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Gabrielle - 10/11/2023

Cher soldat, tu es très fort et courageux. Merci pour tes grand efforts. Merci beaucoup pour ton service et pour avoir protéger plusieurs pays. Tu as risqué ta vie pour la paix. Quand je porte le coquelicot je pense à tous les soldats et vétérans qui ont conbatu pour notre pays. Je te re merci de tout mon cœur. -Gabrielle

Ryan - 10/11/2023

Thank you for protecting us.Thank you for your fighting overseas.

Kaelyn - 10/11/2023

Hi my name is Kaelyn I am a cadet at Canadian sea cadets. I have recently joined. We have a parade at 1000 hours. We March from Cole Harbour high to Cole Harbour Place and we do a moment of silence after we march. I have my uniform as well. It's cool to take part in this, my great grandfather has served in the war for years but he got old and passd away not from the war just by age he was 103 years old. I wish I could ask him some questions about war my questions are for you guys what does it feel like in the battlefield? Is it scary? Where do the sleep at night? In a tent or something.

Presley - 10/11/2023

Cher Soldat, Merci de risquer ta vie pour sauver notre pays. Tu es vraiment un héro de notres pays, du matin jusqu'à la nuit. On va te respecter beaucoup. La guerre ce n'est pas amusant. Mais le point c'est que tu es là pour nous. Tu es toujours dans notre coeur, Continue tes efforts. Tu remplies bien nos coeurs.

Cendrine - 10/11/2023

Bonjour cher soldat, je pense a tu toute le tant quand je regarde dans les coquelicot et je vois que beaucoup d'amis a sacrifier leur vie pour notre monde.Aussi, je veux te remercier pur ton courage et effare et de te battre en notre nom Ensuite, je te remercie de sauver notre payer de tut les con bas.Finalement, are-voir et bonne journée.

Cendrine - 10/11/2023

Bonjour cher soldat, je pense a tu toute le tant quand je regarde dans les coquelicot et je vois que beaucoup d'amis a sacrifier leur vie pour notre monde.Aussi, je veux te remercier pur ton courage et effare et de te battre en notre nom Ensuite, je te remercie de sauver notre payer de tut les con bas.Finalement, are-voir et bonne journée.

Jaiden - 10/11/2023

Hello! My name is Jaiden, I appreciate your support for the country! Thank you for risking your life for mine!

Lathika - 10/11/2023

Dear those who are reading this, Remembrance Day should not only be thought of on November 11. Soldiers and Veterans have sacrified their own lives just for our society to have a sense of security and freedom. If it weren't for them, we would not be able to attend school, walk around freely, or spend time with our loved ones. Many of these sacrifices came from people who had to leave their loved ones behind. Let's take a moment to remember that we are at peace because of them. -Sincerely Lathika

Misener Ethan - 10/11/2023

I've wondered so wondrously how many times do you leave every day or do you have a week off to see your family? I just want to know. I'm curious to know what you eat and what you think of the military.im also confuse why you move all the time can't you stay in one place and be with your family or do you half to and just try to wait to go home you might be gone for days or even months it really makes no sense on what you want and what you half to do wants i think about that you protect us and are country these are things i want to know why just why. So do you just use dogs in war or do you still use other animals like pigeons do they still carry messages they're really cool. I wish I could get a pigeon to do my bidding. I want them to steal money. I'm just kidding. Of course I just want to know what kind of animals you use . I know dogs help you sniff bombs and protect you from drug usage. I'm making myself laugh over here. It's my favorite thing to do. It's a joke which is funny. By Ethan

zam - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers. Thank you for your service my grandad fought in the world war 1 and he told me a lot of story about him and others.

Léa - 10/11/2023

Cher slodar/soldate, Ce message s'address pour toi. Merci de te battre en notre nom. On va toujours se souvenir de toi quand on regarde à des coquelicots. Merci pour défendre notre pays. Tu es un bon représentant pour nous. Tu es courageux et fort. Continue ton beau travail.

Wardah - 10/11/2023

Dear Soldiers, thank you for protecting our country i just want to thank so much for serving our country i know it's very hard to serve in the army but you guys are doing amazing! And thank you so much!

Natalie - 10/11/2023

Dear members of the armed forces. Thank you so much for keeping our country safe, and risking your lives for us. You have done so much for this country and I really appreciate it; without your help in the force, our country wouldn't be the same! I can't thank you enough for your bravery, kindness, and hard work. I wish you good luck in the future!

Ash - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers, Thank you for risking your lives every single day to protect the community. It can be tough at some/all times but I encourage you to keep going as everyone respects you and we hope you all stay safe. Thank you for your service.

Thanu - 10/11/2023

Thank you so much for all the work you have done for Canada! I admire your bravery and hard work you put in daily to keep our country safe. I know it can be tough on you mentally and physically but the fact you risk your lives for our country truly deserves an applause!

Jace - 10/11/2023

Cher soldat, Merci pour défendre notre pays. Merci pour ètre courageux. Merci je vous respect de tous mon coeur. MERCI

jahni - 10/11/2023

Hello soldiers i just say thank you so much for fighting and being brave not everyone can do what your doing what doing. By you showing that you guys can fight anyone can fight for there country so thank you and push away any problem that comes to you.

Lucy - 10/11/2023

Chère soldat qui est tellement brave, je t'écris cette lettre pour te remercier pour tout ce que tu fait pour nous. Merci de te battre en notre nom! Tu es tellement une bonne réprésentant de notre pays! Aussi tu es tellement brave de laisser toute ta famille en arrière de toi.Tu es très courageuse! Quand je porte un coquelitcot je me suoviens de tous ceux qui se sont saccrifié pour nous! Bonne journée, Lucy

Maariyah - 10/11/2023

Salut! Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité.Tout le monde va souvenir de votre travail difficile.Vous êtes un héro! Avec respect: Maariyah

Jennifer - 10/11/2023

Bonjour! J'ai 13 ans. Merci de garder le Canada en sécurité. Votre travail difficile a créer le Canada comme nous le connais. Merci de vos sacrifices. Avec respect, Jennifer

Vishnu - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers thanks for risking your lives just to save our lives. We won't forget the sacrifices you make for us soldiers. Thanks, soldiers for defending our country if you weren't alive I don't know what we would do. Thanks for everything soldiers.

evelyn - 10/11/2023

Dear soldiers, I would like to thank you for your service, sacrifices, and everything you've done to protect our country.

Trevon - 10/11/2023

Hello, my name is Trevon. I want to thank you for ur service in the military along with putting your body on the line for other Canadians. Thank you for traveling and putting your life on the line to save other Canadians and protect our country. I would also like to thank you for providing us with a much safer country just by your time in the military and making Canada a safer place. Sincerely: Trevon

maxwell - 10/11/2023

Hello, I want to thank you because you have protected my country and kept me and my loved one safe, so thank you very mych.

Daymien - 10/11/2023

Hello there. My name is Daymien and I am writing to you guys because you guys are heroes. My grandpa and dad also served in the military. My grandpa is retired and my dad is a firefighter. My dad is a Canadian veteran and a hero like you guys. He has PTSD from all the things he's seen, though. So we have a service dog named Oscar. He's cute. Just like my dad, you guys are also heroes, though. I hope you continue to proudly serve our country. :)

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