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Micah - 08/11/2023

Hello I am a student from Jasper Place High School. My name is Micah, I was born in British Columbia. I thank you for your service Remembrance Day for me is a time of remembering my great grandfather who served on a ship as a shipwrite in the Canadian navy. Lest we forget.

julietta - 08/11/2023

My name is Julietta Neoose i am a student at Japer place highschool in Edmonton. I was born at the Royal Alexander hospital in Edmonton Alberta. Outside of school i spend my free time socializing with friends and family as well as grooming my pet. I am thankful for my ancestors who fought along the french and others in many wars to honour my culture and way of life and to ensure my safety and future. I hope the people and communities fighting for their freedom and future do so successfully and deep regards to those who were lost.

Katherine - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service, we are all very grateful.

Kora - 08/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Thank you for making it so we don't have to live in fear.I appreciate that you make it so we have freedom.Your brave and selfless for protecting us.Thank you for keeping us safe.I am grateful that you were willing to risk your safety for us.Sincerely, Kora

Dominik - 08/11/2023

I appreciate the bravery and dedication that it takes to enlist in the army, while I'm sitting at home doing practically nothing the people in the army are training hard and or risking their lives. Thank you.

Anita - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, as a student from Edmonton and a descendant from refugees who fled from Czechoslovakia in WW2, I thank you. Thank you for not just fighting for the freedoms and rights of the people, in and out of Canada. You provide a light of hope for all to the suffering that the current and past wars caused.

Emily - 08/11/2023

thank you for being thoughtful enough to put your whole life on our line for others. You helped make this country a safer place.

Zachary T - 08/11/2023

Hello, my name is Zachary T. I was born in Edmonton, Alberta where I am now a student at Jasper Place high school, I am currently in my senior year. As of now I am planning to apply to the university of Alberta for biological sciences and computer science as a minor. I spend most of my time studying for school and preparing for my future. Today, I have come to realize the great service that all current and past members of the Armed Forces of Canada have provided and fought for to provide all Canadians a free and oportunistic country. I thank you for your great effort in securing the free and properous future of all young Canadians planning for their future. If it weren't for the brave sacrifices of Canadian soldiers, my future and millions of others would not be possible. I sincerely hope that the rest of the world would be able to secure a bright future for generations to come. And for the Armed Forces to continue defending the rights and freedoms of Canadians granted to us so long ago.

Liam - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your services, you'll never be forgotten and you as well as your loved ones will live on forever in our hearts.

Austin S. - 08/11/2023

Hello my name is Austin and I am a student of JP high school. I was born in Misericordia and when I'm not in school I hang out with my friends and play videogames on my phone or sometimes my nintendo switch. I also do Taekwondo which is a martial art if you don’t know about it. This letter is to say thank you for the services you have done for us because without your helpful services Canada wouldn’t be the same. Because of what you did, Canada is a safe place and you protected it. I hope that you’ve had a great time and I hope that you enjoy your times here with fun and happy days.

Kaiden - 08/11/2023

To the Canadian forces. I am a teen living in Canada, living in Canadian soil without worry makes me proud of Canada. me and my family appreciate your guys service, in sacrificing your time to keep our country at peace. For remembrance day I will keep a poppy on me and take 2 minutes of my time to remember the sacrifices that were made during the war.

Andra - 08/11/2023

Thank you so much for your service. It is really appreciated from everyone. You guys have made so many sacrifices for us. Thank you again!

Jalal - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service it’s helped a lot of people in this country

No name - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service we really appreciate

Tess - 08/11/2023

Dear Veteran, I would like to thank you for everything you have done. You have saved our country and because of you, we can live in freedom without the fear of wars. We will continue to remember you for the battles you fought, the battles you won, the freedom earned, your bravery and your commitment. Lest we forget

Gabriel - 08/11/2023

To whoever is reading this in the Canadian Armed Forces, I am Gabriel and I am a student at Jasper Place High School. I always make sure to have a poppy with me on Remembrance Day. I would just to show my appreciation for the work you all do for this country. I will not forget those that fought for this country to protect our rights and freedoms. I hope you all can keep doing your part and keep fighting to protect all of us in Canada. Lest we forget. Sincerely, Gabriel

Vincent - 08/11/2023

I am thankful that there are remarkable people like you guys, who sacrificed your lives in the line of duty in order to keep everyone back safe. As a highschool student I stay patriotic to our country, and I always respect everyone who fought for our country. In the future, I will always do my part in this community to make sure our beautiful country stays safe on the inside. Always fight for what your protecting behind you. Thank you for your service! -Vincent

Angeli - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your service and protection. You have devoted your life, time, effort, and love to our nation. Never forget that you are loved. Blessings to you and your loved ones!

Emil - 08/11/2023

To all the brave veterans that are serving the country thank u for all that u have done and for protecting our friends families and many other people

Kaden - 08/11/2023

Your work is amazing, please continue to do what you do.

Nick N. - 08/11/2023

I hope people can help you when you need it, just as you did four our country

Sooyung - 08/11/2023

Hi my name is Sooyung Koprowski I was born in Edmonton,AB and I'm a high-school student at Jasper Place High school and i'm thankful for the service that they gave us freedom and education for us to learn and do.

Nathan - 08/11/2023

Thank you for your contribution to the world we live in today, if it wasn't for your sacrifices, we would not be where we are today. I hope you live a healthy and happy life knowing that you have inspired and helpped the younger generations.

Auston Fell - 08/11/2023

Hi, my name is Auston and I am currently a MWO in an Army Cadet Corps based out of Edmonton. I appreciate you and the work you have and are doing to serve our country and to protect the people that live in it. As well as the amount of hours you put into the job and the time that you spend with your family. I have family that have served in both the milk and the RCMP, and I hold great respect for each individual that serves to better their country, and to make sacrifices that not many are willing to make. I hope this finds you well, and that you understand that you are appreciated and respected by many. Have a good veterans week.

Shahdan - 08/11/2023

Thank you for all the sacrifices you have given for Canadians to have safe and secure homes and keeping everyone in here safe and away from danger.

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