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Projects by Defence Capability Area


22 projects were found under "Sea". (Select another Defence Capability Area).

Project Defence Capability Investment Area
Combatant Ships Support Ships Commercial Pattern Vessels Submarines Small Craft Propulsion Systems and components Ship parts and components Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems Maritime Specific Support Equipment Maritime Specific Replenishment Systems Maritime Specific Services In Service Support
Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship X (Combatant Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Small Craft) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) X (Maritime Specific Replenishment Systems) X (Maritime Specific Services) X (In Service Support)
Canadian Surface Combatant X (Combatant Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Small Craft) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) X (Maritime Specific Replenishment Systems) X (Maritime Specific Services) X (In Service Support)
Canadian Surface Combatant In-Service Support Contract ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Services) X (In Service Support)
Global Command and Control System - Maritime (GCCS-M) Upgrade to Version 4.x ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Heavyweight Torpedo Upgrade ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Submarines) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (In Service Support)
Joint Support Ship ... (not applicable) X (Support Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Small Craft) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) X (Maritime Specific Replenishment Systems) X (Maritime Specific Services) X (In Service Support)
Lightweight Torpedo Upgrade ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Propulsion Systems and components) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (In Service Support)
Multi Role Boat ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Commercial Pattern Vessels) ... (not applicable) X (Small Craft) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (In Service Support)
Naval Communications Modernization (NCM) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Ship parts and components) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Naval Electronic Warfare System - Sub Surface ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Submarines) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (In Service Support)
Naval Improved Clothing and Equipment ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Services) ... (not applicable)
Naval Large Tug ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Commercial Pattern Vessels) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Services) X (In Service Support)
Naval Remote Weapons Station X (Combatant Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Next Generation Maritime Mobility ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Small Craft) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Point Defence Missile System Upgrade X (Combatant Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Remote Minehunting and Disposal System ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (In Service Support)
Royal Canadian Navy Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Unmanned Aircraft System ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Propulsion Systems and components) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (In Service Support)
StrongBow X (Combatant Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Ship parts and components) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Underwater Warfare Suite Upgrade (UWSU) X (Combatant Ships) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Victoria Class Submarine In-Service Support Contract II ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Submarines) ... (not applicable) X (Propulsion Systems and components) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) X (Maritime Specific Support Equipment) ... (not applicable) X (Maritime Specific Services) X (In Service Support)
Victoria-class Modernization (VCM) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Submarines) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Ship parts and components) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)
Victoria-Class Submarines Bow Sonar System Upgrade ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Submarines) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) X (Marine sub-systems and Platform Management Systems) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable) ... (not applicable)

Symbol legend

Project contains the Defence Capability Investment Area listed
not applicable

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