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Justin - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous avoir sauvé et de sacrifier du temps avec votre famille pour nous. Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans vos prochains combats. Cordialement, Justin

Sébastien - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats, Je vous remercie pour votre courage, votre bravoure et vos sacrifices. Cela nous tient vraiment à cœur. Je vous souhaite une bonne carrière de soldats. Cordialement Sébastien

Maïka - 15/11/2022

Chers millitaires, Je vous remercie pour avoir sacrifié du temps avec votre famille, votre santé et vos amis. Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur quand même. merci beaucoup Maïka

julien - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats Merci de votre courage et de nous protéger. Merci aussi pour vos sacrifices vos amie, votre famille et la santé. Je vous souhait de retourner chez vous et de revoir tout ceux que vous aimez. Cordialement Julien

Brandon - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous protéger et pour le temps sacrifié avec votre famille vu que vous ne passez plus de temps avec eux. Je vous souhaite de retrouver votre famille le plus vite possible. cordialement Brandon Ferland

Sébastien - 15/11/2022

Cher Soldats je vous remercie pour votre courage est votre bravoure vos sacrifice nous tiens vraiment a cœur je vous souhaite une bonne carrière de soldats cordialement Sébastien

Justin - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous avoir sauvé et de sacrifier du temps avec votre famille pour nous. Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans vos prochains combats. Cordialement, Justin

julien - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats Merci de votre courage et de nous protéger. Merci aussi pour vos sacrifices vos amie, votre famille et la santé. Je vous souhait de retourner chez vous et de revoir tout ceux que vous aimez. Cordialement Julien

Brandon - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous protéger et pour le temps sacrifié avec votre famille vu que vous ne passez plus de temps avec eux. Je vous souhaite de retrouver votre famille le plus vite possible. cordialement Brandon Ferland

Dayne - 15/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, I just want to say that we thank you for everything that you do for us and everybody else across the globe. I never realised this until now but you men and women don't get a lot of credit for what you do for us, you put your life on the line for our freedom everyday. It's inspiring what all of you do for us, people tell me they don't want to go to war because their afraid something bad might happen to them, so they would rather sit at home playing video games that has to do with the war but they think about enlisting in to it because realistically they way these games are designed you don't get a second or third chance to fight for what you want, instead you give your life for your country and the one or more country's you were fighting with and I respect that. Hoping you get to see this message Always remembering the ones for the ones who are fighting and the ones who fought for us. Wishing you to come home Sincerely Dayne Citizen of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada

Michaela - 15/11/2022

Hello from Ontario! Thank you for your service. I am so grateful to live in a place that is safe, all because of the people who serve our country. I appreciate all you do. Holidays are approaching quickly, so Happy Holidays!

cameron - 15/11/2022

hello my name is Cameron, i live in Sault Ste Marie in northern Ontario right in the middle of lake superior, lake Michigan, and lake Huron. i just wanna say how thankful I am and many more are over here for your service. Protecting this country takes a lot of bravery and courage and i deeply admire and thank you for that.

cole - 15/11/2022

Thank for all of your service I can only image what is is like being away from family for so long. The only reason I'am able to be myself is with you guys/women protecting us. Thank you,Cole

Olivia - 15/11/2022

Hi I'm Olivia I am a grade nine student and I just wanted to write you a letter saying thank you for everything you do for our country. I know it might not mean alot from me because I'm just a little kid but we all really appriciate what you do for us and that you are willing to take your own life to make sure we have ours.

peyton - 15/11/2022

thank you for what you've done its proboubly really scary doning that your doing a really good job

Justin - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous avoir sauvé et de sacrifier du temps avec votre famille pour nous. Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans vos prochains combats. Cordialement, Justin

Naomi - 15/11/2022

Hey, troop members of Canada, this is a message to keep you fighting because I know sometimes it gets hard and you want to give up. My name is Naomi. I am a 13-year-old who has always been interested in troops in war and seeing how hard you fight guys for our country. I first off want to start by thanking you for fighting nonstop and keeping Canada and everyone in Canada safe. I am very thankful for your sacrifice. Thank you for your service! Words are not enough to express gratitude. What you do for Canada and the other countries around us means so much. Thank you!

kyanna - 15/11/2022

To the soldiers that died for us, and saved our beloved Canada. We respect you and wish you the best life in heaven, for all your wishes to come true, and live the life you have always wanted. The flowers are seen worldwide remind me of the soldiers that fought for us. If we didn't have all these brave people to save Canada we would not be seeing these flowers today. We remember you on November 11, in honor of all the fallen soldiers. We wear poppies to show our respect. We take a minute of silence to remember.

