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Julia - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, Hey there!My name is Julia and i'm in fourth grade and I just wanted to thank you for all of the things that you have done for our Country,I also wanted to thank you for bringing peace and joy into our Country.I cant believe how strong you are and the fact that you risked your life to protect us.I just can't believe that!I was also wondering if you had a party or a celebration after you fought for us.Another thing that I wanted to ask you is how old you were when you joined the army and what your name and age is.Those are all of my questions!Thank you for fighting for us and protecting us! Sincerely, Julia

Serah - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, Thank you or fighting for Canada and keeping everybody safe.Without you guys Canada would not be how it is today.Because of you guys kids can feel free to go outside and play.I hope you guys can stay safe and healthy.I was wondering how is it in the war. Sincerely, Serah

Albert - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian soldierThank you for keeping our country safe. Thank you for fighting back so we can go to school and play outside. Thank you for trying your best to keep people safe. I hope you can heal a injury if you have one i hope you can get better if you have a injury. I was wondering where the war happened Sincerely, Albert.

Lola - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Troops, Thank you for your service. Your bravery, strength and perseverance allow me to live in a conflict-free country. I can't imagine what you have been through, and I want to thank you for risking your lives to protect and keep our country safe. Your service will not go unnoticed. We will remember everything you have done to keep us safe. I am eternally grateful for you and your acts of service. May the universe protect you and give you strength and bravery during battle. I am forever grateful for you and your acts of service. Thank you for keeping our country safe and free.

Nyla - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, Thank you for protecting our country, being brave and keeping our country safe. I hope there lsn’t another war. I was wondering what was the war like? Sincerely, Nyla

Gabe - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian soldier Thank you for saving canada for us, making canada a better and safe place for us. I hope that you are still safe. I was wondering if there be another war. From Gabe

luisa - 09/11/2023

Dear canadian soldier Thank you for putting your life in danger so we can have peace and freedom if you didn't risk your life everyone wouldn't be able to go outside and play normally we are so thankful for all you did. I was wondering how the war was like? Love, luisa

Kaelyn - 09/11/2023

Hi my name is Kaelyn Whitman I am a cadet at Canadian sea cadets. i have recently join we have a parade at 1000 hours we march from cole harbour high to cole harbour place and we do a moment of silence after we march i have my uniform as well it's cool to take place in this and show r

Kaitlin - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, Thank you for putting your life on the line , thank you for Freedom and for Peace. I hope you weren’t too badly injured. I was wondering , why did you leave to fight? Sincerely, Kaitlin.

Alexy - 09/11/2023

Bonjour, je m’appelle Alexy. Je vous remercie de faire tant de sacrifices et d’efforts pour notre sécurité. Vous faites preuve chaque jour de courage et d’altruisme pour préserver la paix dans le monde. Merci de travailler si dur pour éviter de refaire nos erreurs passées. Merci d’être là pour nous tous.

Spencer - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, Thank you for your service as a Canadian Veteran. If you had never fought for our freedom Canada would of never been the same. You have done so well keeping our country safe. I hope if there ever would be another war you would keep Canada from danger. I wonder how much injuries you had during all the wars you fought in. Sincerely, Spencer

Théo - 09/11/2023

Bonjour je m’appelle Théo et je viens de la Gaspésie.Je voulais vous remercier pour tous les sacrifices que vous faites pour notre pays. MERCI

marcus - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, I thank you for your service in the military, protecting us and our country, and keeping peace in canada and the world. I hope your wounds heal.I was also wondering what vehicles and weapons you used. From marcus

kolby - 09/11/2023

Dear peacekeepers, I can not thank you a nuff for all you have done for the country. And how you sacrificed lots of time and effort so we can live happily. I have seen what war can lead to and I think living at that time must be hard for lots of people. I hope at that time you still found peace and kindness and still had time to spend with your families. My dad is a firefighter and has 24 hour shifts and we miss him lots, so not seeing your family for months. At a time it must be very hard to do and go thro. I hope you don’t have to deal with any more and all those bad things. I’m thankful for all you have done for our country and. We are lucky to have you and all the veterans. Thank you for everything you have done. from:A thankful student.

kylo - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Armed Forces, Thank you for protecting Canada. You are so brave and courageous. I am so grateful for what you do for our country. Kylo, grade 5, Walden, Oakville, On.

