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Jared - 15/11/2022

Dear troops, You were not just people, you are heroes of Canadian society and an example of people who are true to their country. If you hadn’t served our country we wouldn’t be here today, safe and sound. There is nothing we can do to pay you back but to show appreciation and love for you. We remember that because you made a powerful impact on the country that it’s just stuck in our minds and should stay that way. Many lives were lost but many lives are saved because of each trooper's sacrifice.

Olumese - 15/11/2022

Today I would like to thank all the soldiers that died for our nation. I am thankful for their bravery to step up to make our nation a better place. I cannot imagine our world today if those soldiers did not risk their lives to save us. I admire all the kind soldiers that had their own life, own family and risked it all just to fight on the battlefield. Knowing that my country is protected by those who love and care for it makes me smile. Thank you for making me safe and this country safe as well.

Christian - 15/11/2022

Thank you our troupes for keeping us free. Thank you for your service. I hope one day you will be able to stay home. I hope one day you can see your family

Amarissa - 15/11/2022

Hello Canadian Troop member. I would like to thank you for the sacrifices that you have made to make Canada a better and safer place. Although it was a long time ago that the war ended, your impact has continuously changed the lives of Canadians since then. I know that it was not easy to go out blindsided, not knowing what would happen next. You put your life on the line for people you didn’t even know. You’ve allowed safety for those who did not feel safe elsewhere. I want to thank those who sacrificed their lives and those who have continued to. Once again, thank you!

Chad - 15/11/2022

To the brave and honourable Troops of Canada, I thank you dearly for the things you’ve done for our country. All of us can live here peacefully because of the unimaginable sacrifices that you have gave for us. Because of you, we are able to live happily and safely. Nothing we can do can truly show how much we appreciate you. The great things that you guys have done for us, inspired me to become a troop myself when I was younger. We are blessed to have people to admire and look up to in times of need. To that, I salute you, and may God bless and keep you safe.

Isaiah - 15/11/2022

Thank you. I never knew you, and probably never will. You have no name, no relation to me. Our paths would’ve never crossed. Not in a billion years would I have a second thought about seeing you. But because of that, I am alive, and where I am today, so I thank you. I thank you for the countless battles you have fought. You never knew me, yet you sacrificed so much, for a future that you couldn’t live to see. Thank you, I admire your bravery and courage. Something inside of me will never truly comprehend the amount of pain you went through, and not just physically. I can only imagine having to leave your parents, friends, brothers or sisters, wives, and even kids. Today’s society would never be the same without you. You are single-handedly a factor in history that if changed, could change the world forever. Thank you. You were the fighters, the medics, the generals, and the transporters. All of you, whether you were fighting at the frontline or bandaging people back at the camp, you were fighting for our country. You changed your “present” for a chance at saving someone's future.

Abagail - 15/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I want to thank you for making Canada feel safe and free . Thank you .

Amy - 15/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for your service as a Canadian soldier. Your sacrifice will be long remembered through Canadian history. Your strength and bravery will be remembered. Young soldiers will look up to you.You who fought for our Country. We understand your love for Canada.

Jack - 15/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, Thank you for letting our country be free. I hope you return to your family soon. Just letting you know I think everybody appreciates you for what you do. Thank you.

Harrison - 15/11/2022

Dear troops, You troops are SO amazing. I just want to let you know that your troops are so special. I hope that you soldiers are having a good day . Remember Canadian troops rock! -Harrison

Ben - 15/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, My name is Ben and I'm writing this from my grade five class. It must be really hard training all day and living away from home. Also, I really hope you come back home to your families and friends.

Emma - 15/11/2022

Dear troops, Thank you for deciding to go to fight to make it a good place.I hope you are doing well right now.You all made this a safe place for us to live, go to school and play sports.You guys and girls must be so brave and compassionate to make Canada an amazing place.

Colin - 15/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for everything you did for our country. You probably been through a lot through out your service. I'm writing this letter to thank you for protecting our country. You saved millions of lives, probably billions of lives. You’ve let us have freedom, sports, everything. we can feel safe free because of you.

