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Victoria - 08/11/2023

I would like to thank all people who protected Canada, who gave me a chance to get an education , live freely and be sure that I am safe.Thank you to all people who are not afraid to lose their lives for others.I am proud of every soldier all over the world!

Habib - 08/11/2023

Dear Veterans and current active solders. I thank you genially for everything you guys have done for our family and country

Brooke - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran, I can’t express how thankful I am for your service. Thank you for your service, whether it be past or present, in helping to create and maintain a safe environment for those to come. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed, and we will not forget all that you have done. Thank you.

Ajani Wilson - 08/11/2023

Attention one, two, three, four One, two, three, four.We all fight and cling to whatever humanity we have left. Shoots go off, the smell of gunpowder and rain mixed within the air, the pitter patter of footsteps splashing through puddles of mud. The puddles of blood seeping back into the earth to bloom a flower paint in the blood for our enemies and friends alike realizing we are no different form one another. I wish I could finish the poem but thanks for all that y’all have done for us and I’ll right a better poem for next time

Malika - 08/11/2023

My name is Malika I born in Afghanistan and I leave Afghanistan when I was a kid I move to Tajikistan I was there like 6 year and I come to Canada I don’t have any school background because there it was hard for girls to study I am happy that I am in Canada now I am thankful from everything that I have here I am thankful from school from my parents from my teachers I hope everyone is doing good and they achieve their dreams and success ??????

Lizzy - 08/11/2023

Hello, my name is Lizzy I go to Jasper Place High school in Edmonton. I was born and raised in Edmonton. I’m the daughter of medical parents, EMS, Nurse, volunteer firefighter and Peace Officer. I’ve wanted to follow their footsteps but they’re concerned for my well-being. Outside of school I a lot more vibrant with my friends. Anyways I want to thank everyone for what they’ve done and given people like me. I hope no more wars occur as silly as that sounds but no one should go through some thing like that. Thank you for your services.

abdi - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran I wanted to thank you for everything you have sacrificed if it was not for you we wouldn’t be here today, you guys fought for our freedoms and we’re thankful for it, We will always remember you for what you have done for us.

Brant - 08/11/2023

Dear Veterans, thank you for the sacrifice you all made for the freedom and security of this country. I am very grateful for all of you.

Polina Slobodian - 08/11/2023

I want to thank all those who gave their lives for Canada. Because of them, I can walk this land, enjoy these forests, fields, landscapes and Canadian society. Thank you.

Alice - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier/Veteran, My name is Alice and I attend Jasper Place High School. I was born here, in Edmonton and I love to spend my time with my friends, being active, shopping, or taking trips to the mountains. Not only on Remembrance day but year round I thank you for your service to our country and all that you’ve done. Thanks to all the physical and mental pain you’ve gone through to serve for us.

Suprina - 08/11/2023

Thank you so much for your service, I am forever grateful!

Leo - 08/11/2023

We thank you for your bravery and your sacrifice.

Simon Polkovsky - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I hope that you have only but good times ahead, I only feel privileged because of your sacrifice I am able to benefit from Canadas system. Veterans and service members deserve nothing but the best because they have laid it down on the line bravely for the people all around us. - Simon and Students of Jasper Place highschool

Hamza - 08/11/2023

I appreciate all the people who stood up to protect our freedom that are no longer with us ,and I thank all the people still standing for that freedom.

Alice - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier/Veteran, My name is Alice and I attend Jasper Place High School. I was born here, in Edmonton and I love to spend my time with my friends, being active, shopping, or taking trips to the mountains. Not only on Remembrance day but year round I thank you for your service to our country and all that you’ve done. Thanks to all the physical and mental pain you’ve gone through to serve for us.

Emily - 08/11/2023

Thank you for all you’re bravery and dedication to fight for my freedom and the countries freedom. I appreciate and acknowledge how important and how hard It is to risk you’re life for others, I will never discount my gratitude and appreciation for the veterans in war making sure I can go home to my family. The world needs more people who fight for others to sacrifice their own. Thank you. Les we Forget.

Riley O. - 08/11/2023

Dear Troops of the Canadian armed forces I am glad that you guys do what you do so that I don’t have to suffer and live in fear all the time. I am thankful for you fighting for our freedom here in Canada.

Jorus M. - 08/11/2023

I do not have much to say other than that we appreciate your service for this country. Thank you.

Ray - 08/11/2023

Thank you for devoting your time and for the sacrifices you have made for the benefit of our country. I give my sincerest thanks to you for making Canada a safe place from war and conflict.

Katie Acosta - 08/11/2023

Dear soldiers, As a student in Jasper place high school, Edmonton. I want to thank you for going to war and battling just so we could live a good life. I acknowledge your sacrifice and bravery. I hope for the soldiers fighting right now that you come home safe and uninjured. I am forever grateful for the opportunity you give us all.

David - 08/11/2023

Thank you for putting your life on the line for the security and safety of others. We won’t forget what you are sacrificing and can’t wait to welcome you back with open arms. Just know that everyone here is thinking of you and will not let your service go unnoticed. Thank you for your providing a better life for people all over the world.

Daria - 08/11/2023

I want to say thank you to everyone who defended our country. Thanks to you, we are able to wake up in the morning, find new acquaintances and live a normal life. We will forever remember your bravery and thirst for a free life. Thank you!

Kendra - 08/11/2023

Dear veteran, I hope you are doing well! I enjoy playing sports and travelling with my family. I am so thankful for your service and how you have risked your life so Canadians are able to live without fear of war.

Cameron - 08/11/2023

Major thanks to our Canadian armed forces. have huge respect for you for protecting our country and going to the length in order to protect our country a lot of us wouldnt do. Thank you!!

Kaylem chotard - 08/11/2023

I thank you as a former cadet and a citizen for protecting fighting for our country and I sincerely hope that you find comfort in knowing that your actions are not seen for what they are thank you to whichever soilder this finds

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