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Teigan - 11/11/2022

Thank you for going into war. Your the reason we have these privileges.

Noah - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I am a student in grade 10 and my great-grandfather served in the Navy during the second world war. I have been blessed with a peaceful neighborhood, school, and country. All that would not have happened without you and your service. Thank you for the many sacrifices you have made to allow me to feel safe and free. The world is a much better place because of you. Thank you for all that you do to keep us safe, such as putting yourself at risk during wars and natural disasters, and helping out people in need. I admire your hard work, courage, and your willingness to put others first. You are a great source of inspiration to me and many people around the world. Noah

Jack - 11/11/2022

Dear CAF member, ________________________ We are praying for your safety as you serve us and our country. Thank you for your humble dedication to protecting our country and making us Canadians feel safe living where we are. Whether you are in the army, navy or air force, or serving another way, your service does not go unnoticed, thank you for your brave acts for us all. _____________ Wishing you nothing but the best, Jack

Zac - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Hi, my name is Zac, and to whoever is reading this letter I would like to say thank you for protecting and fighting for our country. I know it’s hard to be in a war or battle but thank you for sacrificing your life for our freedom, and the lives of people in Canada. I hope that there are no bad things going to happen, and to end this letter, I just wanted to say thank you for everything and be safe.

Iliza - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Army Forces, 11/11/2022 Today is November 11th, the day we all take to appreciate what you’ve done for not only Canada but for the whole world. In one way or another, you have all affected us in the best way possible. You dedicate your lives to serving and helping others and we appreciate all of your work. Because of all of you, we are all safe. I can have freedom of speech, religion, and association. These are all rights that not everyone has but we do because you’ve fought for every Canadian citizen/resident. You’ve been serving away from your family and friends which is a difficult thing to do but you keep on pushing forward each time. You’ve even served during the pandemic helping people despite the hardships you’ve faced I want to let you know that every single act of yours is appreciated and we keep you in our thoughts and prayers constantly. I send you all of my words of encouragement, we hope you never lose your courage and come back to your homes in good condition. I wish you all a happy veterans day and I think that every day should be taken to appreciate all you do. Thank you, Iliza

Luis - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops We appreciate all your years of hard work and service to Canada. Thank you for sacrificing your life for Canada and making it a better place. We are grateful because everyone has the freedom to make their own choices. You are all making Canada safer, and we can't be thankful enough. We hope everyone stays safe and continues to work as well as you are doing now.

Ivey - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers We are so proud and grateful for you protecting Canada. Thank you for taking risks and helping us have a warm,loving,free and safe home of Canada.Thank you for reading this and I just want to thank you my name is Ivey and I'm grateful for my home From: Ivey

Leah - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for all your selfless acts, your sacrifices, and your lives. You’ve left your homes and your families to keep us safe, strangers that you don't even know the names of. You've given us rights and freedom through spilling your own blood. You have taken care of us while not even knowing each other. We are not family nor friends, but I am grateful that you made Canada safe for me to live in. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, Leah

kaylee - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you all for protecting our Country and keeping us safe. We thank you all to Fight for us and I feel safe, but I feel Bad for the Fighting soldiers because you have to be away from your families. and same. I can see some of you suffer and I wish I can help but I can't Because I am a Girl. I thank the soldiers for fighting for for us. I feel safe beside my heroes that are Brave and kind to are side. So I thank the soldiers and thank I soldiers who care of all people that are brave and ready to fight so I will be Brave and stand up for my self and the soldiers . I thank for all the soldiers. From Kaylee.

Robin - 11/11/2022

Dear veteran, thank you for all that you do. Thank you for restoring peace around the world, trying your best and being so brave and kind. everyone appreciates what you are doing for our and other countries. If you are in a war right now good luck and I believe in you and if not keep training and you can do it.

Aleem - 11/11/2022

Bonjour! Nous vous sommes reconnaissants. Merci de nous avoir sauvé la vie. Nous ne pouvons pas nier la grâce de vous. Merci.

