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Kim Woodcox - 11/11/2022

I'd like to thank you folks for all that you do for Canada and other countries you are helping. Especially the Ukrainian people! If you're ever near the Millbrook legion, I'd buy you a beer!

Princel - 11/11/2022

I would like to thank all of you who risked your lives for the sake your country,for me,my family,and the sake of other countries.

Zaira - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for protecting our country by risking your life and helping us live in a peaceful world. Thank you for guarding our borders and fighting the toughest battlefields. You handle the responsibility of protecting our country which is as much yours as it is mine. You volunteered for a thankless job that comes with no weekends, just so that we could enjoy ours. You fire to extinguish war and stay up to fight so that we could sleep in peace. Thank you for spending time away from your family to save other people. I have a question, how long did it take you to train? Sincerely, Zaira

Brandon - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldier, being a guardian of the nation and protecting its citizens must be really difficult to do. But Soldiers are strong and would do anything to stand for their own country. Being a soldier is one of the toughest things to do where they deserve more in life. We appreciate your service on this day and every day. Wishing you and all armed forces members a great day. Your country thanks you today, and so do I. Thank you for committing yourself to our country's safety.

Matthew C - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldier, Thank you Brave Soldier for protecting our country & risking your life in battle to protect us. I do not know where you are now but I hope you are living life happly either with your family or friends or even maybe both. Moreover, I’d like to thank you for bravery & confidence for protecting us because not even I have that much confidence as you so im grateful for you. You are the reason why we still are here because you are an amazing example of a strong peace keeper, a warrior & a fighter who doesn't lose motivation. I hope one day I can have as much confidence as you so that I can contribute positively to the world. People like you are such great examples to look up to and learn how we can help the world as well In addition, sometimes, people don't know how important you are pushing your confidence & limits to the max doing your best to protect this country we call home & that's why a lot more people should realize the true importance of being a soldier. God bless you, have a wonderful life & live life to the fullest! Sincerely, Matthew C

Kristin - 11/11/2022

Dear ???, How's your day, mine is great. I wonde, is your job hard? From, Kristin

Sarah - 11/11/2022

Hello there, I had an uncle who was trained to be a soldier In the war. He found it to be a good experience, I hope you can say the same thing! I lived many years in Wainwright, Alberta ; which has an army base that trains soldiers. The soldiers invited us to many great social events. My brother was a soldier who helped survey the Gaza Strip in Palestine. Signed, Sarah

Nora - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your service to keep us safe. We are enjoying this beautiful country of Canada because of your services. Thank you and God bless.

Ariya - 11/11/2022

Jeudi, le 10 november 2022 Salut Les Soldat Je m’appelle Ariya. J’ai 9 ans. Je dis merci pour bataille pour nous. Soyez securité a le guerre. Merci pour étre courageux dans la guerre. Je veux dis que je suis très fière que vous est la pour nous. Merci pour ton service et donne nous de la paix. Tu as risque ta vie pour nous, merci beaucoup. Merci à aider nous. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante que vous allez ou guerre pour notre liberté. Rusue un bonne guerre Ariya

Jordan - 11/11/2022

Hi soldiers, thank you… For fighting for us and for never giving up, today is remembrance day hope you have a great day. It was a good sacrifice now everyone is donating to help you thank you again…..

Andrea Omo - 11/11/2022

We appreciate your sacrifice of love.. Salute!!

Barb - 11/11/2022

My name is Barb and I live at Cambridge country manor LTC, I wish I could do more to say thank you for your service. I’m very proud to be Canadian

Marina Pelletier - 11/11/2022

Greetings! I do hope that you are well. I wanted to write to you to simply say thank you for your service. I also want to learn more about the past. So that I can teach others about history. I want to learn more about history. Through the stories of soldiers. I do hope this isn't too long.

Earla - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your service. I have many memories of world war 2, my father fought in world war 1 and 2 , 2 sisters in the Air Force , 1 brother in the army, a great nephew is very high ranking member in the Cold Lake Alberta Air Force base there. My nephew does lot of travelling to various Air Force bases and he is very interesting. My mother came from England when there was bombings and my father met her there and she came over after the war. We have a lot of service members in the family. It was because of my mother that we kept up to date and she was quite concerned and followed the news on what was happening during the world war. We realized how lucky and proud we are to live in Canada and be a Canadian. Canadians fought very bravely during the world war 2. Thanks again for all that you do!

Chayce - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for you service and making Canada and the world a better place. Thank you for the sacrifices you made to make it a better place . I can't thank you enough. Thank you for keeping us safe and protecting us and I hope you are well.

Autumn - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for your service. I appreciate that you risked your life to save Canada and that you're making Canada a safe, free country to live in. It must have been hard but you have saved so many people. Thank you for everything.

Evy - 11/11/2022

Hi soldiers I hope you are having a peaceful day. Thank you for sacraficing your lifes for us and thank you for being a peace keeper to canada. sincerely evy

jace - 11/11/2022

thank you for a good time without war and thank you for happiness your the best JACE

Ava - 11/11/2022

Hi my name is Ava from Winchester st public school. Thank you for being brave and sacrificing your life for us. sincerely, Ava.

Andrew - 11/11/2022

Hi good luck out there, happy remembrance day

Conner - 11/11/2022

Hi my name is Conner from grade 4. Thank you for sacrificing your lives for ares. I believe that you guys can win the war in world war 3 or 4. Sincerely,Conner

Arveen - 11/11/2022

hello my name is Arveen and im from Winchester st public school.I hope your having a wonderful day today,and i am so thankful for you guys sacraficing your lives everyday and as i write this typing this messaging, you if your wondering how im feeling ? im feeling very happy it was nice taking to you but i have to go now bye. sincerely Arveen.

victoria - 11/11/2022

hi i'm victoria from W.S.P.S . Thank you for protecting our contry. My family generation could not go to the war because thay were farmers. I hope you have a good day

Nolan - 11/11/2022

Hi, my name is Nolan. im glad you fought for our safety. I'm glad you have so much strength to fight in the war. My great great grampa fought in the wars and got badges.

mason - 11/11/2022

Hi i'm mason I look up to you I hope to be a soldier one day I hope you are having a good day.

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