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Tanya Hunter - 24/12/2022

A very happy Yule to you all. No matter where you are you always carry home with you. Sending you the brightest blessings for a very happy holiday.

Jean Grieve - 24/12/2022

My father fought in those terrible trenches in WW1 and was in charge of defending Perth in Scotland in WW2. I greatly appreciate your sacrifice in being often away from your family, especially at this time. Thank you for your dedication in the defence of Canada and all it's people. Jean

Suzanne - 24/12/2022

Bonjour à vous tous. Merci de faire tous ce que vous faites pour le pays. Et je vous souhaite de passer de joyeuses fêtes que Dieu vous protége vous et vos familles.

Hank J VanderSar - 24/12/2022

Thanks to you all for your service to Canada and the World. Wish you a blessed Christmas and Safe New Year..

Sarah Khanam - 24/12/2022

Hi, wish you all a safe arrival.

Debbie - 24/12/2022

Here in Northern Ontario watching the snow fall, getting ready to greet my family. I know that I am truly lucky and blessed to be able to have it. This is because of people like you that sacrifice in order to keep us safe, and represent Canada with all your care for other countries too. Thank you for your Service.. Merry Christmas

Tina Wadden - 24/12/2022

To our amazing dedicated loyal and brave men and women how can I possibly thank you for all you to for us . Seems those two little words seem so insufficient however I think very meaningful to you and myself. My family had members who have served over the years grandparents in the war . I’ve seen so many pictures and words news articles but we do it see up close and personal as you do. My heart is so full of thank fullness, sadness that you even have to be there especially during this time of year and I hope you know how appreciative and over whelmed as I write this in saying THANKYOU!!! For with out all our veterans men and women of all forces and of all levels you gave us Hope freedom and show us you love your country and your country people. You are truly inspirational and I send you so much love kindness and hope you have the best holiday season you can there knowing how blessed you are to us back home. Thank you thankyou and Happy Holidays may 2023 bring more peace in the world and kindness so you can come home xoxoxo Always Tina

The Anderson family - 24/12/2022

Thinking of all our wonderful Canadian forces men and women who protect and serve all year, and are often away from their loved ones at the holiday season. Thanking you all for your services and wishing you a festive celebration wherever you are and a very Happy New Year.

Jeff - 23/12/2022

Heartfelt thanks for ALL you do for us! Merry Christmas J

Margaret Croney - 23/12/2022

As the proud daughter of a WWII soldier of the Canadian Irish Regiment, I want to wish every Canadian Armed Forces Member a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. Thank you for your service and thank you to your families as well. Be safe and stay well.

Jenny - 23/12/2022

Wishing all our military's men, women and their families a very Happy Holidays. Thank you for all your sacrifices and continuous selflessness that enables Canadians to not only sleep safely at night but live day to day enjoying the freedom that you protect & provide to all Canadians! Stay safe!

Daniel Kott - 23/12/2022

Message to M. Weitzenbauer formally of Kapuskasing and Moonbeam, Ontario... Greeting from Kapuskasing Marg!!! Hope that this finds you well and have a great life!!! Anyways, we had a small Christmas Party the other day and started chatting about ole times and our past, the drink "Black Russians" and playing chess with Jim, the dentist at Marie's and Tommy's... Tommy's roast beef was the best?!? Anyways I am uncertain if this message will even get to the correct person... Anyways if correct and you wants, flip me an email at the above address... Cheers and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You and Your!!! Dan Kott, Kapuskasing, Ontario, (705)367-0912 :-)

Eliana - 23/12/2022

December 19, 2022 Dear Armed Forces Member, My name is Eliana. How are you doing? I am in grade 3. We have been learning about pioneers in social studies, patterns in math, and soil in science. My Great-grandfather fought in World War II as part of the Queen's Own Rifles. He was really missed during the holidays. I hope you see your family soon. Do you have any special holiday traditions? I am spending the holidays with my family. We are having a special dinner with my mom, dad, brother and grandmother. I hope you are safe and healthy. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, Eliana

Kevin J - 22/12/2022

Such a hard time for you to be away from your families, but we think of you every day as we watch news from war-torn areas of the world. We send our wishes for your safety, your good health and your early return to Canada. Know that we appreciate the career you've chosen on behalf of us, and the other countries who rely on you.