Colin - 15/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, Thank you for everything you did for our country. You probably been through a lot through out your service. I'm writing this letter to thank you for protecting our country. You saved millions of lives, probably billions of lives. You’ve let us have freedom, sports, everything. we can feel safe free because of you.

alexie - 15/11/2022

15 novembre 2022 Chers soldats, Je vous remercie de protéger le pays et de nous protéger nous aussi. Vous vous sacrifiez pour nous protéger et on vous remercie chaque jour pour cela. Je vous souhaite de retrouver votre famille et vos amis au plus vite et je vous souhaite de gagner le prochain combat. Mes plus sincère encouragements ! Alexie

Olivier - 15/11/2022

15 novembre 2022 Chers Militaires, Je vous remercie pour avoir défendu le pays. Vous avez fait un excellent travail. Vous avez risqué vos vies pour la sécurité de chacun de nous je vous en remercie grandement. Vous êtes des héros !!! Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation de carrière de militaire. Passez une belle journée Olivier

Matis-ludovik - 15/11/2022

15 Novembre 2022 Chers Soldats, Merci énormément de défendre notre pays. J’ai conscience de tous les sacrifices que vous avez faites pour nous. Je vous souhaite de rentrer chez vous vite et de bien profiter de votre famille. Bonne journée Matis-Ludovik

olivia - 15/11/2022

Dear soldiers, If you ever think about giving up just think you are very important because you are serving our country and made it a peaceful nation. We appreciate your hard work and bravness!! If i was in the military and in a war I would be so scared that any minute I could be shot or hurt. You are in our prayers. Please stay safe out there and come home soon. We are for ever grateful for your sacrifices and service WE LOVE YOU SOLDERS ?

archie - 15/11/2022

Dear Canadian soldiers, Thank you for your service. I’m sure your family misses you, I know I would miss any of my family if they were in the services and on tour. I know you're working hard to keep our country safe. You are doing something that I’m scared to do. I hope you get to see your family soon. We love your courage and stay safe.

Serena. Zoé - 15/11/2022

Chers anciens combattants Nous sommes des élèves de l'école Antoine-brossard Nous sommes très reconnaissants de vous ayez protéger nous vous souhaitions et nous vous remercions de vous être battus pour notre liberté grâce à à vous nous sommes fiers d'être un pays libre merci d'avoir pris soin de notre patine que dieu vous protéger

Sarah - 15/11/2022

Chers anciens combattants, Nous sommes des élèves de l'école secondaire Antoine-Brossard. Nous sommes reconnaissants de ce que vous avez fait pour nous pour notre liberté du Canada. Nous vous remercions du combat que vous avez fait pour nous. On vous aimes et on vous souhaite la paix et le bonheur.

Musab - 15/11/2022

Chère ancien combattants, Nous sommes reconnaisants de vos sacrifies dans notre pays. Merci d'avoir risqué vos vies pour nous, nous vous remerclons aussi de vous être battus pour notre liberté. Nous vous souhaitons une fin de vie paisible et une vie longue heureuse.

Serena et Zoé - 15/11/2022

Chers anciens combattants, Nous sommes des élèves de l'école secondaire Antoine -Brossard. Nous sommes très reconnaissants que vous ayez protéger de notre patrie . Nous vous souhaitions et nous vous remercieons de vous être battus pour notre liberté grâce à vous nous sommes fiers d'être un pays libre .merci d' avoir pris soin de notre patrie. Que Dieu vous protége!

Luis - 15/11/2022

Chers anciens combattants, Nous sommes reconnaissants de tout ce que vous avez fait pour sauver les gens du Canada, notre liberté et nos droits. Nous vous remercions pour tous les sacrifices que vous avez fait pour nous. On vous aimes et on vous souhaite la santé et le bonheur.

Zoey - 15/11/2022

chers anciens combattants, Nous sommes des élèves de l'école secondaire Antoine-Brossard. Nous sommes reconnaissants pour vos sacrifices dans notre pays. Merci d'avoir risqué vos vies pour nous. Nous vous remercions aussi de vous être battus pour notre liberté. Nous vous souhaitons une fin de vie paisible. Nous espérons que vous vivrez une vie longue heureuse.

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