelle - 24/12/2022

Thinking of you and your family this holiday season. I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Thank you for your service! Protect all our men and women in military service. Give them unflinching courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion, the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil. Be their rock, their shield, and their stronghold and let them draw their strength from you. For you are God, for ever and ever.

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