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Esmanur A. - 16/11/2022

Thank you for your time, bravey and sacrifice for this country. I am forever greatful for the what you've done maintain Canada's freedom. Happy Veterans Day !

soraya - 16/11/2022

Dear Veterans, I am so grateful for you always risking your lives to keep us safe!! Not all people have the courage for that, you are so brave. Thank you for serving our country and for giving us peace. I hope you stay strong and healthy. Sincerely, Soraya.T

Sameena S. - 16/11/2022

To all veterans of all branches : Thank you for your sacrifice, your bravery, protecting us and for defending our rights to all those who have surved, and those who continue to serve. Happy Veterans Day!

isabela - 16/11/2022

Thank you all for the sacrifices you make to keep Canada a free country. Thank you for figthing for the future nations of the country. May god bless you all.

Esma - 16/11/2022

Dear Soldiers; Thank you for all the things you've done. Today we honor those who have made the greatest sacrifice. We hope you live in peace.

khalidmajidee - 16/11/2022

Thank you for your service because of you we can live in peace. My heart is always soft for my love of this country i am so thankful.

Joshua - 16/11/2022

Thank you for your service in canada, we appreciate your dedication and your hard work in our country

londyn - 16/11/2022

thank you so much for working hard and proud for our countrey i cant even put how thankfull i am for you in words thank you so much!

James Birchall - 16/11/2022

Canadian Armed Forces, We have a dusting of snow here today in Belleville. I trust all is well with you! Take care, James

Rafael - 16/11/2022

Thank you for you service and keep up the good work to protect our country and keep it safe at all times.

Austin - 16/11/2022

Hi, my name Austin, my st is Winchester. thank you for protecting our country. From Austin

Ashton - 16/11/2022

Dear troops, It must be hard fighting and living away from your homes . You saved our lives, thank you .

Laiba - 16/11/2022

Thank you for your service. We heavily appreciate you for protecting our country and for our peace.

Magda - 15/11/2022

Dear Soldier, I am a student from Canada and I'm writing this postcard to you for my school. I want to give my sincere thanks and gratitude to you for fighting bravely for our country. Thank you, Magda

Ellen - 15/11/2022

I would like to thank all the Canadian troops who were brave enough to put their lives at risk just so that the country would be able to live a ‘normal’ life, especially with the pandemic rise of Covid-19. For whoever reads this it must be tough having to wake up each morning to know that this day might be your last. I would just like to remind you that what you choose to do for the country has a big impact on our lives that could never be forgotten as you constantly protect and keep Canada safe and sacrifice your life for our peace. Know that you are always on our minds and hearts and we respect and honour you. Not just today but other days as well we will always remember the dedication and commitment each and every one of you have made. Thank you.

Justin - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous avoir sauvé et de sacrifier du temps avec votre famille pour nous. Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans vos prochains combats. Cordialement, Justin

Diana - 15/11/2022

Dear Soldier: I would like to express my deepest appreciation for all that you do to keep our country safe. Your bravery will never be forgotten. Please keep safe and know that we love you all! Regards, Diana xo

Frédéryk - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats, Je vous remercie de sacrifier votre temps en famille/amis et votre santé pour nous protéger. Je vous souhaite autant de tranquillité que vous nous apportez tous les jours. Cordialement Frédéryk

Charles-Antoine Richard - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats, Je vous remercie de nous protéger. Merci de sacrifier votre temps en famille, votre santé et vos ami/es. Je vous souhaite de vivre longtemps. Cordialement Charles-Antoine Richard

Malicia - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci de nous protéger. Merci de sacrifier du temps avec vos amis. J'espère que vous retrouverez vos familles bientôt. Cordialement Malicia

mathis - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats, je vous remercie de protéger notre pays. Merci pour tous les sacrifices que vous avez faits pour notre pays.Je vous souhaite le meilleur. Cordialement Mathis

mathis - 15/11/2022

chers soldats, Merci pour tous les sacrifices que vous faites pour nous. J'espère que vous allez revenir en santé. Cordialement Mathis

madelaine - 15/11/2022

Cher soldats, Merci pour tout!! vous risquez votre vie pour nous alors merci beaucoup. Je vous souhaite de la santé:) Cordialement Madelaine:)

Amélia - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats, Je vous remercie de nous sauver la vie. Je vous souhait de passer du temps avec votre famille sous peu. Cordialement Amélia

Amélia - 15/11/2022

Chers soldats, Je vous remercie de nous sauver la vie. Je vous souhait de passer du temps avec votre famille sous peu. Cordialement Amélia

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