Magda - 15/11/2022

Dear Soldier, I am a student from Canada and I'm writing this postcard to you for my school. I want to give my sincere thanks and gratitude to you for fighting bravely for our country. Thank you, Magda

Sasha - 15/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, On this Remembrance Day, we appreciate the loyalty, humility, and bravery you had all those years ago. Through trials and tribulations, you had the courage to fight for your country, and we could never repay you for that. We appreciate those who survived and remember those who gave their lives. Today, Canada’s gratitude to you is expressed by the whole nation. You have brought honor to your nation. Flowers are marvelous creations. They can symbolize justice, hope, and freedom. We wear this poppy because of the miraculous sacrifices you made to bring us these virtues. A flower shows an evolution of life. From a seedling, it grows and grows until a beautiful, vibrant flower emerges. But, when the storm blows, the plant will shed its petals. Then, just when the plant has lost its source of beauty, a magnificent fruit that will benefit its ecosystem will emerge. Your service to your country is like this flower. The trials that you experienced might have blown you over or, to some, killed you. But the fruit that emerged, as a result, is the great legacy that you left and Canada will always be grateful for it.

Haycee Dmmog - 15/11/2022

To the soldiers who served and died for our country. We thank you for your services for us to have our freedom because, without them, I would not be able to live a happy, safe life here in Canada. I have nothing to fear because you have ensured my safety, and words cannot describe how thankful I am. I am proud to call myself a Canadian because of your services and the sacrifices that you have made. Your dedication, bravery, and overall hard work will forever be greatly appreciated, and will never be forgotten. The sacrifices that you have made not only secured a safe life for me, but it secured lives all over the world; your sacrifices have brought peace to us all. I am very thankful that God has blessed this country with such strong-hearted people for you to sacrifice your life for us. Without your services, our country would not be able to prosper, and would also not be able to be how it is today. You have been a major inspiration to many lives, and we always will have you in our hearts.

Mia - 15/11/2022

To the soldiers who have served and are serving in the military of Canada, I thank you for everything that you have done for our country. You have made so many sacrifices for so many people. Canada would not be the country it is today without you. You are an inspiration to so many people. Personally, you have taught me that if there’s something you’re really striving for; something you really want, sacrifices have to be made no matter the consequence. You have also taught me to power through and fight for what I believe is right. As a child, I was scared of anything that revolved around war and never imagined living the life of a soldier. But today, I know I have nothing to fear with troops such as ours. I’m so thankful that God has blessed our country with willing people like you. I am aware that an occupation such as yours can be dangerous and that you never know what might happen. So I pray that God brings you guidance and protection as you continue to serve our country, as well as in all that you do.

Heemy - 15/11/2022

Hello. I want to thank, remember, and act in appreciation and admiration for our Canadian troops. Take time to remember what they have done and are doing right now, thank you for your service and great courage. Canada and its citizens are proud to acknowledge you as our defense. The work you do is impressive. Continue to do the best you can, keeping Canada strong and proud. Including yourself.

Matthew - 15/11/2022

Thank you for your dedication to serve and protect our country. We remember the fallen every day, and we all say thank you. Every day we live in a free and safe country all thanks to your sacrifice. The debt we owe you can never be repaid, the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country, for our freedom. Thank you for always rising to the challenge, stay safe.

Josiah - 15/11/2022

I'd like to thank all the Canadian troops for what they've done. Throughout their hard work and sacrifices, they've kept the foundation for our country strong. Without their blood-stained efforts, Canada wouldn't be the country we have today. The many luxuries of freedom and much more we have today would be lost without them. They fought for what they believed in; for what was right, shining the Canadian spirit even through death. May the souls of the lost soldiers rest in peace, for they have all built Canada into the beautiful country it is today.

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