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Livia - 09/11/2023

Thank you for fighting the wars. We know it is hard to do what you do, but we believe in you. I hope someday there will be peace on Earth. I want to be a solider. You do so much for peace. Your family loves you and we do too.

Chantel L. - 09/11/2023

hello, I'm Chantel from New Brunswick and I'm in gr 6 I want to thank you for all the stuff that you did and do!

coltrane - 09/11/2023

thank you for freeeedom sow we can have french fries.thank you for keepng us safe.

Ben - 09/11/2023

Hello my name is Ben and I'm in grade 6 at BMS I'm here to thank you for protecting our city thank you for my time to send this message. :)

Abby O'Neil-Sewell - 09/11/2023

HI! Thank you for serving in the war and protecting Canada. I am so great full! You guys are amazing people. Thank you!

Miss Abbott's Gr 2 Class - 09/11/2023

Thank you for protecting us.

Jackson - 09/11/2023

Thank You For All Your Help In The Army.

Quinton - 09/11/2023

you are alsome riskinh your life for us to have freedom all over the world keep eing alsome

Shayne - 09/11/2023

Dear Veteran, Thank you so much for fighting for Canada I wouldn't be the person I am today without you I will be forever grateful. From: Shayne Bouchard :)

Lilly - 09/11/2023

Dear, Soldiers I am writing this letter to sincerely thank you for your dedication and service to our country. I truly respect the sacrifices you make every day and I find it amazing that you are committed to maintaining and protecting our freedom. I hope you can continue to be safe and quickly return to your families. We are grateful for your support for our country and all of the sacrifices you have made. Your passion and dedication will not be forgotten. You are a hero, and my life today would be very different if it weren't for you!! Thank you!!

Laura - 09/11/2023

I want to say thanks to the people who fought and lost their lives in World War I and II. Because of them we get to live in peace today.

SAADEDDIN E. - 09/11/2023

HELLO, I AM SAADEDDIN I AM 13 YEARS OLD, AND I AM FROM SYRIA. I want to thank the Canadian soldiers because they sacrificed the most precious thing they had, which was their lives. How beautiful it is for a person to die for his country.

Eden - 09/11/2023

My name is Eden, and I want to thank you for everything that you have done for us and our country. I go to CDG middle school and I'm in grade 8. Outside of school, I do gymnastics for 5 hours a day, 4 days a week. First off, I want to thank everyone that did anything at all that helped and created a safe environment for all people. I understand all the Canadian soldiers had to risk their lives to protect and keep our country away from harm. I am very thankful because they did and are still protecting our country day by day. I can't even imagine what they had to go through every single day, not eating, not drinking and not sleeping just so they would stand for our land and guard it day and night. I feel like its such an honor that we have Remembrance Day because it’s really a special moment for the soldiers who passed away within the war. I also encourage you to wear poppies because of where the soldiers have died. They died in the fields of poppies and that is why you would see a ton of people supporting and recognizing Remembrance Day and wearing poppies. The poppies are a symbol of the soldiers that died and is used as a sigh of respect and kindness towards them. I want to say a final thank you for everything you have done.

Zoey - 09/11/2023

Hello, my name is Zoey, I am 12 years old. I go to Chief Dan George Middle School in Canada, B.C. I am forever grateful for the privilege to go to school and be able to participate in in extracurriculars at school and outside of school, like art camp in the summer. I am also very grateful to be able to have freedom here in Canada. Going to war takes tremendous courage and bravery, a huge amount of spirit and pride. We are all heavily grateful for your commitment to our country.

Rachael - 09/11/2023

Hello, I’m a 13 year old, my name’s Rachael and I attend Chief Dan George Middle School in BC. I’ve lived in Canada for most of my life, and I’m forever grateful for the land you fought for. I’m lucky to be able to go attend Tae Kwon Do classes on the land you, so bravely, went to war for. Going to war and putting your life on the line takes lots of selflessness, courage, perseverance, indominable spirit, and courtesy, we are all heavily grateful for your commitment to our country.

Averie - 09/11/2023

My name is Averie. I'm in 8th grade and go to CDG middle school. I am 13 years old. I want to say thank you for everything you've done to help this country. You’re all the reason we can do what we do. I'm so grateful that you all did this for us and the sacrifices you had to make. God bless all of you.

Cayden C. - 09/11/2023

Cher combattant, Je sais que vous avez hâte de revenir à votre maisons, mais il y a plus de travail à faire avant que vous pouvez tous revenir. Vous êtes forts, vous êtes courageux, vous n'arrêtez jamais et vous êtes nos héros.

Jude F. - 09/11/2023

Cher combattant, Je veux te remercier de t'avoir battu pour des pays. Il faut beaucoup de courage pour sauver des pays, gens et enfants. Je veux être un soldat aussi, je veux protéger des familles, enfants, villages et des pays. Enfin, je veux te dit merci encore pour ton effort tu es vraiment fort.

Joey L. - 09/11/2023

Cher combattant, Je veux te remercier pour tout le travail que tu fais pour ce pays. Merci pour tous les sacrifices que tu fais pour les gens. Je veux te remercier pour tout ton courage de joindre la guerre.

Hailey - 09/11/2023

Cher combattant, Je veux te remercier de nous protéger et pour votre service. Vous êtes des gens avec beaucoup de détermination et courage. Tu es vraiment une grande inspiration pour moi et pour les jeunes enfants. Je sais que vous vivez des moments difficiles à chaque jour, mais tu es capable de surmonter ces moments là qui vont probablement rester avec toi pour toujours.

Talyn C. - 09/11/2023

Cher soldat, Je veux te remercier de risquer votre vie et d'être fort. Ensuite, je veux te dire merci de protéger notre pays.

Liam D. - 09/11/2023

Cher combattant, Je veux te remercier de risquer ta vie pour protéger notre pays. De plus, tu as sacrifié beaucoup pour nous. Aussi, je te remercie d'être très persévérant et courageux.

Amiah - 09/11/2023

Cher combattant, je t'écris parce que je veux te remercier pour ton effort et pour ton courage d'aller protéger notre pays. Je suis très reconnaissante pour tous ce que faite et pour toutes les opportunités que vous me donnez dans la vie. Tu as vécu tellement de moments difficiles et je pense que c'est très noble. Je trouve ce que vous faites un acte héroïque. Enfin, j'aimerais juste dire que sachez que vous êtes incroyable et qu'on est très reconnaissant de vous.

Adrianna P. - 09/11/2023

Cher soldat, Je veux vous remercier pour vos services. Vous êtes une personne très persévérante, d'éduquer et brave pour travailler fortement et longtemps pour offrir aux citoyens du Canada la liberté. Je suis consciente que vous avez très hâte de retourner avec votre famille et amis. Merci de rester courageux et de risquer votre vie pour nous protéger pendant ce temps difficile. Enfin, votre famille vous aimes et ne peuvent pas attendre pour vous revoir. Vous êtes une immense source d'inspiration.

Eli T. - 09/11/2023

Cher soldat, Je veux te remercier de protéger notre pays le Canada. Aussi, merci de risquer ta vie pour nous. Ensuite, je veux dire merci beaucoup pour t'avoir sacrifié pour nous. Enfin, excuse pour tes amis qui sont morts.

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