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Thomas - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for all that you are doing to help Canada and the rest of the world become a better place. I have always been glad to have the freedom that I currently have because it has truly made life just that much better and easier for me to enjoy. I hope that you guys keep up the efforts that are currently being done to keep Canada and the rest of the world out of conflicts. Canada has always been safe thanks to your efforts to keep Canada out of Conflict. I have a joke for you: How do tree’s access the internet? They log into it. Thank you for all of your service, T.

Jared - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops. I want to thank you for your service and for keeping this country safe. And for whatever mission or operation you are doing right now. I hope you are doing well and staying safe. From Jared

jamall - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers im thankful for you protecting our country was is it fun working in the Army what was it like being in the trenches what was like in a tank where you mushed a lot is it scary skydiving or parachuting. from jamall

Ryan - 11/11/2022

Hello Canadian soldier. thank you for your incredible service and keeping our country safe from danger. I'm grateful for the freedom to vote for a leader we can rely on 50 percent of the time, my right for free speech, and the fact I'm able to write this to you. If you are in Ukraine right now I wish you nothing but the best of luck. May luck be on your side and tell your Ukrainian buds I hav3 the utmost respect for you and them. When you come back I hope you are surrounded by the ones you love. Best of luck

Rex - 11/11/2022

Hello soldiers I want to thank you for your contribution and the sacrifices you made for Canada I respect your dedication and commitment to peace we honor your caring and bravery to protect and serve. We will Remember the courage for protecting our land and were thankful and appreciate the work you did for us.

Katarina - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for protecting our country with courage and bravery. My grandpa was also one of those who fought. Thank you, Always Rest In Peace. Love From, your grade 4 friend, Katarina

Eliza - 11/11/2022

Dear Veterans, It is a honorable day to acknowledge those who sacrificed their lives to leave a mark in the future. Those who stepped forward and served in war deserve to sit somewhere in our hearts. I am so thankful for the veterans that fought to create a future where people respect others. Sincerely, Eliza

Sofia - 11/11/2022

Hello, Canadian Troops Our country is forever grateful for your dedication and sacrifices for us and our safety. Your contribution to making the world a safer place is truly appreciated. Your altruistic ambitions change our country for the better! We are not only thankful for those of you who serve, but also for those who died. Those whose courage and deaths help our country be a better place. They are why we remember, and you all are before we are entirely thankful. We are grateful for all of you. Lest we forget those who died for us. Respects, Sofia

Lynn - 11/11/2022

Thank you for all the service you have done for us just so that we can live a peaceful life. I am so grateful that you sacrificed your life just for billions of people to live happy. I truly respect your dedication you did for us, now thanks to you I am honored that we now live a peaceful life and with every freedom we have. We shall always remember every one who died in World War I, World War II, every war and bombing that happened. Once again I am thankful for your bravery that you did just for us to live in harmony. -Lynn

Bruce - 11/11/2022

Dear Troops, To all of you who fought in the wars, are still fighting, and for the ones who never made it, thank you. To the navy, the airforce and the ground troops, thank you. To the doctors and nurses who helped heal the wounded, thank you. To the colonels and to the sergeants, thank you. To the vets and to the spirits, thank you. To the Canadian army, the American army and all the other armies, thank you. Thank you, and lest we forget. - Bruce

Sahasra - 11/11/2022

We appreciate your kind and caring service. Thank you for all you have sacrificed your participation to end this cruel world. You dedicated your life for us. Thank you so much.

Sneha - 11/11/2022

Dear Veterans, I wish you a very happy remembrance day. I know that this day in particular is hard to reflect on but, you should know your dedication and bravery is not going unheard. You have gone through so much trauma and suffering that almost nothing can compare to. You have fought for freedom and safety. Your contribution will not and never will be forgotten. So thank you. -Sneha

Addison ? - 11/11/2022

Hello, my name is Addison. On this day, November, 11th, I am honored to be here and be able to thank you guys for serving our country. If it were not for you guys I wouldn't be living in such a free country. You all fought and are fighting, and put your lives at risk for me and all my friends. It truly means so much to me because my grandpa was a pilot and his dad, served in World War II. Thank you again. ? -Addison

Paige - 11/11/2022

HI my name is Paige i am in the 6th grade in st isabelle we all hope you are doing well and healing well too all of the of you are my heros stay safe and remember to stand tall and stay cool.

Loic - 11/11/2022

Greetings my name is Loic, and I go to elementary school. I would like to thank whoever is reading this for protecting our country and for all the soldiers who died in the battle. I am truly thankful for your service. May God bless you - Loic

zack - 11/11/2022

Hello my name is Zack. Thank you so much for your dedication to the army and fighting for our country and I am so grateful for your time in the army. Thank you for your sacrifice for our country. God bless you - Zack

Josh - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers I'm thankful for your service and i'm thankful for you protecting our country to help our and thank you for fighting help us and i hope you guys are doing well you make canada a better place.

Meron - 11/11/2022

Dear Brave Soldier You have fought bravely or my safety and you lose sleep just so I can gain sleep which I admire about you. Your selflessness will never be forgotten and will live forever in our memory and for generations to come. We thank you for your kind hearted willingness to sacrifice so much for your own nation and we care about you, your families, your health and your comfort. I'm certain that you have suffered multiple injuries and I am wishing you a very fast and easy recovery, always praying for you!

Nicholas - 11/11/2022

Dear troops, ---------------------- Thank you for protecting us in our darkest hours, Thank you for keeping us safe, Thank you for protecting us from sinister powers, Thank you for thwarting the evil and the unsafe. Thank you for everything. We owe it all to you. We are not the only ones who should thank you. Many more should thank you as you have protected many countries, not just our own. Thank you.

Mariana - 11/11/2022

November 11th, 2022 Dear Canadian Troops, Your sacrifice means the world to us. We are extremely thankful for all of your hard work and dedication to not only Canada but other more vulnerable countries as well. We know it may be hard, and some days can be too much to bear, but regardless of that, you keep going. We hope you always know how valued and loved you are, and for that, your sacrifices will never be taken for granted. We also understand that it may not always be easy to put on a positive attitude, and how sometimes giving up may seem like the best option, regardless, take these letters as reminders that your work is appreciated, and that you’ll always have our support. We promise that the men and women that have been lost along the way won’t be forgotten, and we will continue to remember them dearly, as their courage serves as inspiration for everyone. May God bless you while you embark on this journey, thank you for your service.

Roman - 11/11/2022

Thank you for everything you guys did for all of us. I'm so grateful for everything and for creating peace here for us. I am honored to have you guys risking your lives for all of us. I just want to say thank you.

Maksym - 11/11/2022

Je te remercie pour tes service dans la guerre et pour aidez le Canada a être que quelle est aujourd'hui, encore je te remercie.

Logan - 11/11/2022

Dear Troops. Thank you for your bravery I will always remember what you have done for the country.I hope you guys are doing good

Lily - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops. Thanks for everything you did for us, and sacrificed your life for lots of people. I am very grateful for all the things you did for us. We will always remember you, Thank you for everything. - from Lily

Jamie - 11/11/2022

Dear member of the Canadian Troops To you, I really appreciate that you fought in the war. I think you are very brave to fight in war. I wouldn't want to fight in a war. From your grade 5 friend, Jamie

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