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Kesia - 08/11/2023

Even if there was a chance that you wouldn’t have been able to return you still signed up and fought for the citizens of Canada anyway Thank you for your service

Sophie - 08/11/2023

Hello, my name is Sophie and I go to Jasper Place Highschool. Thank you so much for your service. Thank you for protecting us and providing us the right of freedom.

Saif - 08/11/2023

My name is Saif and I am a grade twelve student at Jasper Place High School. I just wanted to express my appreciation to you for serving this country and assisting in the fact I have public health and education, and living under good conditions. Your service and acts of bravery do not go unnoticed, and I am forever grateful. Thank you again. - Saif

Scarlett - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service. Through your determination and hard work allowed us to leave in peace. I am filled with gratitude for the sacrifice and service you’ve done for Canada. Thank you for the dedication you put for our country.

Mikael - 08/11/2023

The strength and determination required to involve yourself in the affairs of our national safety, just shows how far the human spirit can take a true warrior. We hope that with your loyalty and leadership, Canadian’s can live safely and peacefully for generations and generations to come.

Ava and Pawrae - 08/11/2023

Dear Veterans, We would like to say that we are very thankful and grateful for all of the things you’ve done for the people and this country. We sincerely thank you for your service. From JPHS students. :)

Kimberly - 08/11/2023

Hello, I'd like to express my respect and gratitude to the body and heart that risked their lives and fought for our country on this Remembers Day. I hope many good things will happen in the future

Jacob - 08/11/2023

Thank you all for your time, sacrifice, and service. We greatly appreciate all the efforts you've made to give us the freedoms we have.

Isabella - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, thank you for all your efforts and sacrifice. We appreciate not only your dedication to protect us but the honor you bring to our country. Thank you for creating the opportunities we have today regarding education and freedom. Without you, life as we know it would not be possible and we acknowledge that. Your selflessness will not be forgotten.

Sana - 08/11/2023

Dear soldier.. thank you for protecting us and this country we live in. I am very greatful for all you have done and giving all of us a good education and for fighting for our right and freedom ? thank you service in the war and the sacrifice you made in order for the people to live their life to the fullest

Megan - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran, I'm a student at Jasper place high school. I’m so grateful to the soldiers and I'm really thankful for their service and sacrifices. The dedication and bravery had made our world a safer place. The commitment allows us to enjoy the freedom and security that we have today, and for that I’m very grateful.

Carson W. - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I hope this message finds you in good health, as you have done so much for us to be in good health and safety all these years. Though I may be young, I still can recognize the sacrifices given to the people of my generation. And the only way to repay a sacrifice so big is to give a sacrifice back to others. I recognize all you’ve done for us, and I promise you that I will never stop sharing your stories and keeping a remembrance of all you’ve lost for us for decades to come. There aren’t enough words in the English language to express the love and gratitude I have for all you have done, and I hope you live a happy and peaceful life knowing your sacrifices were not in vain. Thank you for everything, - Carson - Grade 11 -

Carter O - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran, We thank you for all your service and everything you have done for our country. You have allowed me to live a life free of fear and full of freedom. I am forever grateful for what you have sacrificed and done for the sake of our freedom.

Ilya - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, thank you for all you have done for our country, without your noble sacrifices we would not live in the same world that we do today.

Pranav - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, Thank you for putting your time and effort into serving this country. I hope you know your efforts do not go unnoticed and I am incredibly grateful for the blessed life I have thanks to you and the many more who have served the country. Thank you so much.

Elle - 08/11/2023

I was born in 2007 and am so grateful to have lived in this free country for my entire life. I pray for the safety and peace of all the troops that work to protect Canada, and help global conflicts. Our country wouldn’t be what it is today, and our Canadian names wouldn’t have the same respect if not for those who fought so bravely in all the wars and conflicts of our time. On this Remembrance Day I choose to thank and give respect to all Canadian troops, and to give hope by letting them know they are making a difference, and they are not going unnoticed. We remember those lost, and respect those still fighting.

Vernice - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I am truly and deeply appreciative for all you have done. I am who I am because of the free environment around me, an environment shaped by you. For that, you have my upmost and sincerest respect, alongside my well wishes. I say, with my all, thank you.

Maya - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, I am a high-school student born and raised in Edmonton. It is because of your service I am able to live without worry. You've given up a life full of opportunity to serve and protect this country. I am forever in your debt. Thank you. Your service and strength have inspired me greatly and I hope to join the Armed Forces. I wish you well.

Annabelle - 08/11/2023

thank you to those who served and are currently serving. without you all life here in Canada would be much more difficult. And I greatly appreciate all the effort and sacrifices made to give us our free country without your hard work and sacrifices I would never be where I am today. so I thank you. thanks to your hard work the safety of my family and all others is given thanks to you I have a voice so from the bottom of my heart thank you lest we forget.

Ronny - 08/11/2023

Thank you for taking time and effort to protect and provide for our and other countries. We appreciate and acknowledge you and all the work you do. I cannot imagine what it is like to serve, or fly to help Afghanistan, it is emotionally and physically exhausting. But you are still amazing and can get through it. You are incredible! Stay safe and may god be with you. ?? -Ronny a Jasper Place High School student.

Elyzabeth - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I'm a grade 10 student at Jasper Place High School, Edmonton, Alberta. I thank you for your services for our country. Thank you for fighting for freedoms and peace. Thank you for your sacrifices and your courage in the world as it is today. Because of your services, I am able to have freedom and a good education, among many other things. I'm grateful towards your efforts, so I thank you on behalf of countless other Canadian Citizens.

Logan - 08/11/2023

Dear veterans, I wanted to take the time to connect with you and tell you how grateful I am for your service. Sometimes, I take for granted the freedoms that we have today. Freedoms that I wouldn't have if it weren't for people like you who are fighting for our country. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do. I hope that you are doing well and that you make it home to your families.

Jilayna S. - 08/11/2023

My name is Jilayna and I am 16 I was born in Cameose Alberta. I got to Jasper place hogh school, when I am not in school I like to spend time with my older sister and my mom. When I am not with them I like to spend my time playing volleyball and training to get better. That joy for your service and everything you have done to make the world a better place for everyone to live it. Without you a lot of the stuff we enjoy doing would not be possible. When we think of Herod we think of you not all hero’s wear capes and toy guys prove that everyday. You make the most prod a safe place for us to enjoy our time and do the things that we love without fear. Thank you for everything that you have done to make the wood a better place for everyone else. I hope that you realize how much you are doing for our country and our community. We get to wake up without fear of being attacked because you put your love on the line everyday just for us to be safe. You are changing more then you realize and making a bigger impact then you might know you are going. We all hope that one day people won’t need to fight anymore and the world can be a safe place for everyone. Nobody should have to live in fear and you are making that become a reality, so once again thank you for all you do.

Iyana - 08/11/2023

My name is Iyana and I got to a High School in Edmonton. All my hobbies and freedom and rights that I have, are here because of you and everyone else that has severed or is serving currently. Thank you for protecting our world and giving us a good life and opportunities when there is no guarantee that you may get the same freedoms and rights as us. Thank you for everything you have done and we all appreciate what you have done for us now and before. We will dedicate ourselves to remembering you and the past and mistakes that came with you and others. Thank you for protecting us and our peace.

Shane M - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, thank you for everything you have done and sacrificed in order to protect and honour our country. We will never forget the sacrifices that you made for our freedom and we are forever in your debt.

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