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krish (age 7) - 06/11/2023

You haven't lost yet.Thank you for never backing down.

rowen (8) - 06/11/2023

Thank you for fighting for our country.

seth (age 8) - 06/11/2023

Thank you for protecting are country and thank you for fighting in the war you are the best for fighting in the war for our country and to protect us so we can have a great land and thank you for protecting our country and we have a nice safe land now Thank you for being the best to protect our country Thank you for the world and the war that you protected for us you guys are the best Thank you for protecting the country and for the wars Thank you very much you are the best.

abbott (age 8) - 06/11/2023

thank you for fighting for us. thank you for never giving up.

rachel (age 7) - 06/11/2023

i am happy that we are not fighting anymore. thank you.

julia (age 8) - 06/11/2023

thank you for keepjng us safe.and fighting when it;s hard.

Anthony (age 8) - 06/11/2023

thank you for fighting for us and saving all country

teagan (age 7) - 06/11/2023

thank you for protecting us.thank you for fating for us.thank you for never backing down.

Damien (age 8) - 06/11/2023

Thank you for fighting in the wall for our country and you guys saying a lot Can you train on our people and stuff like that really love you and stuff like that Love you turn up to half time You guys sitting in the warm We really love you and we really like you I love you love you and stuff like thatThank you for keeping us safe and stuff like that We love you and stuff like that and we like and misses and stuff like that and I'm sending this to you guysthis is our school sending i need play Love You look at them which I did.

theo (age 7) - 06/11/2023

Thank you for keeping us safe. You are the best. Thank you for protecting us.

Ryder (age 8) - 06/11/2023

thank you Mark Canadian special enforces for guarding this country and all its beauty thank you for protecting us and never backing down from a fight you are the best Canadian Armed Forcesthank you for keeping this date you're the best kid doing oh my God you keep ouryoucountry safe so we can have a good life thank you and Flanders Field is a the national place where poppies used to grow one day of medic actually found those property puppies growing in the field with most people have actually died in World War 1

Jasmine - 06/11/2023

Thank you for serving our country!!!! I’m so thankful for the freedom we have in today's Canada. ????

Miranda - 06/11/2023

Thank you for your sacrifice so our country can be safe and at peace??. We remember all who gave their lives to protect our country??

Tiana and Daniella - 06/11/2023

Thank you for protect our country, and sacrificing your life for us and our country .You will always be remembered by us and the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny - 06/11/2023

Thank you for you sacrifice to protect us and our country so we can be safe and have homes to live in. You people were very brave to fight in the war. The people who fought the war will be remembered by all of us. ????

Mustafa & Shourjo. - 06/11/2023

Dear soldier, thank you for serving to protect our country's freedom, rights and glory. We wish you and your family is safe for your serving in the Canadian military. Thank you.

Atiksh - 06/11/2023

Thanj You for serving in Canada.

Elizabeth - 06/11/2023

I want to thank all the people who keep our land safe. If we didn't have them we would all be in big danger! So if you are one of the people who keep us safe I want to say.... Thank you for all you do :)

Margriet - 06/11/2023

Thank you for fighting for our country, even when things get rough. Even taking your time to train, being ready to protect us. Having perseverance and courage we all wish we had. You've been more than helpful for our countries safety. Throwing yourself into anything which has helped our day to day life as we know it. we are more than lucky to have people fighting for us. In honour of those we have lost and those that have fought for us i will be attending a ceremony as well as taking a moment of silence.

Shantelloe III - 06/11/2023

Thank you for all you do for our country and people, and how selfless you are for protecting us. You represent many great qualities, such as bravery, courage, perseverance and pride. This remembrance day I will honour soldiers, veterans, and those that sacrifice their safety for ours, by wearing a poppy, and attending a ceremony. Thank You!

Garrett - 06/11/2023

My name is Garrett, I would just like to thank all of those who constantly fight for and protect (in whichever way that may be) Canada. You guys set an exemplary example of who Canada is and who Canadians should strive to be. You demonstrate the highest levels of pride, courage, perseverance, respect, and integrity. On this remembrance day, I will honour past and present Canadian veterans by wearing a poppy, watching the national service, and appreciating all veterans who have done and sacrificed for the present and future of our country.

May - 06/11/2023

I thank you for everything you do to protect us your bravery and courage and overall leadership is something I greatly admire to honour you I will watch the remembrance day ceremony and participate in a moment of silence. Thank you

Nathan - 06/11/2023

Thank you for serving our country and putting your lives on the line to keep us safe. You demonstrate empowering levels of bravery, pride, courage, perseverance and respect. This Remembrance day I will honour and pay respect to those who served by wearing a poppy and attending a ceremony. Thank you for your service.

Garmian - 06/11/2023

Thank you for those who are sacrificing their lives currently.The leadership qualities i believe they posses and admire is that they are courageous and brave. what i will do to honour them is wear a poppy and a have a minute of silence.

Mila - 06/11/2023

Dear the Canadian Armed Forces, I would like to personally thank you for fighting for our country and sacrificing you safety and mental well being for the citizens of our nation. Your role has been very inspiring to many people and changes their mindset to always fight for whats right. The RCSCC will participate in a ceremony which will demonstrate our respect and show direct participation with the armed forces. As well as wearing a big,bright red poppy to show people we care. Thank you!

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