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Livia - 22/11/2022

Dear soldiers that provided the services for Canada, Thank you for your service to this country. Thank you for protecting Canada and other countries and the people that live there. I think we should all acknowledge the things you’ve done for us, but I think the least I can do is continue to remember you and your acts of service and kindness for generations; you will never be forgotten. Canada is lucky to have you! Sincerely, Livia

Sophia - 22/11/2022

Dear soldier’s We admire your sacrifice to this country and putting this country first before you put yourself. There could be thousand more people writing to and doing so much better than I can. But the one thing they might not have that I will is. What was it like to be on the front line or if you could go back in time and change things( make different decisions). I don’t think I could bare that burden but I would say that you are a better person than a lot of other people. Sincerely Sophia

Liam - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your service in the Canadian armed forces. It means a lot to us Canadians that you will put your lives on the line for our freedom and rights. You mean a lot to us Canadians and our officials and leaders in government. Were so thankful to have a great country because of you

Sia - 22/11/2022

To the troops, Thank you so much for helping us through everything, you’ve done so much for us and you’re doing so well. I know for a fact that everyone is so, so proud of you guys, we really appreciate your hard work and effort. We all thank you for whatever you have done for us, you guys have saved so many lives and we will always appreciate it, you are literally true heroes. Thank you for serving us and our country, we will never forget.

McKenna - 22/11/2022

To the troops, 11/22/2022 You helped us through moments that people can't even imagine. You carried hope through Canada. I can't imagine a world without you guys; without you, Canada would be nothing. Every second that passes is because of you. We remember the people who have passed and the people who gave their lives. We hope we forever have you in our lives. We cherish the memories you gave us with Canada being stronger than ever. And we hope that every day going on we have you fighting with us. From the beginning you helped us and to the end we will forever love you to pieces. We will love everything you do and we will never forget what you did for us. Thank you for your service and thank you for fighting for our country. Thank you for everything you guys did, you brought us through bad times and good and I hope we will have you guys fighting for us together. You helped everyone out there and brought hope to the world we live in today. You got injured and hurt through everything you did, and we hope you know you will forever be a part of our lives. Your military service will forever be with us, and we will cherish every second you took to appreciate our country. You provided hope and we have an amazing country all because of you guys. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, McKenna

shershah - 22/11/2022

Dear soliders. thank you all for your service and protecting canada and all of its people, we all owe you guys a "thank you" thanks for protecting us and i feel safe in canada, and wish the soliders the best of luck.

Sophia - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your service to this country, your valiant effort to protect this country and the people in different countries will inspire generations for many years to come. Many people aspire to join the military to uphold the torch and continue to bravely protect this county like you and the people before you have done. The people of the world will continue to think about you and your acts of service for generations, lest we forget. Sincerely, Sophia

Armani - 22/11/2022

Hello soldier. I don't know your name or who you are, but I'm sure you made a great difference in today's society and Canada's safety. The fact that you were willing to put your own life on the line for people you don't even know amazes me. I could never imagine what you and all of the other soldiers went through, protecting this country and making it a place for me and my family to live peacefully without constantly fearing for our lives. Just because I don't know you, or the things you did in battle, does not mean I don't appreciate the effort and what you had to go through. Thank you for your service, Sincerely Armani.

Kaiden - 22/11/2022

I don’t know if anyone who is in the Canadian Special Forces will actually read this message or not, but If anyone does, I just wanted to say thank you for your service and protection of this country. I know that some people believe that serving in wars or being deployed can be fun or enjoyable, but I understand that risking your life is not necessarily fun. Serving for a special forces team has always been my plan b if everything goes wrong in my life, even if it’s not for Canada. Whether it may be piloting supersonic fighter jets, operating a tank, working on a battleship, or one of the infantry on the ground, they work towards the same thing: peace. As a wise man once said, “We get dirty so the world stays clean.” I sincerely thank you for your service and god bless you.

Jansept - 22/11/2022

To the Canadian heroes and especially to the (soldiers) I want to thank each and every one of you for serving our nation. Every Canadian, including myself, is guaranteed their freedom and rights to thanks to your service and sacrifice. Your actions have all helped to maintain the peace that exists in our nation. We appreciate you.

ozgoon - 22/11/2022

we thank you for serving our country

Payam - 22/11/2022

Hello troops of Canada! Thank you for everything you guys have done for our country. I also have family members who served in the military for many years, and we are grateful for you guys. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have had freedom.

Abel - 22/11/2022

Hello, Canadian military people my name is Abel. I just want to say how great full I am you guys making Canada a safe place. Without you, Canada won't be safe and secure. Thank you for everything! Your Truly, Abel

Kiki - 22/11/2022

Salute to you for your earnest bravery and fighting spirit for the country and its citizens. Stay safe and strong

Alfie - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your services, thank you for fighting, thank you for risking your life for everyone else’s life, the job that you fulfil is one that comes with great honour, the fight that you take part in was some that went down in history, we thank you for your services to our country, and to that I must say, thank you, some of us will continue the job that you do, you passed us the torch, and it is our job, to fulfil the job! Thank you, Soldiers. From Alfie

reeve - 22/11/2022

Hey soldier, i just to say i apprecite all the things you have done for all the kids are parents you have made a great change in this society and i appreciate it. i dont know how u have the courage to be a soldier i would be scared.... Thank u for ur service

Parker - 22/11/2022

Thank you troops for your bravery and the guts it takes to fight for us. God bless you and your friends and families waiting your arrival back home. Thank you.

valentino - 22/11/2022

hello fellow members of Canada my name is Valentino and I'm a Canada citizen and have been my entire life. i deeply appreciate the actions that the Canadian military has took to ensure our peace and safety love yours truly: Valentino ;)

mark - 22/11/2022

thanks for protecting are country and keeping us safe

Abel - 22/11/2022

Hi, My name is Abel. I want to say, Thank you for your service to protect Canada, because of you I have a home. I know people that was in the military, so I know how hard it is to leave your family to fight for Canada. Thank you so much for everything Canada military Your Truly, Abel

jayden - 22/11/2022

thank you for keeping us safe

Jag - 22/11/2022

Good job keep it up

Tash - 22/11/2022

Dear Canadian force members, I appreciate what you do for Canada. The sacrifices that you made, they will never be forgotten. With all your kindness and bravery, you left your homes, and fought with all your courage for Canadian rights. and that power made Canada a safe place to live. Thank you very much for fighting for Canada.....i hope you all return home safely, may god always be with you

Emilyn - 22/11/2022

thank you for your service i hope your safe and doing well.

jack - 22/11/2022

Thank you for what you have done for this country and what you have gone through just for the people today to be able to just go outside. I will never fully understand what you have gone through but what I do understand is that the sacrifice that you have made for us is something I can only hope to accomplish, the time that you spent fight on those hard cold nights will always be remembered. Thank you for your service.

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