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Estrella - 22/11/2022

Thanks to everyone that puts there time and effort to fight and protect our countries to make it a safer place. I am very thankfull that there are people who took the time and trained for months to join the army and became a Soldier to protect and keep our communities and countries safe. I am greatfull to be able to wake up every morning and be able to have a free will and be able to do things people in other countries might not be able to do, All because the troops took the time out of their everyday lives to let us not live in a dystopian type of country. Thank you all for your service.

Jack - 22/11/2022

Hi it's Jack from Canada, I would just like to say thank you for your time and effort to help save and protect our country, you willing to risk your life is unbelievable and I appreciate it so much, Thank you! Sincerely, Jack

Abby - 22/11/2022

thank you for your service and for protecting our country, I hope you stay safe! I hope you are doing well and staying safe. thank you!

Kiara - 22/11/2022

To the troops, You have helped shape Canada into such a great country. We greatly appreciate you for all the amazing things you do for us citizens to make sure we have a safe place to live happily and freely. Though at times it might seem tricky or tough, never give up because we all believe in you. No matter where you are or the situation you may be in, just know that we love you and care about you. I am not only speaking for me, but I'm speaking for the whole country. Thank you for your bravery, passion, and determination. Continue to be a great inspiration.

Elham - 22/11/2022

thank you for like trying to make my country and city a better place. I know fighthing there is like your in a nightmare, I've seen the pain of the soldiers fighthing there and I wish that the world would be a peaceful place and not a battle war. everyday something bad happens and something good happens. by the way I was talking about Afghanistan.

Zylas - 22/11/2022

I hope you guys are going well ya'll are going great on your job protecting and serving the country I wish you a great life

Hazal - 22/11/2022

I'm sending this to show our gratitude for you. Your courageous behavior is an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for helping us feel safer and thank you for helping this world be a better place. We appreciate you.

Florrenz - 22/11/2022

I just want to say thank you to all the fallen soldiers who had sacrificed their lives in the war and risked their lives to lose their families and not be with them.They sacrificed everything for their country and served it with all their heart and bravery,they went through exhausting training but it was all worth it when they won the war,

Katelyn - 22/11/2022

Dear hero’s of Canada. Thank you for bringing our world some peace. Even if it is not permanent. I hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas! <3

Jax - 22/11/2022

Hello, my name is Jax. I have a few questions. 1. Do you like what you do for a living and if not why not get a different job? 2. Is it fun driving tanks? do you get to shoot stuff? and have you ever crushed something by the tank? 3. i have an idea for a bomb. if you get a glass coca cola bottle, and you get a whole thing of mentos and you open the bottle and put the mentos in and throw it, all the pressure inside will be compressed and explode causing glass shards to fly everywhere. I don't know if that idea would work but it sounds like it might. 4. What kind of guns do you get to use? Have you ever used a rocket launcher or a bazooka? and have you thrown a grenade and it exploded stuff? 5. have you had a near death experience but still survived? Have you been shot? and have you shot someone? 6. This is not really a question but I really appreciate what all you soldiers have done for this country and thanks to all the fallen soldiers who shall be remembered. 7. i just wanted to say that my grandpa was in the army a long time ago, i don't really remember when exactly but he did work for the army and survived. 8. Is it true that you and everyone else had to work really hard and train and be yelled at? It must have been tough going through all that work all day everyday for a long time, but at least it was for a good cause. 9. Thank you for your service and prestige that has helped this country and saved a lot of lives. Thank you for reading this, I hope you have a good day

Evelyn - 22/11/2022

thank you so much for all of the things that you are doing and have done it has affected so many lived through-ought the world of different ages and even genders. I cant thank you enough of the sacrifices that you have made for us. May god be with you through this journey.

Albert - 22/11/2022

Dear Canadian Veterans, I am writing this letter to you all to express my grattitude towards the services you have provided for Canada. I want you all to know that many of your brave and courageous acts do not go unseen as they have shaped Canada to the way it is now. We think of you guys as the day of Rememberance passes and continue to think of you. I hope that the holidays you may celebrate throughout this year will be shared with loved ones and filled with love. Know that many people are thankful for the commitment you have made to protect Canada. Thank you.

Parker - 22/11/2022

I think it is awesome that you fight for people you don't even know. like that is really selfless.

Ledger - 22/11/2022

I can't describe how thankful i am that we have the best soldiers on the planet that have protected us no matter what.

Zachary - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your service, members of the Canadian military. You have helped create peace in other places in the world. Soon, you will be able to reunite with your loved ones, after you have served our country to be a better place. We acknowledge how you have helped our country move on and get past previous conflicts throughout the tough times of the wars. We haven't forgotten you and we will never forget you and we will always be aware of your sacrifices you make for this country. Thank you for your service. Sincerely Belal, Lucas, and Zach

joseph - 22/11/2022

Thank for helping us and protecting Canada we are always going to be grateful of you guys

Ally - 22/11/2022

We all really appreciate that you fought for freedom for our country. Because of your service I now have rights and freedoms.You took many risks for Canada and our freedoms. We greatly appreciate that you left your family and friends to fight for our country.Thank you for your service.

Xander - 22/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, I am writing to you to appreciate the things you sacrificed to serve and protect this country and many other places as well as the fallen soldiers who made sure that people felt safe when they showed up and gave hope. I can't really say I understand your job because I haven't experienced it but I know it can be hard fighting for days or months without breaks or any sleep and not being able to see your family. I just want to say thank you for what you have done and what you continue to do to make this country and possibly other countries a safer place to live in. Although your job can be tough sometimes I think there are some things that can be quite cool like driving armored vehicles and tanks as well as handling guns, explosives, and fly jets. Once more I want to thank you for your service and I respect your job as it is something I can never do and we won’t forget about the difference you make.

Isaac - 22/11/2022

Thank you very much for serving our country and fighting battles everyday to keep us safe and comfortable, you are truly the most valued members of our community, and your work is the hardest, yet you do it everyday. Thank you very much for fighting our countrys battles, and I wish you luck.

jack - 22/11/2022

thank you for serving our country and sacrifice yourselfs everyday for our saftey and well being, you will always be remembered. Every day you help bring peace to the world and keep us safe, you put your own lives on the line for the well being of others and that everyone should be greatful and proud. You all makes us proud to call ourselves canadians

MacKenzie - 22/11/2022

Thank you so much for everything that you do for us! I know that you are trying so hard to fight for our Country and you make us happy everyday. We will always remember and always think of you as friends. Thank you so much! Lest We Forget.

Ryley - 22/11/2022

thank you for protecting and serving our country

Ali - 22/11/2022

Dear Troops, I hope you guys are doing well and are safe. Thank you for serving our country. You put your lives at risk very single day and I just want to thank you guys for that. Stay Safe.

Gwen - 22/11/2022

You are the real life superheros I always see on tv and read about. Never give up and keep fighting to protect the world!

Jett Norgard - 22/11/2022

I wanted to say thank you to you troops and fight on for our country and others and dont die.

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