Talie - 09/11/2023

Bonjour je m’appelle Talie. Aujourd’hui, je vous écris pour vous dire merci, merci d’être courageux, merci de protéger notre pays et de vous battre pour faire le paix ?? dans le monde ??. Merci ?? un million de fois parce que sans vous nous se serions rien. Bref, je vous écris pour vous montrer que je me souviens. Bon Jour du Souvenir.

Justin - 09/11/2023

Bonjour, je me nomme Justin, j’ai 11 ans et j’habite en Gaspésie. Je voulais vous dire que vous avez été courageux d’aller à la guerre pour notre pays et merci de nous défendre. Je vous souhaite une bonne vie.

Alexe - 09/11/2023

Bonjour! Je me nomme Alexe, j’ai 11 ans. Je vous écris pour vous dire que je pense à vous. Je vous remercie de vous enrôler dans l’armée canadienne. MERCI BEAUCOUP ??

Emma - 09/11/2023

Dear Armed Forces, Thank you for fighting for us. You are so brave. You are in a special place in my heart. Thank you for everything. Emma,grade 5, Walden Oakville, ON

Sage - 09/11/2023

Dear Canadian Soldier, Thank you for risking your life for our country and generously thinking of the future, us, and giving us freedom and a peaceful life. I hope if you had gotten injured in any way, you will fully recover. I was wondering what the war was like. Your friend, Sage

Maisie - 09/11/2023

Dear Peacekeepers, Thank you for sacrificing your lifes for our country. I had a great grandpa that sacrificed his life for our country and he thankfully survived but I never got to meet him because he passed away before I was born. I am so thankful that I can live in a safe country without being worried. I will wear a poppy every remembrance day to remember people I love that are sadly gone and people that sacrificed their lives for us. I hope you know that you guys are my heroes. I am so happy to have people help our country be a safe country. I had a friend that lived in Ukraine but she had to move to Canada because her country was being destroyed by Russia. It is so kind for you guys to go to other countries to help them fight like for example Ukraine. I am glad there are no wars and fights in our country so I can stay safe here in Canada. I am so sorry that you have to leave your friends and family and they must be so scared of what is going to happen. Thank you for all you do. From A Thankful Grade 5 Student (Maisie)

Logan - 09/11/2023

Bonjour, je me nomme Logan, j’ai 11 ans et j’habite à Bonaventure en Gaspésie. Je vous écris aujourd’hui pour vous remercier de défendre notre pays et de nous protéger. Merci aussi pour votre engagement et votre courage dans votre métier. MERCI POUR TOUT!!!

Anna - 09/11/2023

Bonjour je m’appelle Anna, j’ai 11 ans et j’habite en Gaspésie. Je voudrait te remercier de ton courage et ton engagement dans l'armée.Merci encore!

Raphaëlle - 09/11/2023

Bonjour, je me nomme Raphaëlle et j’ai 11 ans. Je vous écris pour vous dire à quel point c’est incroyable ce que vous faites pour votre pays. Avec tout nos encouragements, nos remerciements et notre reconnaissance. On vous dit MERCI??

Audrey - 09/11/2023

Dear peacekeepers, I am so thankful for all of the people that sacrificed their time. I am so appreciative of you all, it must be so hard to not be able to spend time with family and friends especially with Christmas right around the corner. It must be so scary waking up in the morning, because I don't know how you do it. It's amazing, I'm so thankful for all of you. Some people don't even realize how bad war really is. I promise I will wear a poppy every remembrance day to appreciate all that you do. You all are my heroes and I respect that I really, really don’t know how you do it. I am so grateful to have a free country without war. All of my family is grateful for your service. Some of my ancestors I know fought in wars and sacrificed. We have so many privileges with you around. So thank you! Audrey, a grateful grade five student.

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