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Iris - 09/11/2023

Letter to Veterans Dear veterans, Hello, I live in a lovely place called Ontario, Canada with my family. You wouldn’t believe how thankful and proud I am to know that you are sacrificing your lives to help and to serve for kids that don’t have that safety or loved ones in their lives. There isn’t anything that you can do more to make lives better then to go and save people Who aren't so fortunate to have families to protect themselves. I wish the world was full of more people like you and fellow veterans. There are no words that can explain not only sacrificing and risking your life but you are sacrificing everything in your life: your family, your home, and your time. A special thanks to the heroes of Canada. From: a proud student.

Naomie - 09/11/2023

Bonjour je m’appelle Naomie. Je vous écris pour vous dire merci de nous protéger tout les jours et de défendre le Canada. Je suis très reconnaissante de vous avoir dans notre monde

Lisa - 09/11/2023

À tous les soldats antérieurs, présents et à venir qui passent jours/nuits pendant des mois/années à nous protéger dans des conditions que je n'ose imaginer. Nous avons la chance de vivre dans un pays qui maintien la paix à l'internationale. Les canadiens(nes) peuvent se rendre au travail, s'occuper des parents, familles et ami(e)s sans craindre. Mon souhait est que tous les soldats aient quelqu'un sur qui ils peuvent parler, se libérer ou simplement être pris dans leurs bras. Soldats = femme et homme. Je vous remercie à l'infini et vous donnent tous un câlin.

Genna - 09/11/2023

Dear peacekeepers, Thank you for helping serve our country. You don’t know how thankful and appreciative I am to have you help our country. I also have a brother that is joining the Canadian Armed Forces. I am very grateful that some of you fought for our country. It's unfortunate that some people wake up and wonder if they’ll survive or where they will get they’re next meal. I have lots of gratitude that you put your blood, sweat and tears to help us be a safe country. I also know how it feels to be away from your family. I am now in Ontario, sort of far from my family. I hope you get to see your family around the holidays. Me and my family are super appreciative that you're working hard to just help us and protect the country. Thank you for all you have done. It must be really difficult to do the job that you do. Best wishes. From an appreciative student.

Emma - 09/11/2023

Dear Peacekeepers, I could never imagine waking up in the morning wondering if I’ll survive. Your job is to wake up and protect us by walking right into the danger. You put your lives at risk every day making sure everyone is safe before you make sure you’re safe. I haven’t even met you but I know that you have such courage, effort and perseverance. During world one and two I would hate for me or my family to be taken to the army at risk of life. Except you went and changed the world. Thanks to the army kids can worry a little bit less knowing that you're there. I don’t understand why people fight over land risking their own people, it’s just wrong. I wish people just live in peace and be happy with what they have. Me and my family are very close and we’d never be able for one of us to go to war. I’m grateful for all your hard work and dedication on making the world a better place. Sincerely, An appreciative grade 5 student.

Rithika - 09/11/2023

A heartfelt thank you for keeping our community out of harm‘s way.Your courage and strength have been a strong impact of hope for those who were once afraid.Countless lives have been touched because of your bravery ,and we’re forever grateful for you.

WALTER WHITE - 09/11/2023

Thanks for the sacrifice for the country and thanks for defending our country.

Estelle - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed forces, I am grateful for what you do. I am also really happy because you have brought peace to many different countries and you protect Canada. Always remember that you will be respected by many people and don’t forget you will always find some confidence and hope inside of you. Warmest wishes, Estelle, Grade 5, Walden Oakville, ON Canada

Alivia - 09/11/2023

Dear soldiers thank you for what you have done for your country and continue what you have done for everyone even if its hard our world is a better place because of you all!

nathan - 09/11/2023

thank you for serving us

Melissa - 09/11/2023

Thinking about everyone right now. We are so thankful for everything you do to protect us and keep us safe. We are very proud to be Canadian. Praying for all of you.

Karine Lavallière - 09/11/2023

Cher Vétéran, Merci d'avoir défendu notre pays au cours des missions de paix. Grâce à vous, nous pouvons vivre chaque jour dans un pays sécuritaire. À l'approche du jour du Souvenir, je souhaite que tous puissent retrouver la paix et se souvenir des sacrifices des hommes et des femmes qui se sont battus pour conserver les droits de l'homme dans le monde entier. Cordialement, Karine Lavalliere.

Leah pascoli - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian troops, thank you so much for protecting our country and fighting for us. I look up to you guys because you are so brave and think about others before yourself. I am so grateful of what you guys have done for all of us.

Brooklyn - 09/11/2023

Dear solders hi im thaking you so so much. I promes you if i will be a solder i will be keep are province safe.

Maude, grade 3. - 09/11/2023

Dear troops, I thank you for everything you did to help our countery, nobody is braver than you guys. So many people are proud that you were brave enough to sacrifice yourself into the war, thank you.

maddox - 09/11/2023

dear troops thank you for serving are country i look up to you thank you for protecting and fought in the war i appreciate that hope you get back to your family soon

Karter - 09/11/2023

we love the soldiers remember honor fveedom sacrifice caneda

Blake - 09/11/2023

Thank you for every Thing That you did for us. Blake grade 4

Zoe - 09/11/2023

Dear soldjiers I am so greatful of what you did so we could suvive, and I am filled head to toe with honor. Thank you so much for what did and the sacrifices you made and leaving your familys just for us you did it all for us. The fact you set us for freedom and you were destend to defend. Thank you :D - 3/4 collings porters lake elementary school/ P.L.E.S. :)

Axel - 09/11/2023

Dear soldiers thank you for all you do

Rhys - 09/11/2023

dear soldiers thank you for keeping us safe. i hope you return to your home where you belong. I hope you keep protecting us you guys are the best. i will remember those who kept us safe. Thank you. from Rhys in grade 4 ps. you rock

allison 8 gr4 - 09/11/2023

Dear troops. I appreciate and honor you and wish you luck. stay safe.

jack - 09/11/2023

Hi soldiers thank you for yoer sacrifice

yolanda,9 - 09/11/2023

dear,troops I am so thank foul that you are helping are contry. you fought for us thank you.

zackary - 09/11/2023

dear troops i am glad you fought for us in war. canada would not be the same without you. thank you for your work

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