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Chloe - 08/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, I am greatly thankful for this country. Thank you for how much you have done.

Mauricio - 08/11/2023

Dear Armed Forces Members, Thank you for protecting people in danger. is it hard to train in the army. Our school is called Christ The king. Thank you for sacrificing your life for others. I hope you are safe. By, Mauricio

Lea - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Thank you. Thank you for putting your life on the line so ours can stay safe. Thank you for your service and your hard dedication. You are part of the reason I am able to play hockey, go to school, hangout with my friends and live safely where ever I go. I am glad I have freedom and that I am always living as safe as I can possible live. This is all thanks to you, that I can live this way. So once again, thank you. Sincerley, Lea

D.S - 08/11/2023

Dear soldier Thank you for everything you have done for us and for our country. I hope you are doing well and taking care of your self. Thank you for allowing us to be able to have freedom and not have to worry about walking home by ourselves. You are the reason that I can can play my sports and be able to be with my family. Thank you so much again I am so thankful. Have a great day.

A.W - 08/11/2023

Dear soldiers, Thank you so much for your service and your sacrifice for this country.

Lillian - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Thank you for everything you have done for us. I am filled with graditude that I get to experience freedom in this country. Thank you for risking your life so we can stay safe, you are very brave. I'm grateful I get to go to school, participate in after school activites, and hangout with my friends because without you, I wouldn't be able to do any of that. I hope when this letter reaches you, you are doing well. LK

Vivianna - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for your service and all the sacrifices you have made for us to live are lives peacfully. Thanks to you I am able to walk home safley, I am able to play sports, I am able to sleep at night peacfully. Thank you for you service.

Raphael - 08/11/2023

Dear soldier, As a Canadian I am very thankful that you have deticated so much time for our beautiful country. All of you are helping our country be very prosperious because of your actions. You all are keeping this country safe and sound because of how much you all are doing. If you read this than thank you soldiers

Aisosa - 08/11/2023

Dear Troops, Thank you for protecting our country. l have some questions for you. How old were you when you started?What made you what to join the army? From the citizen you protected, Aisosa

F.M - 08/11/2023

Thank you so much for everything you do.

SG - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier I'm very thankful for what you have done for this country and your service for trying to make this country better to live in and everything. Im able to go around safely without being attaced and hurt from S.G.

Aoife - 08/11/2023

Dear Troops, Hi my name is Aoife. Thank you for fighting for us, and for protecting our country. We appreciate it. Sincerely, Aoife

T.B - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, thank you for the service and everything you have done for us. I am so grateful for all of the sacrifices that you have made and I am grateful for our freedom. From T.B

Anastasia - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, We appreciate your work in the army. I'm 9 years old. You were fighting for us, and bring peace to us. Thank you for fighting in the army for us. Best regards, Anastasia

R.G - 08/11/2023

thank you so much for your service so that i can be free and thank you for saving canada. i am very very thankful for this country

Students in Grade 2 - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldiers, Our class would like to thank you for keeping our land safe. You protect us from harm and we thank you. We are proud of you for risking your life to keep our country safe. Your bravery is admired. In case of a future war, we trust you to protect us. For all the soldiers who have died in the war, we will wear a poppy to remember. We are forever grateful. Love, The Grade 2 Students

A.f.h - 08/11/2023

Dear soldier, I'm thankful for all you've done to protect are nation and all the training you had to go through to help us and make us feel and be safe. From, A.F.H

TS - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Thank you for your service. I am thankful for my freedom

T.C - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Than you for all you done for us. I am thankful for this country

jackson - 08/11/2023

dear armed forces member, Thank you for serving and saving us. Also my name is Jackson and I go to Christ the King school and I hope you win the war. I hope you are doing okay. from jackson

Madden - 08/11/2023

Dear Armed Forces Member, Thank you for fighting for Canada.You are very brave.And if you don't mind me asking what did you eat in the army?And what was your favorite food there? From, Madden

Rebekah - 08/11/2023

Dear Army Members, Thank you for what you guys do to the world. Everything you do helps so much. And am so sorry for the ones you guys lost. You guys basically risk your life for the world.You guys are so kind for what you do.Am sending prayers from here.I hope the world will be peaceful soon.I hope you guys are safe for all your trips and be safe.I love all the things that you do to the world its amazing.You guys are amazing and hope you guys are safe From, Rebekah

Jada - 08/11/2023

Dear Armed Forces Member, How long did you serve in the military? Are you tired when coming home. Thank you for your service. From: Jada

L.a - 08/11/2023

Thank you for freedom.

Sophie - 08/11/2023

Dear Armed Force Members, What is it like to be a Veteran. Thank you for protecting us and being for us when we are in danger.Thank you for sacrificing your lives for us.What do you do if you are in danger and what happens when you are in danger?.Thank you for risking your lives for us and being very brave for us.I hope where you are from becomes very peaceful and everyone is safe there.I hope you are in a good country.I love the hard work you do for is amazing.And I hope you safe. From, Sophie

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