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Dasha)))) - 09/11/2023

Dear Armed Forces Member(s), my name’s Dasha and I’m from Saskatchewan. I’m extremely grateful for your protection of our country and all the sacrifices you’ve made. Your bravery, responsibility and devotion to our country is something that I will never forget:)))

Marisa - 09/11/2023

My name is Marisa, and I am in GR 4/5 thank you for all your hard work and dedication and everything you’ve done. I’m wishing you well. I hope you stay safe as you continue to work hard for Canada. Thanks for all you do for our country.

Eniola - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed forces member, My name is Eniola, I am 9 years old in grade 5. I am thankful for what you have been doing for us. I appreciate your hard work and kindness to us. I am also thankful for you protecting us. I wish you all the best in your work.

Linda - 09/11/2023

Linda (Gr.5.) Dear Canadian Forces member, Thank you for making Canada the peaceful country it is today. We are all grateful for the work you have done to keep us safe. Thank you for your dedication to this country. I hope that you stay safe and happy through all your hard work. Thank you for your sacrifices.

John - 09/11/2023

Dear Veterans, I would like to sincerely thank you for your dedication to protecting and helping our country stay safe and grow as a land of freedom. Without you Canada would not nearly be as great and independent as it is today. This country owns it all to you and you efforts throughout the wars. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by everyone in this great country. Thank you

Logan - 09/11/2023

Je vous remercie pour vos efforts pour maintenir la paix dans notre pays.

Vicky, 10 - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldiers, Do not give up.We would all like to thank you for your service. It will not be forgotten. Thank you to all of you for keeping us safe and fighting for us.Im super grateful for your sacrifice for this country. I hope you all return to your home safely.

Aila - 09/11/2023

Dear Troops, My name is Aila I am sending this letter because I just wanted to thank you all for dedicating your lives to keep my country safe I know it must have been hard for you because so many good soldiers died to keep us safe, and they must have been good friends to you, but I just want to thank you all for your service. from Aila

Amélie - 09/11/2023

Je vous remercie pour tout se que vous avé faite pour nous et tout veau sacrifice pour nous sauvé la vit, on nous nous souviendrons toujours de vous. Au revoir

Jérémie - 09/11/2023

Chère soldas, merci pour aller en gère pour nous. Merci aussi, pour sacrifier ta vie, j'espère que après la gère ta vie est plus bonne et j'espère que tu na pas perdu des ami. D'abord je voudrait te voir pour te donner une très grande caresse. Finalement j'espère que tu as une bonne reste de journée. Au revoir.

Leo - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Forces Member, My name is Leo. I'm in grade 4. Thank you for protecting our country. When I grow up, I want to be in the military like you. I hope you stay safe and well. Thanks again.

Isabella, 10 - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Troops, I hope you are winning the war and I am thankful for all of you for sacrficing your life and for giving us peace.

Billy - 09/11/2023

Bonjour ou bonsoir je me nomme Billy et je voudrais vous dire que merci pour protéger notre pays jours après jours

Amélie - 09/11/2023

Bonjour,je m’appelle Amélie.J’ai 12 ans et je vie en Gaspésie .Je voulais vous remercier de nous défendre.Vous êtes très courageux de faire ce suis reconnaissante de tout ce que vous faite.Vous vous sacrifier pour nous. Merci beaucoup! ??

Livia - 09/11/2023

Salut je m’appelle Livia j’ai 13 ans et j’habite en Gaspésie.Je voulais vous remercier pour ce que vous faites pour le monde entier.C’est grâce à vous qu’on se sent protégé.Merci d’être courageux pour nous.mille fois merci

Jade - 09/11/2023

Bonjour! Je me nomme Jade et j’ai 11ans. Je vous écris pour vous dire merci de vous engager dans l’armé. Pour nous protéger.Vous avez beaucoup de courage de faire ce métier.merci!??

Philippe - 09/11/2023

Bonjour je me nomme Philippe.J’ai pu vivre à cause de vous.Vous avez sauvé mon arrière grand père d’une balle à la poitrine.Après la guerre ,mon arrière grand père a fait mon grand père puis ma mère puis moi donc je vous dois le respect. Merci de protéger le Canada.

Michela - 09/11/2023

Thank you for your services and sacrifices that you made for our country and for putting your own life on hold for the good of our country. I can't express how thankful I am for all the work you have done. Your'e so brave for sacrificing your life for our country, so thank you.

Ethan - 09/11/2023

My name is Ethan. I’m a 15 year old sophomore and am attending a school in Caledon Ontario. I was born in Canada, with my parents both being from Mexico. They started here rough, barely managing by while caring for me, having to choose for groceries for the week or baby formula for me. They did make it work, and were thriving right now as we slowly have been getting so many bright opportunities given to us. I realize now though that I most definitely wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for how you and all other Canadian troops from past and those in the future kept fighting to allow people like my family to live here. I hope whichever troop manages to read this understands that there is a huge amount of gratitude that is being held by me, as me and many others who come from immigrant families understand ourselves that it was no easy task.

Steven - 09/11/2023

Dear Veterans, thank you for all you have done to keep this country free from conflict and war as well as keeping peace around the world. Thank you for sacrificing your lives to fulfill your duty as a peacekeeper. I will always appreciate you for putting your blood, sweat, and tears into your work to keep this country safe from any harm. We will always appreciate your efforts so that this country will gain the freedom it deserves!

Emma - 09/11/2023

Bonjour à tout les soldat je mappelle Emma je vous remercie pour sacrifier pour nous. Ensuit je pense à toi quand sais la journer de souvenir je prie pour vous:)

jackie - 09/11/2023

Thank you for everything you do daily to protect this country, and for that I am forever grateful. You have given up so much for this country, and I personally believe that is something that cannot be repaid. Most soldiers believe having a free country is payment enough. I think that's what makes you all so great, you give so much and do not expect anything back. I recognize the selflessness you've demonstrated with your willingness to serve our country. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. It is no secret that your training, or any part to being a soldier is easy. Thank you for your bravery, strength, hard work, commitment, dedication, and willingness to do the hard things that are required of you day in and day out.

Mahé - 09/11/2023

Bonjour cher militaire, je me nomme Mahé, je vous écris pour vous remercier de vous sacrifier pour notre pays. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants pour tout ce que vous faites pour nous. Vous êtes une source d’inspiration et vous avez beaucoup de courage.

Gianluca - 09/11/2023

Hello, my name is Gianluca. I live in Ontario. I am 15 and i'm in grade 10. As you stand strong on foreign soil, know that your courage and dedication do not go unnoticed. Your service goes across borders, representing the values of freedom that Canada upholds. Your sacrifices are the grounds of a safe world for us, and your braveness is an inspiration to Canadians. Thousands of miles apart, your fellow Canadians stand with you in spirit, the true, north, strong and free.

Nora - 09/11/2023

Chère vétérin j'aimerais dire merci pour nous donnée votre vie pours nous. Et merci pour protéger notre paye.

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