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Dante - 09/11/2023

Dear, C.A.F, I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you have made. When you go out and have Canadas back, you make me feel safe. I have had family that have served in the war. The way how every day you go out and risk your life i-its astonishing and really I just absolutely can't thank you guys enough. You go out brave, confident, and determined and once again I want to thank you with all my heart and mind and still can't thank you enough. You change the world and it's like I don't even know how to describe it it's like mind blowing. When I go to sleep I feel safe. When I go to school I feel protected and do you want to know why, it's because of you. I'm also blown away by how you get up and save thousands of lives and spend time away from your family by risking your life for Canada. So I am saying sorry that you have to spend so much time away from the things you love so much. I am truly grateful for the service you have given everyone. So once again, THANK YOU!! Sincerely, Dante

Mavis - 09/11/2023

Dear Veterans, I wanted to thank you for serving our country and saving lives. I’m sure you’ve been through a lot and have gone through some rough times but you made it through and that's what matters. My classmates and I are so grateful for you making sure our country is free and safe. Words can’t really describe how thankful I am for you and how you risked your life for us. My aunt works for the police department and I'm constantly worried about her so I have a special appreciation for what you do. I hope you get to see your friends and family this Christmas and get to enjoy this wonderful weather. Again, my classmates and I can’t thank you enough for what you do. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your year! Sincerely, Mavis

Jaxon - 09/11/2023

Dear CAF, Thank you for all you've done for our country. I am so grateful for you risking your life to save people. It is an honor to talk to my heroes. You make a difference in my life and are so brave. You make me feel safe and protected in my house at school and everywhere I go. I appreciate you risking your life so I can live safely with my family. You are my hero, always protecting our country and putting your life on the line to make people safe. I am so thankful because I don't have to worry about getting hurt and I know you will always be there when I need you and I can be safe with my family. Words can not express how grateful I am for you. I wish the world could put aside their differences because war is so unpredictable and you never know what's going to happen, so many people can die. You risk everything to go out and be heroes, it must be hard to not see your family for a while. Nothing is more important than spending time with family and friends. But saving hundreds of lives is also really important. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our country. I really hope you see your family soon. I am so grateful for you making me feel safe everywhere I go. I am so glad I get to express my gratitude to my heroes. From a very thankful grade five student named Jaxon

Marat - 09/11/2023

Dear soldiers I’m Marat. I’m thankful for your service and thanks for saving people. thank you for doing all of this to save us. I appreciate it we love you.we will never forget you because we love you all so much thank we pray for you so all of you can stay healthy and safe;)

sahib - 09/11/2023

Letter To Veterans Dear veterans, Hello, thank you a lot from my heart for your help, protection and health. Thanks for the food and this land. Thank you for peace and your services. You help keep this land safe at this time because it’s very hard at this time because of the holidays. I hope you get to see your family and friends from home. Without you we can’t find a safe, protective land. [From: a thankful grade 5 student]

Jamie - 09/11/2023

Thank you for keeping canada safe. Thank you for risking your life for our country Thank you for making canada peaceful I hope that canada is safe for good I was wondering if Canada won the war I was wondering you can recover from if you had injury. I just want to say thank you again

Alivia - 09/11/2023

Dear Veteran, Please accept our sincere thanks for your hard work and dedication to helping make a difference in our lives in addition to serving our country with honor. You have shown a great deal of gratitude, time, and energy to serve this country and I am very thankful for this. It is my hope that one day we will be able to live in a world of peace and mutual respect for one another.

rosa - 09/11/2023

You all added to our relaxed lives with your hard work. You have demonstrated energy, tenacity, and love for Canada, your country. I am so appreciative of your dedication and service. We are grateful that you gave your blood, sweat, and tears to defend our nation. We are aware of the dangers you take to ensure our safety. There are no words to describe my gratitude for your help. I hope there is peace and compassion in the world, and that people value one another's diversity. thank you for everything.

