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Geoff Capes - 12/11/2022

Having attended Remembrance Day ceremonies yesterday (2022), it places such an importance and awareness to the sacrifices and selfless giving Canadian soldiers have always stood for over time. Canada, its citizens and its flag are respected and acknowledged around the world and for the reasons and missions our soldiers should be so very proud of! Thank you for all you do in keeping our precarious world a better place to live with the freedoms we so enjoy. God bless

Ken - 12/11/2022

Hello, I just want thank you for all you have done for this country, we love you. Thanks. Ken

Christabel - 12/11/2022

We enjoy Canada because of your selfless service. Thank you great heroes!

Chidi O. - 12/11/2022

Thank you all for your sacrifices and your die-hard attitude towards life to safe guard the feeble and the vulnerable in the society. I personally love you all. Fight on and be rest assured that victory is certain. I and my family love you all. Thanks Chidi

Mickhella R - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldier, It’s funny to think that until this point of time, we probably don’t even know if each one of us exists. I think it’s an interesting concept to think about in my opinion, but hey now we do! I don’t know who exactly you are or what kind of a person you can be, but I’m glad you are here. Your courage to join and protect is inspirational, putting your life on the line for others is incredibly heroic and I’m so grateful towards you. I would’ve never expected to be so grateful to someone I've never even met. It must have been difficult serving, I’ve seen a lot of videos of specific training. I wonder what you do now? Are you still serving or have you retired? Other than all the military stuff I’m curious to know what you do with your free time now and then. Do you play games, do you write? My questions can go on and on, don’t be bothered by my questions, my curiosity of your personality and lifestyle is endless! Although I may have a never ending list of questions for you, I just wanted to know if you're okay and if you are healthy. I understand it’s probably tough to be serving or have in the past, and I know it can be a lot of work. Your job is truly literally carrying a country of people on your shoulders, so I understand if sometimes you feel upset. Just note that even if you aren’t okay, you don’t need to pretend like you are, mentally or physically. A break is okay. Please remember to take care of yourself and thank you for everything you do. Mickhella R

Diya - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat, Je m'appelle Diya et je suis à l'école intermédiaire Morning Star à Mississauga, en Ontario. Merci de combattre et de protéger notre pays. Vous êtes aimé par beaucoup de gens. Grâce à vous, je peux me tenir debout sur cette terre qu'on appelle le Canada, grâce à vous, notre pays est encore fort. Vous êtes incroyable, fort, courageux et protecteur de notre pays. Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait, vos actions notre pays beaucoup. Je suis très fier. Au revoir! :)

Gatleen - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat, Je suis Gatleen et je vais à l'école de l'étoile du matin, à Mississauga. Je voudrais vous remercier beaucoup pour le service que vous avez fini et ça n'a pas fait une personne sain mais vous avez fait le pays sain et sauf. Grâce à votre service, j'ai la liberté de faire ce quoi je veux. Je peux aller à l'école et marcher à pied jusqu'à ma maison sans que mes parents être inquiets. Soyez fiers du travail que vous avez accompli. Vous avez sauvé notre pays et vous êtes incroyable et magnific pour cela. Souviens que! Merci pour votre service, soldat.

Marianne - 11/11/2022

Dear veteran/ soldier Hi my name is Marianne I'm a student from the tcdsb catholic school board. Thank you for helping to keep us safe. You are known as heroes. I'm sending a letter to you because you can remember that people are very thankful for your service. I know no matter what challenges you face you will always find a way to conquer it. I also have some questions for you even though you can't respond. How long does it take to get into the military? I'm guessing like two years. Also how many times did you go to a different place to help out and where did you go. Also what do you want to be in the future? That's all the questions I have. But remember we are all thankful for your service and you risking your life for people you don't know. I will always have hope for you. Sincerely Marianne C

Anuhya - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat Je m’appelle, Anuhya. Merci pour combats pour le pays. Grâce à toi peux va l’école. Tu es fantastique.

Ashwin Sankar - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat, Je suis un etudiant, et J'ai treize ans. Merci pour votre service, Je suis tres reconnaissant. Grâce à toi je peux manger et dormir paisible. Vous êtes incroyable! Nous sommes tous fiers de vous; Souviens-toi que!

