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Dave - 22/11/2022

Thank you so much for your service, and thank you that you will do anything to serve and protect your country. Your bravery will never be forgotten. I hope you return to your family soon.

everett - 22/11/2022

Thank you for serving our contry. Your bravery, sacrifice, and strength do not go unnoticed, and we will always be respectful to you and your family for all that you have given to the country. I would like to thank you very much for your service! Again, thank you for your time, bravery, and sacrifice for this country. and making it a much better place!!! I hope you continue do do hard work and help our econimy while bringing peace aswell to the people.

Cali - 22/11/2022

Thank you for your service, and thank you so much for fighting for the freedom of our country. Canada is now a free country because of you, and we all appreciate the things you have done for us. It must be really hard having to leave your families and friends to fight for our country, but you still do it anyway and we are very thankful for what you have done. You took many risks for freedom, and we are very grateful for your service. Thank you for what you have done and for the change you have caused. We greatly appreciate what you have done.

Alexandra - 22/11/2022

Thank you for serving our country. i appreciate your sacrifice each and everyday that i am breathing. I cant imagine training to become a troop, then actually serving too. i cant even imagine myself doing that, so i am very proud that others have, and i dont think i could be as brave as you. I am also thankful for the soldiers that died fighting for our freedom, and the ones that survived.

Austin - 22/11/2022

Thank you, If it wasn't for your hard work and dedication to this country we wouldn't be able to live in these peaceful conditions. Because of your bravery and perseverance, Canada wouldn't be like it is now and I can go to school and learn and don't have to worry thank you for your service.

Melody - 22/11/2022

Thank you for serving our country and help make the world a better place.

Harry - 22/11/2022

Thank you so much for your sacrifice to help the country out. I hope you return soon and safely to your families.

Maddy - 22/11/2022

Dear Canadian Veterans, Thank you so much for all of your work that you do to save our country. I want to show my appreciation throughout this letter. You guys risk your life and leave your families and the ones you love most just so the rest of us can have peace and be safe. Your services are greatly valued. I hope your holidays are shared with many people you love and you get to truly value your time. Many of us admire all the work, time, and effort you put into this motifying job you put your heart and soul into. I am beyond grateful for all the battles you have fought dating all the way back to World War II, you have put your blood, heart, and tears into making sure that all of us are able to have a safe place to live in. All of the hard training, practice, and time you put into fighting for everyone back home, doesn't go unnoticed and we truly recognize and praise that you put all these efforts in! All you guys are fearless, wise, valorous, and selfless. You put all of this hard work into your everyday life and I can't even express the admiration I have for you individuals. All of you are not overlooked as you all show gallant acts everyday. Thank you for your acts, Maddy

Topher - 22/11/2022

To the Canadian Armed Force, I can't thank you enough for protecting our country. I recognize your sacrifices, and that you might not see your family again. And I thank you for doing all you can to protect us. (Insert Oh Canada music)

Amy - 22/11/2022

Dear Troops/soldiers/navy. I would firstly like to say thank you for keeping us safe, and helping the Ukraine or other in need countries. I appreciate you protecting this country in the WWs. I hope that you will continue to help protect and fight for peace. I wish for your safe return back to your loved ones.

Roisin - 22/11/2022

I am taking my time to write this letter to honour all the soldiers that protected and represented our country. We thank you for all of your services on the day of remembrance and because of your bravery, we now live in an environment with freedom and rights. I would like you to know that our society appreciates you, and we thank you for serving our country. You took the years out of your life to make our country a better place, and I’m so thankful. All the sacrifices you made helped to better our country and I thank you for making our country a better place to be.

Ava - 22/11/2022

Thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do for our country. It takes such hard work and dedication to do what you have done. I am so grateful to be able to live in a free country, and I would not be able to without all that you have done for us. Thank you so much for serving and protecting us and our country.

Nina - 22/11/2022

Thank you so much for serving us, you're service is very much appreciated. -Nina

Mohammed - 22/11/2022

hello Mr.soldier i just want to tell you that all of Canada appreciates you we all look towards you and feel inspired to be a better person we feel like you are role models and are being success full we all hope you are safe and you get stronger so you will win the war i hope you come back to your families and play with your kids i bet they miss you and hope you are okay from. SBS school have a success full day

Samantha - 22/11/2022

Dear our bravest soldiers, Myself and all of Canada thanks you for your impeccable service. You have all fought for our right to freedom. I am privileged for your bold acts in this country. I hope you understand how many people are appreciative in your assistance in making this world a better place. Although Remembrance Day has passed, people will never forget what you do to this country for us to call home. I am entirely forever grateful to live in this free country, where I have my rights to education, and my freedom to express myself. Thank you.

Luke - 22/11/2022

Dear Soldiers Thank you for your service and deployment. All of Canada wishes you good luck here and where ever you are in the future, to fighting wars, to peace keeping. Thank you for all your hardships, blood, sweat and tears. We are greatful for all that you have done. From Luke & Leith

Ben - 22/11/2022

Thank you for serving this beautiful country of ours. Everyone in Canada does not give you credit for what you do for us. from the atlantic ocean to the pacific you do so much for all canadins.

Blake - 22/11/2022

Thank you for keeping our country safe and protecting the people, thank you for risking your lives and being away from your families to serve our country. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put in to allow us to live our lives happily and to let the country strive. I think I might serve in the army because you guys inspire me too.

Cameron and Grace - 22/11/2022

We would like to thank you for all your hard work for putting your life on the line to protect our country. Thank you for the sacrifices you made, and we will never forget you and the ones that have fallen.

keanu - 22/11/2022

thank you for helping our country

Gabriel - 22/11/2022

Hello. I like a lot of the history about war, as I think it's important to know how war worked and what happened in these times, and I find it fascinating to learn about. Some cool things about your job is things like travelling, travelling at speeds that most people have never gone before, and learning new skills. I have a great appreciation for what you have done. I know that the way video games portray war is not how it actually is. although I do think some of the guns are cool. there are still some things I haven't learned about war, and the people in it, but I plan on expanding even more. I think I would like to join the army some day.

Euri - 22/11/2022

Hello! I hope you are doing well, and thank you for serving this country. It has probably been a while since you have met your family or friends in other countries. If you are in other countries I hope you can have the time to visit family or friends. It is absolutely crazy how you guys can train in the cold weather, drive 60 ton vehicles, control giant ships to other countries, and swerve planes in the high sky. One of my favorite quotes are: ``Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.” From: Euri Grade 8 Once again thank you for serving the country.

Eli - 22/11/2022

Dear troops, Thank you for your service and for serving our country and continuing to help keep peace in our world. I also thank you for your will to sacrifice yourself to save others and help people in need and under oppression in other countries. You Help keep peace in our world and further it to a more prosperous world. thank you for your service, Eli

Raina - 22/11/2022

Thank you so much for your hard work, It sounds hard and it is but I hope you know that you are helping a lot of people when you work. I am very grateful that I am able to live a war-free life because of you.

Sheldon - 22/11/2022

My friend and I are so thankful what troops are doing across the world. We hope they get home safely.

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