Lukas - 09/11/2023

Bonjour. je me nomme Lukas.Je vous écris pour vous dire que je suis reconnaissant de vos sacrifices pour le Canada.vous êtes courageux et je vous en remercie

William - 09/11/2023

Dear canadian soldier Thank you for fighting in the war for Canada to make Canada the great place it is.Thank you for devoting your life to help Canada .Thank you you let us play outside will being safe.I hope there is world peace for ever and no more wars.I was wondering if you had a choice to join the war. I feel bad so bad for you fellow Canadian William!

rosa - 09/11/2023

You all added to our relaxed lives with your hard work. You have demonstrated energy, tenacity, and love for Canada, your country. I am so appreciative of your dedication and service. We are grateful that you gave your blood, sweat, and tears to defend our nation. We are aware of the dangers you take to ensure our safety. There are no words to describe my gratitude for your help. I hope there is peace and compassion in the world, and that people value one another's diversity. thank you for everything.

Derek - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Troops thank so much for safe us whan you do it's is cool

Janelle - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian troops Thank you for go to war for us you are so cool and kind you are all amazing thank you for the goodness you have done

Alice - 09/11/2023

Dear canadian troop, I am honored to have you serving us and I want to say that you have inspired me not to be afraid of things like heights so I am very proud to wear my poppy.

Gabrielle - 09/11/2023

Chers soldats merci, pour tous les sacrifies et pour nous protèger notre pays et sauver des 100 000 de persons .

Chizaram - 09/11/2023

Dear Veteran, How are you? Hope you are good, thank you so much for your service. You sacrificed your life for this country, It would not be the same without You every day I pray for all of the Soldiers that they will return safely. Thank you for all you have done. From your friend, Chizaram

Chloe - 09/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I am so thankful that you are protecting Canada, I appreciate all you do and I will be wearing my poppy with joy and honor. You inspire me to do good,help others and try to make someone smile like you do to me. Once again I thank you and God bless you. Love,Chloe

Sophia - 09/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I am very thankful for giving us freedom and for protecting our beautiful country. Thank you for inspiring us to stand up and be brave every single day. I will stand up and wear my poppy for everybody that went to war. I am very thankful to you guys!

Jonathan L - 09/11/2023

I, and the Country of Canada, thank you and for your fellow Canadians that are in the Army, and died in the army, and the other Canadians that are going to be in the Army for your service you give and gave us. We thank you for the help you gave us to keep us safe, to let us have school, to have friends, and a family that are safe. We thank you for a safe place to live. We thank you for your service, and we thank the Canadians that gave their lives up to help, and make the world a better place to live in. I hope the world changes, that all of us around the world would be safe wherever we are. I hope that we can respect each other, be kind to each other, so that we can live a good life without any warfare. I hope you and your fellow Canandians in the army are safe, and come back home safe. We remember you, and the fail ones that give us hope that we can live a better life.

Leo - 09/11/2023

Dear veterans, you are awesome for protecting our country and giving us freedom, so thanks to you all.

John - 09/11/2023

Hello I am James and I’m currently in grade 10 and I live in Ontario. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate and am grateful for the amazing work you do for our country. It is just amazing how brave, committed, you have been in defending Canada and what we stand for. We know your dedication to protecting our country both at home and overseas. We have nothing but respect for you since you are a perfect example of honesty and sacrifice.

Makya - 09/11/2023

chère soldat merci pour tout quoi tu as fait pour nous tu as risquer ta vie pour tout le monde même les soldat qui sont mort essayer pour batailler pour nous.

victoria - 09/11/2023

dear canadian troops I am so happy because of your work I want to be like you when I grow up , is a honour for me to have soldiers like you in where ever you are your family is proud

Jayden - 09/11/2023

Dear veterans, Thank you for your service. Canadians are very grateful for your sacrifice. We appreciate your contribution to keeping Canada safe. We are thankful that you persevered through the struggles that you faced. We are fortunate enough to live in a safe country thanks to your service. If it weren’t for you guys, Canada wouldn’t be as good of a place as it is. We are all grateful for your sacrifices.

Anabelle - 09/11/2023

chair vétérant, je t'écris sette letre pour te dire merci. Premièrement merci pour battre pour notre paix. Aussi vous est for et brave. Merci pour tout .

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