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Anubhab - 02/11/2023

Dear Canadian forces, I will love to acknowledge all of my thanks for your contribution to protected our country. I appreciate all of your braverey and sacrificing your amazing lives for our education, peace and freedom. Without you, all of us would lack education, freedom and peace, and would not have great opportunities in our lives. I would like to thank you for all of your hardwork and that you deserve great honour. I hope you all of you have a safe, and wonderful life!

wade - 02/11/2023

Thank you for your service to our country.

kyler - 02/11/2023

thank you for your servis hope you get home safe

Jarred - 02/11/2023

For the people that fought and joined Canadian Forces, we'll remember them in our hearts by putting a poppy beside our hearts. Thanks to the people who served our country, made people go to a safe place so the soldiers will fight for us.

Odias - 02/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces member, I hope the country does not get into war and I hope its soldiers come back alive with no injuries. Thank you for your service.

Goy - 02/11/2023

Dear member of the Canadian forces I thank you all so much for what you have done for me and my family. I Also would like for you to know that you are so brave for fighting out there your brave for risking your life for all of us and I'm really grateful that you has served time for your country I thank you again for what you did.

kyler - 02/11/2023

Dear member of the canadian forces I you get home safe thank you for your servis I have family that have servised. you are a amazing. Thank you

Luis - 02/11/2023

Dear Soldiers I would just like to thank you for everything you did You fought for us and I am so grateful I can have an education and feel safe in my country I am so grateful for the freedom you fought for us and all you had to sacrifice Once again i would like to say a big Gracias

sophia - 02/11/2023

Stay strong and keep doing your best, I think anyone is capable of becoming resilient and to keep trying. although it is hard for us, you have already been working your way through a journey. Good job

Aria - 02/11/2023

Please stay safe in the line of duty. Don't be afraid! You got this! You can keep many countries safe. Everyone knows you can. Everyone thanks you for what you did. I thank you for what you did. Make sure you stay safe to go back home.

Ayaan - 02/11/2023

Dear Canadian army, I thank you for everything you have done and I thank you for you guys having to sacrifice a lot for us Canadian citizens to live and continue our lives. Thank you, from Ayaan.

Caitlyn - 02/11/2023

dear Canadian armed forces, thank you so much for your service. your help throughout canada and all around the world is greatly appreciated, we thank you for giving us such freedom in our lives. we are always grateful for what you do for us, thank you.

Ronan - 02/11/2023

thank you for your service, thankyou you for all that you have done for the country keeping it safe and helping other people that are not as fortunate as us and keeping people safe I know I don't understand the hardships that come with being in the military but i wish you the best of luck in whatever you are doing and hope you come back home safe to your family I wish your families the best of luck and you the best of luck and hope.

Aria - 02/11/2023

Thank you for your service. Thank you for your help. Please stay safe so you can come back in a country where battle does not happen. Help those countries with battles and give them peace. What you do affects many people, in good ways. Always good ways. Any country you served in remembers you, even if its not personally they remember what you did for their country to keep them safe. You kept this country safe and you always will.

Bernadette - 02/11/2023

Hello. Thank you for everything you have done in our country. You changed us, gave us freedom, and for that we honor, give, and thank all of you. Thank you once again and never give up.

Ramel. - 02/11/2023

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am here to send you all a big Thank you, for all you do keeping us and our beautiful country safe. It is a beautiful sunny fall day here. Stay safe as possible and watch out for each other. All the best and again,, thank you God bless all.

Ayaan - 02/11/2023

Dear Canadian Army, I decided to thank you for your service and everything you have done to help protect are freedoms and are beautiful cities and towns with all the wonderful people living in them. I really hope that we won't need to fight to settle a dispute and we are able to solve them in a peaceful manner. Thank you for everything, from Ayaan.

Jarred - 02/11/2023

Dear Canadian Forces, Thank you for standing up for our country, I hope you appreciate all the thanks that people gave you. Thanks for all the help you gave us to fight for our country. Thanks to the people who fought, even the young and old. Give thanks to them.

Caitlyn - 02/11/2023

dear canadian armed forces, thank you so much for your service, you make it so that our country can live freely, and for that, i am forever grateful. you are are greatly appreciated by everyone ever if they aren't aware of what you do for us, i am still grateful for the freedom and safety you've given us.

Bernadette - 02/11/2023

Hello veterans, Thank you so much for serving and honoring our country. You sacrificed so much for us and we couldn't thank you enough. The job is hard, but your positive and hardworking attitude changed our country. You are amazing and you can do anything if you just believe in yourself.

sophia - 02/11/2023

To any soldiers, veterans and people who work within the Military, I genuinely hope you have the courage to continue doing your best and just remember to not let yourself be brought down easily. I hope you remember that you as a person are very strong, looking back at where you came from and where you are now probably shaped you as someone and are now the person you are currently. So I hope continue to do well.

Aria - 02/11/2023

Dear Veteran, thank you so much for helping this country. I appreciate that you helped other countries with their struggles, and i appreciate that you helped our country. If you are still in the line of duty, please stay safe and come back home to your families. This world is a hard one with many struggles, but you are helping it gain peace. So again thank you so very much.

Ronan - 02/11/2023

Thank you for your service, as a junior high student I don't know the troubles of war being away from home and all the trouble that might come with being deployed or serving in the military but I wish you luck in anything you are doing good luck.

chelsea - 02/11/2023

Dear Soldiers and Veterans, Thank you for fighting for Canada. I also thank you for keeping us safe from many wars. I appreciate the hard work you have done to serve our country.

Lucas - 02/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces I'm writing this to say that im grateful for your service i've also wanted to thank you for everything that you have sacrificed for our country.

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