Liam Chapman - 22/12/2022

Wish you all a happy holiday(s), Hopefully you all enjoy your time, Wish you well.

Mary - 22/12/2022

Merry Christmas, Thank you for your sacrifices. We wish all of you safe journeys and return home safely. Thank you and Merry Christmas, we all miss you.

Jocelyne Babin - 21/12/2022

Thank you for your Service. We are thankful for all you do for our Country. We know the sacrifices your are continuing to make each day. We send Blessings to keep you all safe. Merci

Judy - 21/12/2022

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Canadian Armed Forces personnel! No matter where you are around the world I wanted you to know that you are remembered, respected and wished the very best as you serve away from home. Stay safe, stay well and know that you are appreciated for the work that you do!

Sarah - 21/12/2022

To our brave Canadian Army Troop, Seasons greetings! My name is Sarah and I am 17 years old, I will be graduating this year and I hope to be able to provide humanitarian services to other countries, represent Canada in our forces and stand alongside great heroes like you! Thank you for keeping us safe and sacrificing for our nation. You make Canada the country it is today. I have a question for you, what is your most memorable event since being deployed? I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday even as you serve, may God bless you and keep you and your families this holiday. Sincerely, Sarah.A

Stephen Morrissey - 21/12/2022

Thank you so much for your service! I, and my family appreciate all of you. Two younger brothers of mine served with you. Kindly, and Merry Christmas! Steve Morrissey

Maryanne - 21/12/2022

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Safe New Year. Thank you for your service.

David - 21/12/2022

I appreciate everything and everyone you guys fight for. Thanks to you guys I can feel safer in my home and have some hope for a better Canada. I hope you guys get everything and everyone you want this Christmas. Thank you, David

Esther - 21/12/2022

Dear Canadian Peacekeeper. How are you? My name is Esther, I am in grade four. I go to Silverthorn Community School. I live in Toronto and I've got some questions for you. First, What do you eat as a peacekeeper? Second, Where are you from? Third, Do you like being a peace keeper? Also thank you for making the world better as a peace keeper. Fourth and my last question is have you ever missed your parents? and here are some things about me: I love to listen to music and my favourite colours are green and orange, My favourite game to play is Super Smash Bros. I wish you the best in 2023, Sincerely, Esther.

Brandon - 21/12/2022

The Pen will always be mightier than the sword for more reasons than the 1 which is all of US. Because I do not have a sword, we have a Pen. Truth, I believe humans need to live with music within their hearts instead of the greed that plagues their alike minds. I believe to make leaps forward we need humans to stop pulling backwards. I believe if you are in some sort of military, armed forces or some other life form etc... you should always honor your Oath over orders. Your always fighting for willy, even the small ones that can not fight for themselves. A Few Great Wemon and Men. I believe when it rains water its peaceful, when it rains evil its not right. I believe that Love is the fruit tree that shall heal thy nations. I believe if living in the stars is so great, why do some of the best people live in the sands. I believe in V without Vendetta, I'll remember V for EV forever. I believe no Law shall ever be set forth WITHOUT the written permission consent of all the public, as a true democracy should be and forever more shall be. Thank you for your Time, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Be Safe Always. Regards, jEdI_mOrPh

Brandon - 21/12/2022

The Pen will always be mightier than the sword for more reasons than the 1 which is all of US. Because I do not have a sword, we have a Pen. Truth, I believe Loves first step is Forgiveness. I believe a act of kindness starts Friendships, Peace, Love, Truth and Freedom, the backbone of the Greatest Life Forms to ever exist. I believe that its nice to be important but its more important to be nice. I believe before humans open the true abilities of their minds, they need to master Love from their hearts. I believe humans need to lead by example instead of leading by force. I believe no one should be able to patent an idea, only a percentage. I believe that moneys most powerful ability is to allow evil people to continue to do evil things at the expense of others that do not have it. I believe it does not take knowledge to be genius, it takes a different way of thinking. I believe that even if we fall flat on our face at least we are still moving forward. I believe if people do not believe in life after death, then how do you think we got here in the first place. Thank you for your Time, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Be Safe Always. Regards, jEdI_mOrPh

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