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Daniel.C - 03/11/2023

Hi soldiers, chefs, medics, engineers, pilots, and other military personnel! My name is Daniel. I am a student from a grade 7/8 class.We are currently learning about soldiers, and my class will be reciting the poem “the power of one” .What you do for us is incredible. Thank you for keeping citizens and Canada safe. You might not even know them, but you do a good job. I’m grateful for all the services you have done for us like patrolling an area and sacrifices you have made for us and without you soldiers and others me and my classmates probably wouldn’t be here right now. Writing this to you from the bottom of my heart thank you.

Skyler C - 03/11/2023

Hello, my name is Skyler. I am a student in grade 8 from Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. We are learning about Canada’s past and military jobs of Canadian soldiers. I am writing this to say thank you for your service. It must be very hard leaving everything you knew behind. You give up time with family, personal safety, your own time and step out of your comfort zone to make the world a better place. My great uncle served in the second world war in the navy. We are doing Remembrance Day ceremonies at our school on the 9th. At the ceremony, we honour the ones who died for us and our country. My class will be reciting a poem called “The Power of One”. “One song can spark a moment. One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest/ one bird can herald a spring. One smile begins a friendship. One handclasp lifts a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea. One word can frame the goal. One vote can change a nation. One sunbeam lights a room. One candle wipes out darkness. One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey. One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits. One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom. One heart can know that’s true. One life can make a difference. You see it’s up to you.” You are very brave for going to a different country that may be dangerous to solve problems. I hope that you can come home safe to your family. I wish you the best of luck. Thank you for serving our country. From Skyler.

Daphne B - 03/11/2023

Thank you for keeping the country safe. We wouldn’t have the freedom we have without you. You are so brave. I am Daphne, a grade 8 student and I’m writing this because I’m thanking you.

Tyler H - 03/11/2023

Hello, I am a 7th grade student from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and I want to say thank you for your service to this country and its people, as well as for dedicating your time away from your family and friends. You risk your safety, and some people don’t get to go back home. I hope you come home to your family safely. At our school, we will have a Remembrance Day ceremony on the 9th. Our class will be reciting a poem called “The Power of One.” The whole school is going to be at the ceremony to remember those who served and those who died for our country and for others. Where are you serving right now? What rank are you? Are you nearly done serving? So once again, thank you for your service.

Logan P. - 03/11/2023

To everyone who is currently stationed in a different country for the military, I greatly appreciate you making heavy sacrifices that affect you every day just for everyone else's safety. Sacrifices like Personal safety, being away from family, being away from home and the life you remember, and spending your time somewhere else. All of this is for our safety, and I cannot express how grateful I am. I am currently a grade 8 Student that lives in Sault Ste Marie Ontario. On November 9th we will have a Remembrance Day ceremony to honor everyone who served and continue to serve in the military. We will be singing the poem "The Power of One" to remember how much 1 person can affect the rest of the world. Thank you for everything you do for us, and I will continue to appreciate everyone in the military for the rest of my life. Thank you.

Neil M - 03/11/2023

Hello! I am a student from Sault Ste Marie. I just wanted to thank all the work that you do. You sacrifice your comfort, safety and many other things. It must be hard staying away from your friends and family for a while. I would like to applaud your bravery too, being in other unsafe countries is probably scary even though there are not many wars happening it is still frightening. At school we are having a ceremony on November 9th. Our class will be reading a poem called "The Power of One" and it is about Remembrance Day. I just wanted to thank you again for protecting our country that is all goodbye.

Zander.S - 03/11/2023

Hello, I'm a grade 8 student from Sault. Ste. Marie and I just wanted to send a big thank you. Thank you for taking all of these sacrifices, thank you for letting me have an education and freedom because without people like you Canada would be a different place. However, I do still have a few questions like, what job do you do in the army? Are you a chef or someone in combat? Where are you deployed? What was your most stressful moment in the army? Where did you live before you deployed? I have these questions because Remembrance Day is coming up and I didn't quite see how many sacrifices you have made for this country, also since remebrance day is coming our school is going to celebrate by doing a ceremony and our grade has to recite The Power of One “one song can spark a moment, One flower can wake a dream, One tree can make a forest, one bird can herald spring, one smile begins a friendship, one handclasp lifts a soul, one star can guide a ship at sea, one word can frame a goal, one vote can change a nation, one sunbeam can lights a room, one candle wipes out darkness, one laugh will conquer gloom, one step must start a journey, one work must start each prayer, one touch can show you care, one voice can speak with wisdom, one heart can know what's true, one life can make the difference, you see, it's up to you!” I hope this message can get to someone. But to finish it all I just want to say thank you for your service.

Aleena A. - 03/11/2023

Dear Canadian Troops, Thanks to you, and your many sacrifices, we live in a country where we have freedom of choice and words. It takes a lot of courage and bravery to be willing to sacrifice your time, comfort and safety for the good of others. I would simply like to acknowledge and recognize the amount of effort you have put in for all of Canada. It’s near Remembrance day and we’re all think of you. Our school will be holding a ceremony. We will honor those that served, and are serving in the Canadian military. We will also recite a poem called ‘The Power of One’. While we are here, safe in the comfort of our homes, you are out in the world, making efforts to help us all, so thank you. Thank you for your unending bravery, courage and devotion. Sincerely Aleena.

