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Sam - 14/11/2022

Dear soldiers of the sky, the sea, and the ground. Hello there soldiers I'm in grade 7 I live in Calgary Alberta. I couldn't imagine being in the arms of firing, you're braver than I could ever dream to be. I couldn't imagine being away from my family for months and months you're really brave. I can't imagine being underwater hundreds and hundreds of meters and I would be too scared because what if water rushes in. God bless you. Sam

Javen - 14/11/2022

Dear soldiers, thank you for the risks you take and the sacrifices you make to keep us safe and sound . Thank you for your service and for all that you have done. I am really grateful for your dedication to our great nation. Thank you so much!

Atong - 14/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for serving for are country you save lots of people life, God bless you all! Thank you for sacrificing your life for me and every other person to Keep us safe! Thank you for your service and for all the work you’ve done Stay safe god bless you!

Atong - 14/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for serving for are country you save lots of people life, God bless you all! Thank you for sacrificing your life for me and every other person to Keep us safe! Thank you for your service and for all the work you’ve done Stay safe god bless you!

Luke - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, My name is Luke and I go to school at st. Albert the Great in Calgary, and I'm in grade 7. I love all you soldiers, because you are all brave soldiers that sacrifice your life to save more lives. So thank you so much for serving even if you served for just a few days. I hope all of you find someone that you can love forever. Lastly, I hope that you can have a great life and to get your dream job or the thing you really wanted as a kid!

Samuel C. - 14/11/2022

Dear Soldier, Thank you for keeping this country safe. Whoever you are, you're probably really awesome! If you are injured, I hope you get well, and always know, that whatever country you serve you will always have someone there to care for you. Sincerely, An anonymous student from St. Francis Xavier C.E.S

Vahdam - 14/11/2022

Hello, there! My name is Vahdam. I am 11 years old. So, my teacher said that this letter goes to troops! Oh that is exciting, imagine sending a message and a hero (you) receives it possibly at the other side of the world. Anyway, how is it where ever? Please stay safe. Wish you well wishes.

Naiomi - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, Being a troop must be really difficult. Today is Remembrance Day but I want you to know we think of you on other days too! Going to war requires a lot of bravery. I'm not sure if you're in a battle, but if you are, I hope everything is going well. You matter a lot to me and to a lot of other people. You are the soldiers that have fought for years simply to preserve world peace. Although I'm sure you already know this, I wanted to make sure you knew that your troops have saved billions of people. You truly performed a miracle. As you serve, may God keep you safe, both physically and mentally. The words "Thank you" may seem small, but know that they mean a lot to me!

Mark - 14/11/2022

Dear Soldiers, First off, I would like to Thank you for standing up for us and safeguarding our rights. We also appreciate your sacrifices and your bravery. We are grateful to all of our veterans for their bravery, tenacity, and commitment to keeping us secure. I am aware of the sacrifices that several men and women have made since I grew up in a military home.

Tamara - 13/11/2022

Thank you for your service and dedication to this country and all Canadians. I am forever grateful for the daily sacrifices you all make so that our country can remain free, and so that the world may find peace. May God bless you and protect you. May God give you and your families the strength for each day and peace in your hearts. Know that we support you all and are forever grateful.

Julyenne - 13/11/2022

Dear soldier, I just want to thank you for everything you're doing to protect us and the world by joining the military. It must've been hard to leave your family but they must be so proud of you. You are very brave for doing what you're doing and the training must be very hard, I can't even do 1 push up so I'm definitely not joining the military. I do have some questions for you about the military. Some of them are, why did you join the military? How did you feel when you joined the military? And my last question is, is the training hard? Those are some questions I had about the military. I hope you're having a good day and I hope the best for you and your friends in the military. Sincerely, Julyenne

Jhared - 13/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldier, I hope that your doing ok, especially when you are fighting for our country. You may or may not know it but everyone in the country that you are protecting is very grateful and thankful for what you have done. You soldiers have scarified so much for us, not only that you also have done a great job serving for this country and all of it's people. I hope that you survive the crucial environment that you are in now. Thank you again for everything you soldiers have done and scarified for us.

Aryana - 13/11/2022

Dear Veteran, My name is Aryana and I hope you are doing well. Thank you for protecting us always and for your sacrifice. I respect you all very much. I am very sorry for the friends and family you lost. It must be very hard for you. How many countries and cities have you visited? I would like you to answer my questions because I would like to learn how you live your life and how much sacrifice is required. Recently today, a Veteran came and spoke for and hour about what Veterans do. We sang the national anthem and said a few things about Remembrance Day. We also did the moment of silence for two minutes. My favourite part was the moment of silence because we can show our respect to you all. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, Aryana

Emma - 13/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, I appreciate your service and sacrifices. We appreciate your efforts to keep our nation safe and for granting us the freedom to speak, dress, and travel as we like because this is not often the case in other nations. It is amazing what you are doing for Canada and other nations like Ukraine. having a grandfather who worked with the police and hearing my dad's stories. I am aware of how difficult it may be to travel and leave loved ones behind for extended periods of time, especially when jobs might take weeks or even months to complete. Thank you. Sincerely Emma,

Maia - 13/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops, Thank you for your sacrifices and service. Thank you for keeping our country safe and giving us the freedom to wear whatever, speak, and go wherever, because it's not the same in every country. What you're doing for Canada and other countries such as Ukraine is breathtaking. And having a grandfather that was part of the police and hearing the stories from my dad, I understand how hard it is to leave for trips and go away for periods of time leaving the ones you love because sometimes jobs take weeks or even months. So thank you. Sincerely Maya.

Ann Lynn Anstey - 13/11/2022

Our U15 hockey team was busy tonight writing messages in cards to mail to our troops. Thank you for your service. Your work keeps our country safe and we are free to play the game we love in the greatest country on earth. With gratitude, we tap our sticks for you. The Spartans!

Brigitte - 13/11/2022

I know everyone is going to send you all a TON of love and support, so I’m going to keep my note brief.. My family and loved ones have been in service ?? for.. let’s say ..a very long time. We (my family and I) WE LOVE and appreciate EVERYONE of you for your service, and so very proud of your bravery! ?? C

Justin Boudreau - 13/11/2022

Just want to thank all the wonderful men and women who serve and protect us each and everyday. You are truly WARRIORS ??. May all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice be remembered forever and may they rest in eternal peace.

Tifany - 12/11/2022

On pense à vous. Et merci beaucoup

Elior Chrisjireh Yeddu - 12/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for serving this country. Thank you for risking your life for us so that we can have freedom in our country. Thank you for protecting all of us. We will always remember you.

Abenezer - 12/11/2022

Dear Soldier Hi! My name is Abenezer. How are you? I am doing fine. Thank you for everything you have done for our country. We just had our first snowfall. I haven't gone sledding yet though. Do you have snow where you are? I gotta go, sorry the message is so short. Thank you again for what you are doing. Sincerely, Abenezer

shron - 12/11/2022

what do you call a military officer who goes to the bathroom a lot? a lootenant ?? please get the joke, jokes aside thank you for your service truly appreciate it

Sirine - 12/11/2022

Chère troupe canadienne, Je vous écris pour vous remerciez de votre courage et votre résilience qui vous a amené à faire plusieurs sacrifices pour rendre le Canada un meilleur pays. Merci énormément !

Jack - 12/11/2022

Hello troops, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for serving our country and keeping us safe.

Michelle - 12/11/2022

Thank you for your courage, bravery and service. Your sacrifice and commitment help keep Canadians glorious and free.

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