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Wardah - 10/11/2023

Dear Soldiers, thank you for protecting our country i just want to thank so much for serving our country i know it's very hard to serve in the army but you guys are doing amazing! And thank you so much!

Natalie - 10/11/2023

Dear members of the armed forces. Thank you so much for keeping our country safe, and risking your lives for us. You have done so much for this country and I really appreciate it; without your help in the force, our country wouldn't be the same! I can't thank you enough for your bravery, kindness, and hard work. I wish you good luck in the future!

Ash - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers, Thank you for risking your lives every single day to protect the community. It can be tough at some/all times but I encourage you to keep going as everyone respects you and we hope you all stay safe. Thank you for your service.

Thanu - 10/11/2023

Thank you so much for all the work you have done for Canada! I admire your bravery and hard work you put in daily to keep our country safe. I know it can be tough on you mentally and physically but the fact you risk your lives for our country truly deserves an applause!

Jace - 10/11/2023

Cher soldat, Merci pour défendre notre pays. Merci pour ètre courageux. Merci je vous respect de tous mon coeur. MERCI

jahni - 10/11/2023

Hello soldiers i just say thank you so much for fighting and being brave not everyone can do what your doing what doing. By you showing that you guys can fight anyone can fight for there country so thank you and push away any problem that comes to you.

Lucy - 10/11/2023

Chère soldat qui est tellement brave, je t'écris cette lettre pour te remercier pour tout ce que tu fait pour nous. Merci de te battre en notre nom! Tu es tellement une bonne réprésentant de notre pays! Aussi tu es tellement brave de laisser toute ta famille en arrière de toi.Tu es très courageuse! Quand je porte un coquelitcot je me suoviens de tous ceux qui se sont saccrifié pour nous! Bonne journée, Lucy

Maariyah - 10/11/2023

Salut! Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité.Tout le monde va souvenir de votre travail difficile.Vous êtes un héro! Avec respect: Maariyah

Jennifer - 10/11/2023

Bonjour! J'ai 13 ans. Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité. Votre travail difficile a créer le Canada comme nous le connais. Merci de vos sacrifices. Avec respect, Jennifer

Vishnu - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers thanks for risking your lives just to save our lives. We won't forget the sacrifices you make for us soldiers. Thanks, soldiers for defending our country if you weren't alive I don't know what we would do. Thanks for everything soldiers.

evelyn - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers, I would like to thank you for your service, sacrifices, and everything you've done to protect our country.

Trevon - 10/11/2023

Hello, my name is Trevon. I want to thank you for ur service in the military along with putting your body on the line for other Canadians. Thank you for traveling and putting your life on the line to save other Canadians and protect our country. I would also like to thank you for providing us with a much safer country just by your time in the military and making Canada a safer place. Sincerely: Trevon

maxwell - 10/11/2023

Hello, I want to thank you because you have protected my country and kept me and my loved one safe, so thank you very mych.

Daymien - 10/11/2023

Hello there. My name is Daymien and I am writing to you guys because you guys are heroes. My grandpa and dad also served in the military. My grandpa is retired and my dad is a firefighter. My dad is a Canadian veteran and a hero like you guys. He has PTSD from all the things he's seen, though. So we have a service dog named Oscar. He's cute. Just like my dad, you guys are also heroes, though. I hope you continue to proudly serve our country. :)

kadin - 10/11/2023

Hello I would like to thank you for your service in the army and the things you done for canada and helping to make the community better.

Malachi - 10/11/2023

Hello war veterans, i'm very grateful for what you have done for my country and defending it was a huge gift and i want to thank you for all you have done and i want to pay respects to you by writing this note i know its not alot but this is the most i can give and i know you deserve way more than this Thank you for your sacrifice.-Malacho

Jasmin - 10/11/2023

Chère Canadienne, nous nous souvenons toujours avec un coquelicot et nous vous remercions pour ce que vous avez fait pour notre pays. Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité. - Avec notre profond respect Jasmin

sam! - 10/11/2023

Salut! Je suis sam, et je partir a Highcastle Public School! Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité. Vous êtes un héro!! Je vais me souvenir en observer un moment de silence. -Bon courage, sam

gabriel - 10/11/2023

Pour tout le monde qui a risquer leur vie pour nous merci.Merci pour tes efforts pour que nous on peux avoir la liberté.Merci pour ton courage et que tu t'est battu sur notre nom.quand je porte un coquelicot sa me fait souvenir de tous les soldat et soldate qui s'est déja battu ou qui son dans une mission maintenant.

Shams - 10/11/2023

Thank you for fighting for the safety of the world. I know your job is hard and you have to sacrifice a lot and I appreciate that you do it anyway. You are all inspirational, strong and very brave. I hope that eventually humanity will reach peace but it seems very far away, so you deserve everyones respect for doing what you do. Thank you.

Gabriel - 10/11/2023

Au Monsieux Soldat, Je suis très reconnaissant pour toi. Tu étais très brave est quand je suis plus age, je veux être aussi courageux que toi. Je suis tellement reconnaissant que des gens comme vous soient prêts a servir le pays et j'espere pouvoir être aussi courageux que vous.

Kirshan - 10/11/2023

Hey my name is Kitchu my school is highcastle and i just want to thank all the people in the war fighting for us thank you so much i know it is hard.

Afshan - 10/11/2023

Dear Soldiers, thank you for sacrificing your lives for our freedom. You make all us feel safe. Thank you so much for everything!

ayaan - 10/11/2023

bonjour merci beaucoup pour tout merci de garder le canada en sécurité thanks for helping and participating in a mission of truce against the wars to help the world gain what we need, peace au revoir/goodbye

Ivy - 10/11/2023

thank you for your service. I appreciate you for fighting for Canada . I know it must be hard getting over the war and what happened. But just to make sure you fighted for Canada and for me and lots others. You should be proud for what you did.

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