Fatima - 03/11/2023

I am a Grade 8 student in Sault Ste. Marie, and I would like to thank you. I am grateful that you are sacrificing your time and comfort in service to our country. I often forget how important the military is and how big of a role they play in keeping us safe. Thanks to you we can go to sleep at night without worrying about our safety or that of our friends and family. Remembrance Day is coming up and I hope that I can show how Thankful I am that you are here to protect Canada.

Mikaela - 02/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Thank you for fighting in the war, and bringing us peace. Thank you that we are safe and are able to be free. I appreciate that you fought and risked your life. I am very thankful, well as grateful. I am very proud of the job you do as a soldier. Be safe, and have a great day, or a great rest of your day. ???

kiefer - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier,Thank you for all your sacrifices for canada.Without you soldiers Canada wouldn't be the same.I hope you're fine right now.Thank you very,very much for your service.Since i were like 4 years old i thought that it was easy to go to the military and wasn't hard,But right now i can tell you might be hard for you.I know i have said the a lot but all i have to say to you is i appreciate for your service.I hope your going to have the best life.

Elana Grade 5 - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier, thank you for everything you have done to Canada,May ask you some questions if not don't repille how long have you have been in the services? what rank are you?are you happy serving Canada?sorry if i went a little overboard but I really appreciate what you have done for our country not all countries right now have freedom so we're really lucky thank you and this is the end of my message

Sandra Grade 5 - 02/11/2023

Dear soldiers it's so hard completing war but jesus and god says never give up so many of people are counting on you but i just want to ask you some question 1.What rank are you? 2.What makes you happy serving Canada?I hope you complete this war i count on you!

Rance Gr.6 - 02/11/2023

Dear Soldier, Thank you for our Safety. You work hard for us to be Safe, And we are forever grateful for your hard work. You also work very hard for our Freedom, and we will always be Thankful. Mind if you Answer these Questions? How long have you been in the Services? What Rank are you? Are you Happy Serving Canada? Are you Happy with your Current Position? Thank you for your Service.

kiefer - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier,Thank you for all your sacrifices for canada.Without you soldiers Canada wouldn't be the same.I hope you're fine right now.Thank you very,very much for your service.Since i were like 4 years old i thought that it was easy to go to the military and wasn't hard, but right now i can tell it might be hard for you.I know i have said the a lot but all i have to say to you is Thank you for your service.Thank you for your service.I hope your going to have the best life and live your life the best.

Eurie - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier, I am a grade 6 student in Canada. I want to thank you for all of your service and protecting our land. I appreciate all of your work you do for us. I'm glad I have a safe place to live. Due to all of your service you've served for not only me, but the entire country. It is an honor for all that you do.

Matt grade 5 - 02/11/2023

Dear Soldier, You have been serving us and we are very very Thankful for your protection. Thank you for sacrificing your life to keep us safe. Soon it's remembrance day and we are grateful that you are serving Canada and protecting everyone with your life. Then if you don't mind, may I ask you some questions? If not, just don't reply. How long have you been in the service?

Aquin Gr.6 - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier, We thank you for your bravery in world war 1. Without you soldiers we would be in a bad situation right now. If I may,I'm going to ask you questions if that's okay with you. How long have you been in the services? What rank are you? Finally,Are you happy serving Justice for Canada? -Aquin Gr.6

Alexa Gr.5 - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier, Thank you for serving our country. We appreciate all the work you have done for us. I hope you're doing well right now wherever you are. Thank you for everything, Have a good day.

Paula grade 5 - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier, Thank you for everything you have done for us and to get freedom. Thank you for keeping us safe and serving Canada. I am so thankful for a house to live in and food to eat. I am glad I have the freedom to go to school and travel to places. You are appreciated by me and everyone. You are important to Canada because you keep our country safe. Stay strong and don't give up.

Atong - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier i am really thankful for what you by the way what types of pets/animals do you guys have in the army hope you have time to reply thank you all your work bye.

bless grade 6 - 02/11/2023

I'm grateful for the protection you've given to us, especially since I was born in Canada. How long have you been working in the services?

Rohan,G5 - 02/11/2023

Dear soldier,I am writing this because i want to thank you for protecting are country and making this world a better place.If u can answer this how long have u been in the service?I am really curious because if u are happy being a soldier and doing really dangerous stuff for are country .Thank you for protecting my family and friends.I am almost 11 years old because of u guys protecting me.I am happy of what u guys have done.

layla grade 5 - 02/11/2023

Dear solider, I appreciate your service in helping us gain freedom it is very much appreciated by me and everyone you are very helpful and very important to canada and, you are very strong i have a few questions if you don't want to answer that fine but my questions are,i How long have you been a solider? What position are you? I hope your happy serving canada i truly appreciate it

Gwyneth - 02/11/2023

Dear, Soldier Thank you for your help around the world it's a pleasure for you helping people around Canada. We thank you for all the things you have done for us.

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