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Nastasia - 05/12/2022

Dear Canadian troops I wish you a very Merry Christmas,filled with love, joy, health, and happiness away from your families and loved ones. I hope that you stay healthy and stay safe this Christmas season. I would like to Thank you for all that you have done and for all your service. Enjoy your Christmas season! St. Philip Fine Arts School.

Bianca - 05/12/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, I wish you a Merry Christmas, away from your loved ones. I hope that you stay safe and protected this Christmas. Thank you for your services. St. Philip school

Declan - 05/12/2022

Dear soldier thank you for fighting for me and fighting for our country please stay safe best of luck for you and have a very merry christmas.

carolyn - 05/12/2022

this christmas I asked for a bunch of stuff but one thing I really wanted was world peace. What about you? I hope you have the best time this christmas! Merry christmas love Carolyn!

Francine B - 05/12/2022

Bonjour, plus je vieillis et plus je réalise et apprécie ce que vous faites pour nous, que ce soit des missions a l'étranger ou au pays c'est pas mêlant vous repondez toujours présent. Vous êtes la base de la structure de nôtre si beau pays, sachez que vos sacrifices ne passe pas inaperçus.. sincères remerciements...

Janice Weis - 05/12/2022

As a daughter of a World War 2 Veteran, I’m wishing all of you, one of our Canadian Troops a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy blessing for 2023. A sincere thank you for your service to our country. Thanks for all you do at home, and abroad, in times of peace and war. May you have a blessed holiday season, no matter what your faith may be.

Mélisa Lesquir - 05/12/2022

Je vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes malgré que vous ne soyez pas près de vos proches. Sachez que vous faites un travail exceptionnel et que vous méritez tout notre respect! Prenez soin de vous! Take care!

Zara - 04/12/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for the efforts and services you provide for us, even through times such as Christmas. The times when others are usually home spending it with their families are the times you sacrifice to bring us the same privilege. It is with great honour and love all that you do for us. Nothing could compare to these sacrifices. I wish you a merry Christmas and thank you with the deepest part of my heart :)

Joan Darby - 04/12/2022

A note to wish you safety & heartfelt warmth at this season, and always!

Peggy Hamer - 04/12/2022

Thank you for doing what you do …. May you enjoy the Christmas Season whether you are with your family or your Army Family ????

Lee White - 04/12/2022

Thank you all for keeping Canada safe for us I will be thinking about you and God bless you . Please Be safe.

Marianne - 03/12/2022

Cher ami...je te dis ami parce que ce que tu fais pour moi et ma famille c'est précieux. Que tu sois déployé au loin ou bien juste loin de chez toi, je te remercie pour ton sacrifice. Je veux que tu saches que quelqu'un pense à toi. Je pense à toi...Sois assuré que ce que tu fais, tout comme ce que tu es, a une grande importance. Je ne l'oublie pas...je ne t'oublie pas.

Sue Hulton - 03/12/2022

Merry Christmas I want to Thank-you for your service and I hope you have a good Christmas even if you are far from loved ones. My dad was in the army he was a Corporal and he missed celebrations with us but we knew it was ok because he was still in our hearts and keeping us safe because of his job. So thank you so much for keeping me and my family safe. Wishing you safe and happy holidays.

Shayna Wilson - 03/12/2022

Thank you for continued service to our great country. Your loyalty and bravery has not gone unnoticed. God Bless you and your families this Christmas.

Ian - 03/12/2022

Seasons greetings to all our troops stationed overseas this upcoming holiday season. Your commitment to our country’s safety has not gone unrecognized and is greatly appreciated. Stay safe and enjoy the holidays to the best of your abilities.

Selena MacPherson - 03/12/2022

To all the men and woman thank you for for your service. I have so many questions. I honestly want to write a lot of letters to a lot of soldiers. Thank you so much

Karen Kerr - 02/12/2022

Merry Christmas to our Canadian troops. Wishing you a happy and safe 2023. Ron & Karen Kerr

Gayle Olsen - 02/12/2022

Thank you for all you do try not to miss your family too much, they will be counting down the days until they see you again. Embrace the season, make friends and memories. Stay safe, much love Gayle Olsen and family (Milton,NS)

Daniel - 01/12/2022

Thank you for serving our country!

Corbyn - 01/12/2022

Dear Canadian armed forces Thank you for all sorts of things for us From:Corbyn

vin - 01/12/2022

Dear canadain solders I hope you well srvive in the war I also want to say thank and mary christmas

Jayden - 01/12/2022

Dear, Canadian Force Members. Thank you of helping our country on Christmas and keeping our country nice and safe I hope you can spend Christmas with your family thank you.

Aubrey - 01/12/2022

I am sorry that you aren't here for christmas I wish you the best! I hope you have an amazing christmas you deserve all the pease you need thank you so much for protecting are world. you deserve a lot of love this christmas??I hope you love this christmas! you are my hero merry christmas??

Aubrey - 01/12/2022

I am sorry that you aren't here for christmas I wish you the best! I hope you have an amazing christmas you deserve all the pease you need thank you so much for protecting are world. you deserve a lot of love this christmas??I hope you love this christmas! you are my hero merry christmas??

Dane - 01/12/2022

Dear Canadian Arm Forces Thank you for helping Our country with all types of stuff hope you have a good Christmas thank you. From DAnE.

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