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Jace - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers. Thank you for your sacrifice and protecting our country. I hope you're doing well.Canada is a better place because of your service.

Darcee - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops I am so thankful for all you did. We are so lucky to live in a safe province without any worry. I could not thank you enough for all your sacrifices to keep us alive. Sincerely Darcee

Ana - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for protecting us and our country. I am really thankful for living in a safe country. And also for the work you do, and for risking your life to protect Canada. How do you feel about working for the armed forces? When and how did you decide to become a soldier? I wish you a safe return home and peace. Respectfully, Ana.

Jazmine - 11/11/2022

Dear heroes, Thank you for fighting to keep the country safe and risking your lives to keep us safe and for our freewill. I can't believe how many people died in the Great War. I hope that every lived hold a happy and long life. Us Canadians are very grateful that some of the soldiers returned home safely with their family god bless our heroes. Jazmine

Ethan - 11/11/2022

Thank you for serving our country and thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for fighting for the right to vote and making it not matter what your skin colour is.

Logan - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers, I hope you are staying safe and healthy. Thank you for keeping our country safe. I think you are really brave for doing this for so many people. Keep up the great work.

Thomas - 11/11/2022

Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service to Canada. Today is remembrance day and I wanted to honor you with this letter. Thank you for protecting this country so that I may have privileges. Sincerely, Thomas.

Griffin - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers I want to thank you for all the people and friends that sacrificed their lives to keep us safe.I hope that the next fight you have will be successful :)

Anuoluwapo - 11/11/2022

Thanks for all you do for the country , we really appreciate you. We love you and you will always be in our heart.

Hannah - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I hope you survive in the war but still have a good time. Thank you for protecting are country. What peace means to me is me in my bed in a quit place. We are so lucky that all of singed up to be soldiers thank you so so much :)

josvi - 11/11/2022

dear soldiers, I want to thank you for always even if you didn't want to wake up or fight or if you were tired you always cared and I want to thank you for that.

Xenya - 11/11/2022

Dear Vetrien, Thank you for all you have done for this country. Thank you for sacrificing your life to save ours and to make sure we are able to sleep without fear of getting bombed. I am sorry for the friends you may have lost during war. If you are in war right now in another country I hope you are safe! -Xenya :)

Fionnuala - 11/11/2022

Dear Troops & Veterans, Thank you for keeping many countries including ours safe. Your job is so important. I am so grateful for your service. We appreciate all your sacrifices then & now. Our lives are safe because of your bravery. I really respect all Soldiers who lost their lives and almost lost their lives for us. From Fionnuala

Amanda Moreira - 11/11/2022

November 11th, 2022 Dear heroes, We are grade 3 students from St. Agnes school in Brampton, Ontario. Thank you for bringing peace to our world. You have made many sacrifices to keep everyone safe. You are all so strong, brave, and selfless. We thank you for serving our country. Today at school, we had a Remembrance Day liturgy to honour you. We prayed to keep all of you healthy and safe! Thank you for being our heroes! Love, Mrs. Moreira's grade 3 class.

Ms Jones - 11/11/2022

Hello! Our Kindergarten class brainstormed some messages we would like to share with you. In our students' words..."You're the best soldiers ever. We wear Poppies. Fight back! Fight for us! We love you. Some soldiers leave us. We will help you." Love, Ms Jones and Ms Borreggine's class.

Evie - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I wanted to thank you so much for all that you do to keep us safe. I know that being in the Canadian armed forces is a hard thing to do but I think that you are doing a great job. I feel so lucky to live in a place somewhere where there is peace. To me peace means that everyone can live together happily. Sincerely, Evie

Henry - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, Thank you for keeping our country safe.You are important because you go to other countries and help them.What peace means to me is that it’s a new chapter in your life.I wish that you help all the people you can. Sincerely, Henry

Isabel - 11/11/2022

My Letter To The Troops To whomever this letter may reach, You don’t know me, I don’t know you. We may never meet or maybe we’ll pass each other by on the street next Tuesday. Life is short and full of uncertainties, which is why it is especially noble that you have enlisted in the armed forces. I am writing this letter today to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service. I haven’t lived very long, but every breath I have taken so far has been free of the lurking fears of war. Because of you, I have been able to grow up in a world where I can be free to do whatever the hell I want without the worry of artillery fire or oppression. Because of you, I have had the freedom to form dreams, passions, and goals that I may someday achieve. Because of you I can look my little sister in the eyes and know that she will be safe. You have faced unknown terrors that I can only imagine in my darkest nightmares, all for your country and the people that reside within it. As one of the people living in the country you fight to protect, know that I appreciate everything you do. Isabel

Rushi - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for sacrificing your life for us to live. I am so thankful to be going to a school and having a roof above my head. Thank you all for all the peace you have created in the world.

Grayson - 11/11/2022

Grayson\11\11\2022. Dear armed soldiers in combat or not i want to take a couple of minutes just to thank you for protecting our country. Thank you for risking your life to protect us.

Nikan - 11/11/2022

Hi Canadian troops I hope you stay safe when your in a war. Why is your job so importent? Top me peace feels like people getting along. I hope you do that. I think you want that rite? Again i hope you stay safe. Sincerely Nikan

Katelynn V - 11/11/2022

Dear, Soldiers I’m very grateful that you guys are risking your lives for us for peace in the world. You guys make everyone proud by fighting for peace in our world. We live peacefully because of you guys,you guys protect our country from enemies around the world. I feel safe because, you've been working hard to become a soldier to keep our country safer with peace. I appreciate everything you guys do to protect and keep our country safe from war from others. Keep up the good and amazing work. I have some questions for you about working as a soldier. First one is, Why did you become a soldier? I always wonder why people became soldiers. Second question is, did you become a soldier for someone like for a friend, family member, or you wanted to become a soldier for yourself? Most soldiers I know became a soldier because they wanted to do it for their grandparents or parents that were soldiers. Third question I had was, did any of your family join the military before or not? Last question I have is, did you learn how to be a role model to your country? Sincerely- Katelynn V

Fallo - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops Je suis très reconnaissant de vos effort pour nous protéger tous. Je vous remercie aussi pour votre sacrifice de quitter vos famille et amie pour protéger Le Canada et j’espère que vous retournez sain et sauf au bercail

Katherine - 11/11/2022

thank you

Chephren - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, my name is Chephren. I am writing this letter to show my appreciation for the everyday things that you guys do. I really appreciate the you guys put in to make this world a better place. I could’nt imagine what the combat and sacrifices you have made to do this job. The only combat I get is with my brothers. I hope that all your families are doing well and I hope that you are also doing well.

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