Amaira - 11/11/2022

Hi to whoever sees this! My name is Amaira! I'm a 7th grader in Ontario. My teacher gave us a choice board for remembrance day and one of the options on the choice board was writing a message to a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. I thought it would be nice to write a letter to you kings, queens and royal in-betweens. It took me a while to realize how much you guys sacrificed. I only understood how hard it was to be a part of the Armed Forces after my uncle joined the Indian armed forces. I just really wanted to say how grateful I am for your sacrifices. It must be so hard to not know what could happen the next day. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be away from your family for long periods of time. Words can not express how grateful I am for you all. I hope you all live to have great lives with your birth family or chosen family. Thank you for your service! From Amaira :)

jimmy - 11/11/2022

dear solders hi im Landon we are thank full that you faught in the war and we will remember you and we appreciate your sacrifices for our country thanks. from. Landon

George - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I am writing to you on remembrance day and I would like to thank you for your work and what you do for not only Canada but the entire world. I appreciate you risking your lives for my freedom and all other people living in Canada, you truly resemble bravery, liberation, and freedom. I pray for you that you have protection, and strength and fulfill your current operations swiftly without any hardships. I thank you for risking your lives for mine and others, even though it will be difficult for you, I really do admire your work and bravery. To end my letter, I really thank you for everything you’ve done and hope you have a great rest of the year!

ali - 11/11/2022

DEAR CANADIAN ARMED FORCES MEMBER thank you very very much for serving my country you have done an amazing job your kind,caring,strong and brave for doing this for us :-D.

Eric - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I am writing a letter of respect to you. Thank you for sacrificing your life for us and protecting our nation.

carter - 11/11/2022

Thank you for sacrificing your life for people.

carter - 11/11/2022

Thank you for sacrificing your life for people.

Elijah - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, my name is Elijah and I start off by saying thank you for what you have done for me and other Canadians. I am very grateful for my freedom of speech and education, I know for a fact that war is hard and dangerous but you guys sacrificed your lives for that, and for that, I respect each and everyone one of you. I also have one question, my question what were your thoughts when you officially joined the Canadian army?

Aidan - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for sacrificing so much to make the world a better place. Thank you for putting your life on the line to save many other lives. I am very grateful for all your sacrifices, and everything you've done. Even though I don't know who you are, I'm sure you're a very cool person. I'm also sure you pull. It must be scary to do the things you have to do. I don't think I could do that. Sometimes I wonder what you did before you were a Canadian troop? Did you play any sports? Did you play any Instruments? I have to go now, but I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done. P.S You have W Rizz (search it up if you don't know what it means) Your friend, Aidan

Leena - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, My name is Leena, I’m a Canadian Citizen, and I want to start my letter by thanking each and everyone of you for your dedication in serving and taking good care of our country, Canada. I want to thank you for your efforts and want you to know that you’re not alone. You’re doing an amazing job and I encourage you to keep it up knowing that I am very proud of your devotion and happy with your accomplishments. To be honest, each and every member of the army does nothing but inspire me to do and show only bravery and selflessness in the world. I as one, recognize you and won’t forget what you’re doing for this country so I say, yet again, THANK YOU! Sincerely, Leena J.C

andrew - 11/11/2022

dear veterans i am very thankful to have you protect our country i know it must be hard protecting our country but i am proud that you did not give up on protecting our country

Bailey - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member Thank you for protecting our country and keeping all of us safe. thank you for making all of these sacrifices to protect our country

Lice - 11/11/2022

thank you for everything you do for everyone that you have to go to help everyone in the world thank you so much for everything you sacrifice for everyone.

Shyla - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Troops, I just wanted to thank you for your service. Whatever you may be doing, you have done a lot for Canada and its citizens. It takes strength and courage to achieve the things I am sure you did, so I am sending my respect to you. I saw what members of the CAF have to do just to join: the FORCE test (I think), basic training, and some other stuff that I’m forgetting. I tend to forget important things, like the freedoms I have of expression, religion, and having fun. I get to go to school, have friends, and have dreams of an attainable future. Because of you guys, I am allowed to forget the important things, so thank you. I also heard that the person reading this is deployed somewhere, which is incredibly brave of you. That is insane. It must be difficult there; maybe you’re in a war zone, so I’m guessing it’s not so pleasant there. Well, I hope you keep your head up when times get really tough. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Additionally, I’m hoping you have a safe return home. I hope that when you finally come home, you’re greeted with open arms by your loved ones and by those who might not love you but respect you greatly, as your service is honourable and respectable. Anyways, I better end this letter. I hope this finds you safely and makes your life slightly better. I sort of doubt that my words have that kind of effect on somebody’s life, but perhaps they will distract you from dire subjects for a little while. Have a good day. Sincerely, S.O.

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