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Corinne - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for sacrificing your life to have peace for the world we live in. You are so inspiring to all. Thank you. Your grade 4 friend, Corinne

Adelia - 11/11/2022

Dear members of the Canadian troops, i want to thank you for fighting for peace to our country, I hope you have peace love and strength to go on your travels. Your Grade 5 friend Adelia!

Maksim - 11/11/2022

Dear members of the Canadian Troops, I wanted to thank you for protecting our Country and for providing us with the free and peaceful land we live in. Your service is much appreciated. Your Grade 4 friend, Maksim

Maksim - 11/11/2022

Dear members of the Canadian Troops, I wanted to thank you for protecting our Country and for providing us with the free and peaceful land we live in. Your service is much appreciated. Your Grade 4 friend, Maksim

Davis - 11/11/2022

dear soldiers i will serve Canada when im 18 or 20. I hope you see your family again and friends I wish you luck.thank you for your service from Davis

Tarek - 11/11/2022

Dear, Veteran, I want to express my gratitude for your service to this nation and my respect for your contributions. Your acts will stick in my head forever, I promise. You are the reason I feel safe in this nation, so thank you for all you have done.

Valentin - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers, I'm so thankful that you were willing to put your life on the line and sacrifice your life so that we can have freedom, peace, safeness and our land. Us Canadians are very thankful for your service and for protecting your fellow Canadians. What was it like having to kill people when it was necessary? Do you have time to rest and sleep or do you fight 24/7? Did it feel good knowing you saved your country? God bless, Samuel

alex - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for your service to the country, thanks to you the country is safe and happy. i've been wondering a lot of things the past two weeks about the daily life of a soldier? what do you do? i have another question what is your role? i hope all of you heroes to return back to your families,and to your home country. all best wishes

Tara - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, I am so very grateful for all of your fighting, sacrifices, and dedication to our country and citizens. You dedicate so much time and energy to make the world a better place as canadians.You are building and strengthening our country and its reputation. I have so much gratitude to express to you and those in the armed forces that protect us day after day. I have many questions and am curious about what life is like in the military. How many hours do you work before you get a break? What is your favourite snack while you're working? I hope after every trip you and all the soldiers come home safe, happy and healthy to your families. Sincerely, Tara

Sophie - 11/11/2022

Dear Member of armed forces , I am so very thankful for the hard work , fear and large challenges you have overcome. The determination and passion has earned the right for all Canadians to be free. Your time and effort has made the name for Canada as peace keepers. I am so grateful for you and others of the armed forces. I am very curious about the armed forces. During the day what is your role in the armed forces? When you work do you work individually or in a group? What is your favourite part about your job? I wish you well throughout all of your journeys with safe travels. Sincerely, Sophie

Ethan - 11/11/2022

dear soldiers. I'm very thankful for your service and protection what part of the armed forces are you in i hope you have safe travels on your next mission jaquavion

london - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldier, Thank you for protecting our country. Thank you for protecting our freedom. Thank you for also protecting all of the canadian people. Why did you join the military. Have you made any friends. Are you in the army, navy, marines, or the air force. I hope that you make it home from your next mission safely. I also hope that you come back from your mission as a hero. sincerely, London

Arkeyll - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldier Thank you for protecting our country.Thank you for being a hero to our country.Thank you to keeping a peace on this country. 1.How do you decide on going in military 2.What's your position in military 3.How's the feeling saving people's live. Your truly a good Soldier or Military.I hope all the best wishes that people is going to be thankful to you.Have a good day soldiers and keep protecting our country and always be peace. BYE>

Aiden - 11/11/2022

Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for your services. You all risk your lives every day for Canada, Now if you ask me that's a hard job and you all are very brave. I'm not sure I would be brave enough to make the choices you made, If I was asked on the spot I think I'd have to say no, I just don't think I can take that risk. Thank you for your hard work I know it's hard leaving your family and friends behind and making new ones. I will remember and honor you and other veterans by wearing a poppy and reflecting its meaning. Again I really appreciate all you have done for us, actually not just us, CANADA!

Max - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers-To Marines Thank you for giving us freedom, thank you for doing what nobody thought to do, thank you for your service. -Questions- Where do you sleep in your submarines? How much money is a submarine worth? What are your suits made of? -Ending- I hope you see this message and make it home safe to see your loving family's, God bless.

Mateo - 11/11/2022

I am writing to you today to say thank you, thank you for fighting for the country and sacrificing your own comfort so that I can grow up in peace. Each day I wake up and count my blessings, one of them is being thankful to live in a safe country and that wouldn't be possible if you didn't fight for what you believe and for that I say thank you. I promise to learn about and deeply respect the Canadian Military for their service and sacrifice. You do what many can't and are afraid to do, I think that the job you do is truly admirable and are deserving of nation wide recognition for your service. Thank you.

Brooklyn - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers thank you for keeping and fighting for our country safe. i am really thankful to live in canada! why did you decide to become a soldier? were you nervous when you first went to war? what did your parents think of this choice? i hope you return home safely to your family and friends! i wish everyone good luck and traviles! i wish everyone to be safe. thank you again for protecting our country. your respectfully

Serena - 11/11/2022

Dear Heros, Thank you for helping our country and serving for us. Thank you for wanting to keep our country safe and free. What part of the armed forces are you in? Do you have a lot of friends in the military? how are you doing in the military? I wish you all the best and return home safely. All the best wishes, Serena

Jake - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian soldier, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.You made Canada a better place. Keep up the good work.

tysen - 11/11/2022

Dear soldier, thank you for your service overseas. how is it being in the army ?is it hard for you to just go overseas like that for moths at a time? for that i am forever in your debt! what type of weapons do you have and do you get to shoot them? keep up the good work i sincerely hope you make it home safe to your family.sincerely yours tysen

Coby - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your services.I hope you are doing well.Canada is a better place because of you.

Mills - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you so much for the service you have given to our country. What made you make the decision to join the army? Have you ever fought in a type of war? What role do you have in the army at the moment? Again, thank you for your service, and I hope you return home safely. God bless you all!

Florence - 11/11/2022

Dear troops, Thank you for the service you have given us in Canada. Thank you also for serving our country with gratitude. One question I have for you is what's your favourite military food/snack. I have seen many people from the military try different food on social media and it looks yummy. I wish you the best of luck on your journeys in the future and a safe return home. Sincerely, Natalia

Bella - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers I would just like to say how thankful i am for all you soldiers that put your life at risk and put everything into your work for us, and having us be able to be in a free country. A question i would like to ask is what made you choose to become a soldier and want to fight for your country, another question is how many different jobs are there in the military, my last question is if a woman can join the military/army and fight for her country. Your respectfully <3 Bella

Mily - 11/11/2022

Dear Troops. We are so very thankful you've volunteered to make our country safe and free. alot of people wouldn't sacrifice there lives like you have, alot of people would be scared to do such a thing. somethings i've wondered are have you ever regret signing up and wanting your career to be a soldier after experiencing what happens. Lastly have you made any friends. i hope you have safe travels travelling back home, and i wish you best of luck. yours respectfully <3 Mily

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