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Johnson - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for sacrificing your lives for keeping me and the country safe. I really appreciate your bravery and service. For those who survived, we are proud of you, and those who didn’t - we’ll remember you.

Ania - 14/11/2022

Thank you to everyone serving for Canada at this time, your service is appreciated greatly. Have a great November!

Erik - 14/11/2022

Dear Soldier, My name is Erik, I'm 13, and I'm from Victoria, BC. I wanted to thank you for what you are giving, and giving up, for this country. I hope you are okay and doing as well as you can away from home. You are the reason this country is amazing. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you. Erik

Aidan - 14/11/2022

Dear solider, Thanking for working so hard and serving our country. You truly are a hero. I know that you may not get enough recognition for what you do for our country. But, I truly appreciate and thank you for helping serve our country. Sincerely, Aidan

Jayna - 14/11/2022

Thank you for serving our country. I really appreciate all that you have done for me and my country. Your work does not go unnoticed. You have a lot of support. Thank you! From: Jayna

Inaaya - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian troops Thank you for all the hard work you've done to for Canada. We appreciate and cherish your hard work, we know many soldiers have sacrificed their selfs for this country and other country and we are very grateful. Thank you, wether you're in the air force, entertaining the military, or in the military, we appreciate every thing!

Vedika - 14/11/2022

Thank you for your service. I am so grateful for all you have done for our country and other parts of the world. It is obvious you have made many sacrifices for us and I hope you know that I will forever be grateful. Thank You

Gia - 14/11/2022

Dearest troop members, Thank you for your service to our country and your help in other countries. I'm sure that many, including me, appreciate your efforts and sacrifices to keep our country and many others safe too. I will always remember everything you have done for our country in the past, present and what I'm sure you will do in the future. Thank you, Gia

Krisha - 14/11/2022

Dear troop member, Thank you for serving our country. You have saved so many lives , including me, from all around the world. You have sacrificed so much for this country and should always be appreciated. We will always remember what you have done for this country, past, present , and future. Thank you so much! Regards Krisha

Zoelle - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian troop, Thank you for your service! We appreciate everything you have done and sacrificed for our country. We recognize all the work you put in to serve for Canada. Thank you once again. Kind Regards Zoelle

Madeleine - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian troop, Thank you for your service! We appreciate everything you've done for our country, and all the work you put in every day. We recognize all the sacrifices that you've made and thank you once again. Kind regards, Madeleine

Mandy - 14/11/2022

I appreciate the sacrifice you did to protect Canadian citizens. Because you need and want to protect Canada, you left your lovely family. If you are out in the world (even if you are in Canada) I hope you can get home and meet your family. Even if you think you can do better, I want to tell you that you are amazing and keep up the great work. Thank you for protecting our country.

Nyla - 14/11/2022

I would just like to send a piece of appreciation to say thank you for protecting our country and other parts of the world. I couldn't imagine me being in the military, working day and night to serve our country and the world. I just want to say, you are doing amazing. Thank You

Firdaous - 14/11/2022

Chère soldat merci vraiment pour tout vos sacrifices pour la sécurité des canadiens et des autres pays.Nous vous remercions pour votre persévérance, votre bravoure,votre courage ect. Vous vous êtes rassemblé pour sauvé toute la société jusqu’à ce jour.Vous n’avez pas baisser les bras.A chaque nuit vous dormez avec le bruit de bombardement de fusillade ect.

Thomas - 14/11/2022

Dear Canadian Soldiers, I would like to thank you all you have done for this country and I am very grateful in what you've done. You are very brave and courageous. You are great people for going out there to protect our country and help others in need. You are such amazing people on what you do. Thank you for everything you have done Thomas

Ethan - 14/11/2022

Dear Soldiers members, I am very thankful for what you guys do for us. You are very brave to me and make me and my family feel free. You guys are my idols and role models, one day I want to be like you. So thank you and keep up what you are doing! - Ethan

Andrew - 14/11/2022

Dear soldier, Thank you for working so hard for our amazing country. You have sacrificed so much to do good and cast the evil far away from our precious land. We have high hopes on you. Thank you.

Zoelle - 14/11/2022

Dear canadian troop,

Alice - 14/11/2022

Chers soldats, je vous remercie de défendre tous les pays et d’aider ceux qui ont besoin de vous.J’aimerais que la guerre s’arrête mais au moins on vous a vous pour nous protéger.Je sais que la vie est ou a été compliqué pour vous mais un jour je crois que la guerre disparaîtra.

Stella - 14/11/2022

Bonjour chers soldats, Je tenais à vous faire part de mes remerciements envers vos efforts et votre courage pour nous. Que vous soyez encore actifs ou non, le jour du souvenir m'a rappelé votre détermination envers le fait de sauver notre pays. Merci, Stella

Adèle - 14/11/2022

Bonjour, je voudrais vous remercier de vous avoir battu ou de vous battre pour nous.Grace à vous, beaucoup d'enfants peuvent vivre leur vie tranquille.Je sais se que sa fais de perdre un être chère et ses triste. J'espère que vous êtes revenue indemne ou sans blessures grave.Je me demande se que sa fait de savoir qu'un seule faut pas peut permettre de perdre la vie?Pouvez-vous me le dire? Adèle

Henri - 14/11/2022

Chers soldats, merci de vous être battue à la guerre pour nous protéger. Vous avez beaucoup de courage et de détermination et vous avez probablement fait plusieurs sacrifices. Je remercie également les hommes et les femmes mort à la guerre. Finalement, j'espère que vous serez plusieurs à lire mon message.

Ms. Thompson13 - 14/11/2022

Dear soldiers, I want to say thank you for being so patient and helpful for us. Thank you for keeping Canada safe. Today I was thinking that If one day I was like you, I would like to be patient like you.

Thompsons - 14/11/2022

I want to tell you the troops something. You fight for this country and make us have a peaceful country. I respect your troops so much. Thank you for your service.

Ms. Thompson2 - 14/11/2022

Dear soldiers, Thank you for working hard to protect Canada and risk your lives to give us a strong shelter, keeping us safe, and fighting for Canada’s freedom. We will always remember those who died to protect us and. We are very grateful for what you have done for us. Sincerely, Ms. Thompson student2

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