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Janet - 23/01/2024

Hello My name is Janet, I'm from the United States and I wanted to Thank You for your support and dedication to serve. It means a lot to me to know that someone special like you would give of yourself for others! Have a Happy Valentine's Day, take care, Best, Janet

PAMELA WONG - 23/01/2024

To all who are valued members of Society . Especially the ones who served us all . We love each and everyone of you . Thank you for your time and commitment and representing the Country called Canada... the land of freedom Forever in out Hearts Pamela

Jeannine VanderBeek - 22/01/2024

Good afternoon Canadian Forces Member! Just an update from the our house: The Buffalo Bills lost last night, so a puzzle came out on the dining room table because it's cheaper than therapy. Hubby will be okay. Between Canada's Juniors, the Leafs and Bills, losing is familiar territory for him. Took me five minutes to read our local paper because when you live in a small town, the paper is more like a newsletter. Chicken breasts are on sale at the butcher btw. It's cold here. No, not Winnipeg cold, but way too cold for the banana belt. We are getting hammered by wind at the moment, so this note is just really me procrastinating from going for groceries. I don't know where you're deployed at the moment, but for your sake I hope it's warmer than -7C with the windchill. Thank you for making a commitment to Canada that few of us will ever understand or repay. Be well, be safe. Jeannine

Joy - 20/01/2024

Your commmitment to protecting our freedom does not go unnoticed. I am incredibly thankful for your service and hold you in high regard. Take care of yourself, and come back safely.

Laura - 19/01/2024

Hello I know this might be one of many notes that you receive but I wanted to wish you A Happy Valentine's Day and Thank you for all you do. It comes from my Heart! Take Care Always Laura

Brenda - 18/01/2024

Happy New Year. You are an amazing group of people doing admirable work. Your commitment to extraordinary training and devotion to our country are appreciated. Thank you

Sarah and Soveia - 18/01/2024

Thank you for your bravery and commitment. We appreciate your service to our country. Hope all is well!

Owen and Wyatt - 18/01/2024

Thanks you for making our country a better place by protecting the homeland, thoughts and prayers out to all of you and your families.

Daphne - 18/01/2024

I feel extremely grateful for your dedication to this country. Your efforts for keeping this country safe have not went unnoticed. The people within this country should almost feel completely indebted to your courage, bravery, and dedication for keeping peace and defending our home. I hope for your utmost safety in the army.

Sawyer & Veronica - 18/01/2024

We hope the New Year has found you well and we thank you for your service. Please take care.

Carter and Lucas - 18/01/2024

Please know that your efforts don't go unnoticed, we appreciate everything you do and your bravery to serve your country.

silvia - 18/01/2024

I know what it's like to be away from your family during the holidays, because i'm an exchange student from Italy, and im doing my semester in Canada, I learned Canadian history and i appreciate all your work. Ciao

Lois and Ross - 18/01/2024

Dear soldiers, we appreciate your service and bravery. We wish you the best during your time away. Keep up the good work.

Athens history students - 18/01/2024

Thank you for your service, you've done so much for our country. We are also giving thanks for you've volunteered for our country.

Peter - 18/01/2024

I am very glad for your loyalty and bravery not only to Canada, but also to the ideals of Democracy and Freedom that you fight to uphold. your sacrifices are immeasurable and your dedication is unbelievable. The world would be a much better place if people were more like all of you.

Scott - 17/01/2024

Prayers and thoughts go out to you all and a big thanks for all your service and sacrifice, keep up the good work.

Naksh - 06/01/2024

Have wonderful holidays Thankyou for your service.

Uche Emmanuel - 05/01/2024

Well i dont have much to say. im not a canadian im a Nigerian and I always dream of Joining the Canadian Air force. Im just saying you guys so keep up and also Stay strong.

Carson Loveless - 04/01/2024

Dear troops I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Canadian Armed Forces for their unwavering dedication and sacrifice in ensuring the safety and security of our nation. Thank you to the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces for their courage, resilience, and selflessness in protecting our freedoms and values. We appreciate the Canadian Armed Forces for their commitment to peacekeeping efforts, both at home and abroad, promoting stability and harmony in the global community. In times of crisis and emergencies, the Canadian Armed Forces have consistently demonstrated their readiness and professionalism, earning our deepest respect and admiration. A sincere thank you to the brave members of the Canadian Armed Forces for their service, resilience, and the sacrifices they make to safeguard our nation's well-being and prosperity.

Tatu - 04/01/2024

I really hope all is well and that the military ( all people in the military) achieve their goals this year. I wish a prosperous and successful year to everyone. Thank you.

Selena Hache - 04/01/2024

Dear soldiers, thank you for your bravery and service. I hope you were all safe this christmas and new years. I will always keep you guys in my prayers. Thank you for everything

Amethyst - 03/01/2024

Hi! Happy holidays! I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and all that you do! Remember to eat well and hydrate regularly!

Dreyton Beloin - 02/01/2024

Thank you & A very Happy Hollidays to the Air, Naval & Land Company’s working across the world and at home this year. I hope to join soon. Thank you from the Beloin’s, Menzel & Rodgers.

Sue Cricket - 01/01/2024

Bonjour to our Canadian men & Women Soldiers! We are so very proud of you stay safe be strong do not let the bed bugs bite WOO as they said in the great Wars. Keep your powder dry and no wooden nickels. Merci Sue and a Cricket

Genevieve - 31/12/2023

Thank you to all those who are keeping watch on this New Year's Eve so the world can celebrate in peace. Nous sommes reconnaissants aux Forces armées d'être au poste pour protéger les grandes démocraties occidentales et les droits et libertés de tout le monde. Votre travail est important et il est vraiment apprécié, et peut-être que nous ne vous le disons pas assez souvent: merci/thank you. Geneviève

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