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Julie - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, Thank you for everything you have done for us to be in a safe country. Every 11th of November I think about the sacrifices and the things you have done to fight for our country and for us to be safe.

Mason - 11/11/2022

Hi, I'm Mason and I'm glad you served to make the country stronger and a better place. You changed the future, It really takes a lot to go to war, you could have sacrificed your life for the country. That's what makes you a hero. Sincerely Mason

jack - 11/11/2022

thank you for keeping us safe

Charlotte - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, I want to thank you. Thank you for fighting for our country with choice and not force. You choose to fight and protect us and you will do great things for our country. Thank you so much! Sincerly, Charlotte

Andie - 11/11/2022

Dear member of the Canadian Armed Forces, I am so very thankful for what you have done. My name is Andie and I am in grade 7. I and many others would not have the freedom we do today if it wasn't for people like you. I admire and look up to you and your time, dedication and hard work. I can't imagine what it would be like to be at war or to go through what you had to. Every November 11th at 11am I think about your sacrifices for our country and I make sure to wear a poppy. You are truly someone that I look up to and I can not thank you enough.

carson - 11/11/2022

thank you for all you have done for us

Katherine - 11/11/2022

Dear veterans, those of us who have not served will never fully understand the sacrifices you have made both at peace and in war. We will never understand the depth of your scars. We will never understand how it was for you in war. We will never understand how brave you are. But what we can offer you is this: We see you, you are brave, we are so thankful for what you did I cant even put it into words and we are thinking of you and sending love. Thank you - Katherine :)

Jeevan R. & Christopher R. - 11/11/2022

We thank you for your services and protection of our land/country. We would also like to show you our appreciation by writing you this letter. Speaking on behalf of Canada, the least we can do for the ones who fight and defend us is to honour those with our remembrance/acknowledgement of those who serve us and those who have fallen in their service.

Santiago - 11/11/2022

Dear canadian troops, I am so grateful for all of the things that you all have done and have sacrificed for our country. Also, thank you for all of the years you have spent serving our country on the battlefield or helping people in need. I understand that is very rough out there, but I encourage you keep going no matter how hard it gets out there. All of the great things you all are doing out there are amazing and are helping keep Canada and the canadian people safe. I am truly grateful for the freedom that you all have given me and for allowing me to live a great worry free life. Thank you, Santiago.

Ella - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, I just wanted you to know how thankful I am that you are serving in the war to protect our country and us, there has never been a time in my life where I was as brave as you. We all admire you and bravery to protect us, and I'm so glad I can feel safe in my home because of you. Again thank you for everything, you are heroes!

Zion - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member thank you for your service and all you do thank you for all you do for us most people are too selfish or greedy about themselves but you guys and girl's gave us a better life we have free education jobs free health care and so much more. Who would risk their life for me and everyone else to have a better one no war peace and don't have to go through the trauma of the past generation we just thank you for your service and ways of keeping us safe and always protecting us you are peacekeepers that keep us safe and always try to protect us the best you can most people call the wrong people heroes you are the real heroes because heroes always make a difference so I will always remember you are the real heroes and because of you I can live an amazing life so I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for aways keeping the peace.

Raeya - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member, My name is Raeya and I am very thankful for everything our Canadian military has done for me and our country if it wasn't for you guys then I don't even know what this world would look like, I really appreciate everything you have done. I can't even imagine what it was like for you guys, nobody should go through what some of you went through, you fought hard, strong, proud, and you were so brave. Thank you so much for everything you have done, I have 2 family members that are in the military one of them is my cousin and the other is my great grandfather. All of you that fought your lives were at risk and even though you knew that, you still fought for our country you are all so strong and brave, sadly some of you didn't make it. Every November 11th I stop, think, and remember everything that has happend and what you have done and risked, I wear a poppy on this day to keep you in my heart. Thank you for your service.

Zion - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Armed Forces Member thank you for your service and all you do thank you for all you do for us most people are too selfish or greedy about themselves but you guys and girl's gave us a better life we have free education jobs free health care and so much more. Who would risk their life for me and everyone else to have a better one no war peace and don't have to go through the trauma of the past generation we just thank you for your service and ways of keeping us safe and always protecting us you are peacekeepers that keep us safe and always try to protect us the best you can most people call the wrong people heroes you are the real heroes because heroes always make a difference so I will always remember you are the real heroes and because of you I can live an amazing life so I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for aways keeping the peace.

Suriya - 11/11/2022

Salut les anciens combattants, je veux juste envoyer ce message pour montrer ma gratitude aux soldats qui ont combattu pendant la guerre pour leur bravoure et leur force. Bonne journée de commémoration !

mekhi stuart - 11/11/2022

bonjour les anciens combattants je m'appelle mekhi stuart et j'envoie ce message pour vous remercier ainsi que tous les soldats tombés au combat qui sont morts au combat pour protéger notre pays et donner la liberté d'utilisation

andrew - 11/11/2022

dear veterans i hope you all are doing well.

Lexie - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers , I would just like to thank you for everything you did. You fought for us and I am so grateful I can have an education and feel safe in my country. I am so grateful for the freedom you fought for us and all you had to sacrafice. Once again i would like to say a big thank you.

rilee - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, i would just like to thank you for everything you have done for us. if it wernt for you we would have not had freedom and everyone is thankful for that. you were really brave to protect us and our country and i hope that we will never forget what you have dont for us thank you for serving in the war

Ryan Corkum - 11/11/2022

Students in my class would like to share a few words of encouragement for the troops: Hunter says: I respect the troops. Caleb says: Hi troops, I know it's been really hard. I feel sorry for you. I hope you are doing the best you can and I respect you. Thank you so much for everything. Saundar says: Great job! Kate says: Thank you and good job. Lexis says: Keep working hard! Sincerely, Mr. C's Class

Lola - 11/11/2022

Dear, Canadian Troops Hi, my name is Lola and I just want to thank you for your sacrifice and dedication to our country. You help out whenever something happens. You came to our aid during the pandemic and solved countless lives at your own expense. Whether your having a good day or a bad day please know just how grateful I am for what you do, Sincerely, Lola

Khadar - 11/11/2022

Thank you for everything that you’ve done for us. We will remember you. For all the soldiers, today we hold up a poppy to remember and thank you.

Yash - 11/11/2022

Je voulais vous remercier de nous protéger. Vous travaillez forts tous les jours et être loin de votre famille doit etre vraiment difficile. J'espère que vous restez en bonne santé. Au revoir!

Caleb - 11/11/2022

Dear Veteran Thank you very much for helping the country and also making sacrifices just to help us. I hope your doing well as we celebrate remembrance day. Bye!

Arjun - 11/11/2022

Cher troupes canadiennes, merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous fait. Tes sacrifices aident a sentir en securite et j'espere vous etes bien.

Zach - 11/11/2022

I appreciate how you guys are defending us and keeping the peace. We will remember you. Thank you for keeping our land safe so that we can have peace and harmony around the world

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