Helen - 11/11/2022

Thank you for keeping our country safe and peaceful. I appreciate all you have sacrificed for our country. Sincerely, Helen

Kiara T - 11/11/2022

Dear soldiers, You were not unknown to the mother that waved you off. You were not unknown to your friends you laughed with or the siblings you grew up with. You were not unknown to the soldiers you fought with or the lovers you wrote to. You may be unknown to the people you walk by everyday. They might take a glance or give you a smile. But you were there, you will never be unknown to our history. You will never be unknown to the people that care and love you. I, personally, am really grateful for all of you. You put your life at risk just to keep us safe. Day and night you think about your loved ones at home not knowing when you can feel their warm touch again, to hear their voices once again. I wish you all the best and I admire the hard work and determination you put in to keep our country and people safe. I am praying for you, all of us are. All the best, Kiara. T

Aaron - 11/11/2022

Dear Canadian Veteram, Thank you so much for your service and dedication to this country. We are grateful for the sacrifices you've made on our behalf, and we hope that you're proud of what you've done. I wanted to write to you because we know that transitioning back into civilian life can be difficult, especially if you have been in the military for a long time. It takes some time to get used to having so much taken away from you. The challenges faced by veterans often come down to adjusting back into a society where everything runs on its own schedule instead of being dictated by someone else's orders. This can be difficult at first, but it will become easier with time and practice. I wish you good luck as you make this transition!

Christine V - 11/11/2022

Dear Veterans, I sincerely appreciate your commitment to this nation and your service. We are appreciative of the efforts you have put forth on our behalf, and we want you to know that we are proud of you. We all know that returning to civilian life after a long absence from the military may be challenging, which is why I wanted to write to you. Getting acclimated to having that much taken away from you takes some time. Veterans frequently find it difficult to reintegrate into a society where everything operates on its own schedule rather than following commands from above. At first, this could be challenging, but with time and practice, it will get simpler. I hope you

Evelyn - 11/11/2022

Dear soldier, I suddenly think, are you looking at me right now? On a dizzy night, I suddenly look at the clock. Twelve o'clock soon. Will something change? It's not like that, yet this day is over. When the second and minute hands overlap the world holds its breath for a short time. I then think; I'll revolve around you, I'll stay by your side, I will be your light all for you. In the bright day and in the dark night you who protect me. Even when I am sick. More than any other words than saying thank you cause you soldiers deserve more recognition. The hand hits 12. It is now midnight. It doesn't feel like that. It's almost like a reset back to 0 o'clock. What do you think at night? Do we think alike? Maybe not or maybe yes. Though we may never see each other still, I thank you for fighting for our future. Evelyn

Lael D - 11/11/2022

Dear Soldier, My name is Lael and I go to a TCDSB school board. I am writing this letter in honor of you for serving in the military and protecting us from harm. We can live in peace without the fear of wars and battles happening around us. I am curious why you decided to join the army? Was there a good reason or cause for you joining? How did you feel when you first started your training? Lastly, where are some places you have been deported to? We’re people severely affected by the wars going on around them? These are my questions and you may not respond to this but I am extremely thankful for your service. You have done so much for us and I hope you and your families are always safe. Sincerely, Lael D.

Abuhya - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat Je m’appelle Anuhya. Merci pour combats pour le pays. Grâce à toi je peux va l’école. Tu es fantastique.

David - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your bravery and selflessness to keep us safe and free.

Evan - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your support of the Canadian armed forces. Everyone truly appreciates your bravery and services to this country.

Vaibhav - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat/militaire canadien, Je m'appelle Vaibhav Merci d'être dans l'armée et de protéger le Canada. Grâce à toi je peux aller à l'école Tu es courageux et fort

Arnav - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat/militaire canadien, Je m’appelle Arnav Merci de protéger cette terre. Grâce à je peux vivre librement! Tu es une vraie légende!! Impératif: N'oubliez pas que vous êtes une vraie légende :).

Vaibhav - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat/militaire canadien, Je m'appelle Vaibhav Merci d'être dans l'armée et de protéger le Canada. Grâce à toi je peux aller à l'école Tu es courageux et fort

Gunjan - 11/11/2022

Cher soldat, Je m’appelle Gunjan Merci pour protéger nous. Grâce à toi je peux voyager autour du Canada pacifiquement. Tu es très incroyable et courageux.

Tosan - 11/11/2022

Thank you for your services, Thank you for all you do. Your sacrifices will not be forgotten..... Stay Safe

Temitope - 11/11/2022

We truly appreciate all your labour of love to ensure we live and work in a safe environment. You are great fighters and true HEROs. We love ?????? you all and celebrate you today across the country ??.

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